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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

I was many things in my long life...
But clearly, I was the worst god that mankind could ever have.
I didn't know how to use my power, and although I've killed many who deserved it, I've also killed many who didn't.
No wonder my followers abandoned me completely.
My daughter, you were always more knowledgeable than your old father here.
You could have followed the prophecy and killed me but you decided to forgive me and became my right arm.
I'm sure you'll take care of Olympus much better than I ever did.
~ Zeus to Athena.

Zeus is the National God of the Greek pantheon, known as Jupiter to the Romans. He is the son of the titan god Cronos, the god of time, and the goddess of motherhood, Rhea, being the youngest and most powerful child of his parents. He is also the father of the goddess of wisdom, Athena, and the supreme ruler of the Greek-Roman pantheon.


After the mighty Cronos defeated his father Uranus, Cronos then became the new ruling god of the region where he was worshipped, the Mount Olympus. As the new god of Olympus, Cronos ended up founding the pantheon that would currently be known as the Greek pantheon. The Titan of time decided to marry his sister Rhea, the goddess of motherhood, but due to a prophecy by the goddess Gaia that Cronus would be dethroned by one of her children, the Titan of Time, afraid of the prophecy to be fulfilled, began to devour his sons and daughters to avoid his fate. However, Rhea, being the goddess of motherhood, didn't like Cronus' attitudes, so when her last child, Zeus, was born, she hid him so she wouldn't be devoured by Cronos.

After Zeus grew up, he hatched a plan to get his older brothers out of the mad Titan, and with that, he and his siblings managed to defeat Cronus and most of the Titans, with the exception of those who sided with Zeus. After that, Zeus imprisoned his father in the center of the Earth, a place known as the Underworld or Tartarus. With his father defeated, Zeus married the goddess Metis and became the new ruler of Olympus, the new God of the Sky.

But, Gaia told another prophecy, this time to Zeus, that just as Cronos usurped Uranus and Zeus usurped Kronos, the son of Zeus and Metis would do the same to Zeus. And the God of the Sky, afraid of the prophecy and knowing that Metis was already pregnant, tricked her and asked his wife to become a fly, and when she did, Zeus took advantage and swallowed her. But to Zeus's surprise, Metis' pregnancy continued and, when he least expected it, the goddess Athena popped out of Zeus' head, coming to be known as the Goddess of Wisdom, not only for her knowledge and intelligence, but also because she was born from her father's head.

After Athena was born, she quickly became her father's favorite daughter for her great wisdom and knowledge. Zeus ended up marrying again, this time with his sister Hera, having several other children with her. After that, that's when Gaia had Thypon, the personification of natural disasters, who was sealed by thousands of seals by Zeus and released into the Etna volcano. Finally, when Olympus seemed to be at peace, that's when the Great Flood occurred, destroying almost all of human civilization, with few humans surviving the Earth's destruction. However, unlike the other gods, the gods of Olympus did not have a dimension to hide from the great flood, forcing Zeus and his siblings (with the exception of Poseidon) to hide in the Underworld, where Hades was.

After the storm passed, like the other gods, Zeus weakened by the decrease in his worship, but it was still possible he still had enough power to be the god of the sky and lightning. Due to the fact that Zeus was a tyrant, many humans believed he was responsible for the flood. Thousands of years after the Flood, after the rise of Christianity across the Earth, Zeus tired of ruling Olympus and saw that it was time to retire. He then handed over the rule of Mount Olympus to his daughter, Athena, and went on to live on Earth as a human with his wife Hera.

During 2016, Zeus was seen talking to Archangel Michael, the two were in a coffee shop in a city in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, where Michael wanted to know with Zeus if he knew of Lucifer's whereabouts, who hadn't appeared in years. Zeus mentioned to Michael that he didn't know anything about the supernatural world since he started living as a mortal, Michael understood the situation and withdrew from the scene after paying for their coffee.


Zeus in the past appeared quite like an old man, with a white beard and hair, usually wearing a white tunic. During the 21st century, Zeus appeared as a middle-aged man with a beard and white hair, wearing a full butler's suit, including a white tie. He was also seen wearing gloves on his hands. During his conversation with the angel Michael in Canada, he was seen wearing winter clothes due to the fact that it was the winter season.


Zeus is known to be a very arrogant, ignorant and selfish deity, in addition to being seen as a maniac and a kind of sociopath, manipulative, liar, incessant and a true monster in his ability to kill people. An example of this was the fact that upon learning of the prophecy that he would be dethroned by his son and that his wife Metis was already pregnant, his decision was to try his own wife and son, just as his father Cronos tried to do. The situation involving Metis only got worse when, after devouring his own wife and betraying her trust, Metis continued to love Zeus while he went looking for another wife.

Zeus also destroyed civilizations in the past and killed many people for anything he considered an offense or blasphemy against him. Zeus was also famous for being extremely unfaithful to his wife, who was the goddess of fidelity and marriage, and Zeus knew that Hera would never betray him because it was practically impossible, which made the father of Olympus take advantage of it to betray Hera at ease, knowing she wouldn't betray him. However, Zeus also showed a benevolent side, as when Typhon attacked Mount Olympus, Zeus decided to sacrifice himself to battle the terrible god of catastrophes while the others fled, determined to lose his life to protect his family. He has also shown that he cares a lot for his daughter, Athena, making her his favorite daughter and his right-hand man. Such was Zeus' pride in Athena that after the spread of Christianity in the beginning was Christian era, Zeus left Athena to rule Olympus.

After losing his followers with the rise of Christianity and practically being abandoned by his followers who were already very few since the flood, Zeus finally began to reflect on his actions and realized that in reality, he was never a good god, and that he probably Athena would do a much better job than hers. Zeus then went to live on Earth with his wife Hera, wanting to compensate her for all the selfish treatment of the goddess. However, Hades mentions that Zeus has remained the same forever, and says that remorse doesn't make up for anything he's done. Poseidon also believes that Zeus has changed almost nothing from the past, although he admits that he is kinder and nicer to others.

Powers and Statistics[]

Tier: At least High 6-A, possibly Higher | At least High 6-A, possibly Higher | At least High 7-C, possibly Higher

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 in human form and 3 in his true form), Flight, Shapeshifting (Zeus is known for being a master at the art of metamorphosis, turning many animals of different species and even becoming incorporeal things like smoke or liquid things like water), Aura, Regeneration (Low-Godly; In case has his physical body destroyed, Zeus can regenerate hisself completely, rebuilding his entire body in the smallest detail leaving it as "brand new"), Telekinesis, Telepathy, Creation (Although not shown, Zeus can probably create small pocket dimensions, though it's not known how big or small they can be), Abstract Existence (Zeus is a deity who personifies the concept of sky, lightning, thunder and storms due to ancient people's faith in the sky, where the rain that fertilized the soil came from), Empowerment (Just like the other gods, Zeus is strengthened by people's faith in him), Healing (Although not a god of medicine, Zeus can heal minor wounds with his powers), Electricity Manipulation (Zeus is able to manipulate electricity at will), Weather Manipulation (As a storm god, Zeus is able to manipulate the weather as he pleases, causing massive storms and even tornadoes to sweep across city blocks or even entire towns), Danmaku (Zeus can cast a hail of lightning at his opponents), Incorporeality/Intangibility, Immortality (Type 1, 2 and 8), Size Manipulation, Large Size (Type 2; Zeus can make his body grow, which can become a colossal being, reaching over 400 meters in height), Energy Manipulation, Avatar Creation (Although Zeus has not been shown creating any avatars, like Vishnu, he can create an avatar of hisself, a physical form of the goddess with a personality, will and with its own consciousness), Resistance to the Time Stop and Space-Time Manipulation (Zeus cannot be affected by the time control abilities of Cronos, the God of Time, due to the fact that Zeus is a son of the God of Time, he inherited his ability to be unaffected by time-related abilities like time stop or acceleration of time), Sealing (Zeus was able to seal Typhon using several seals, imprisoning him in the Etna volcano), Air Manipulation, Fire Manipulation (Zeus can create large fireballs, which can destroy several villages with them)

Attack Potency: At least Multi-Continent level+, possibly Higher (Zeus was able to defeat his father Cronos, who dethroned and killed Uranus, a Greek primordial god who must be comparable to Nyx, the primordial goddess of the night, who can cover the entire surface of planet Earth with darkness. He is stronger than the god Poseidon, who was mentioned being able to cause a great flood like in Noah's time if he so desired. Zeus was also able to seal with great difficulty the god Typhon, who is capable of causing earthquakes and storms and other natural disasters all over planet earth. Although not confirmed, is possible that Zeus is as powerful as other gods like Amaterasu) | Unknown, likely Multi-Continent level+, possibly Higher (After losing his followers, his power has greatly diminished, although it is not known exactly how weak Zeus has become compared to his former power) | At least Large Town, possibly Higher (Zeus even being in human form is capable of destroying towns and causing great storms and tornadoes. He should also be comparable to Amaterasu in her human form)

Speed: Unknown, likely with attacks in Relativistic+ (It should be comparable to the Titan God Helios, a Sun deity who can use sunlight itself to attack) | Unknown, likely with attacks in Relativistic+ (Zeus got an unknown number of times weaker and, as a result, was slower than before) | Unknown, with attacks in Hypersonic+ (through his lightnings)

Lifting Strength: Unknown (He was able during the battle with Cronos to raise his father with only physical strength)

Striking Strength: At least Multi-Continent Class, possibly Higher | Unknown, likely Multi-Continent Class | At least Large Town Class, possibly Higher

Durability: At least Multi-Continent level+ (Zeus was able to withstand the attacks of Cronos and Typhon) | Unknown, likely Multi-Continent level+ | At least Large Town, possibly Higher

Stamina: Very High. Zeus managed to fight Typhon nonstop for days and nights until he finally wore out and Typhon could defeat him. However, even after that, Zeus still had the strength to continue fighting until he finally managed to seal Typhon, something that nearly took him to death. Even in his physical form, Zeus can fight for days without eating or drinking a drop of water.

Range: Standard melee range. Hundreds of kilometers with his lightnings

Standard Equipment: Master Bolt (Lightning)

Intelligence: Zeus is a great strategist and very smart, as when he devised a plan to save his brothers and sisters from the belly of Cronos and to later defeat his father. His intelligence was also shown when he managed to devise a plan to seal Typhon within Earth, where he remains to this day.

Weaknesses: Like all gods, his power comes from people's faith, as people lose faith in him, the weaker he gets. Although he is very powerful and intelligent, Zeus is very proud, he can often end up underestimating his opponent, which can lead to him losing the battle. When Zeus assumes a human form, his body can be completely destroyed by opponents stronger than his, it doesn't kill her, unless the opponent has some ability that by affecting her physical body affects her true form, such as Soul Manipulation, Existence Erasure, between others.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Deity Physiology: Zeus is a deity, that is, a god. The gods who founded their pantheons were originally humans who, upon receiving a great deal of faith and worship, ascended and became pagan deities, high-level spiritual beings who can rival even the Angels of Heaven. Zeus didn't need that to be a goddess, he was born a deity, being the son of the gods Cronos and Rhea, but not personifying anything in particular, being more like a "human with super powers". However, after he began to be worshiped as a sky god by the first human civilizations, Zeus became the personification of the sky.
  • Master Bolt: Zeus can summon a powerful lightning bolt, the result of an electrostatic discharge into the atmosphere produced by a large electrical potential difference between pieces of matter. With this ability, Zeus was able to defeat the Titan of Time, Cronos, and seal the mighty Typhon.

Key: Full Power | Decreased Power | Human Form


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Edenverse by Had3s1235
           Logo of Warriors of Eden

Isaac Smith | Helena Smith | Benjamin Smith | Jeanne Smith | Elizabeth Johnson | Berith Edwards | Samuel Smith | Esther Roberts | Isabel Smith | Noah | Naamah Edwards | King Solomon | The Detective | Robert Thatcher | Dantalion Edwards
Legion | Abaddon | Great Red Dragon | Asmodeus | Leviathan | Mammon | The Serpent | Lilith | Samael | Belial | Belphegor | Azazel | Bellzebub | Isaac Smith | Isabel Smith | Rafael Smith | Elias Smith
Michael | Lucifer | Gabriel | Raphael | Uriel | Jophiel | Sathariel | Shekhinah | Daniel | Mebahel | Ierathel | Hosana
Zeus | Poseidon | Hades | Chaos | Ouroboros | Odin | Loki | Izanagi | Izanami | Amaterasu | Susanoo | Tsukuyomi | Brahma | Shiva | Vishnu | Asherah | El | Ra | Bastet | Apophis | Anubis | Nun | Osiris | Isis
Sophia | Statue of Liberty | Christ the Redeemer | Golden Buddha | Statue of Unity | Colossus of Rhodes
The Author | Springtrap
Humans | Angels | The Stick Men
