Zeus, the God of Olympus.
“ | I do what I want! I am the almighty Zeus! I dethroned my father Khronos and killed him with my bare hands. You insects do not even come close to his power and will likewise be destroyed by me. | „ |
~ Zeus to the Titans. |
Zeus, also known as Jupiter and Skyfather, is the national god of Greece and Rome, and the supreme ruler of the Greco-Roman pantheon. Zeus is the son of Khronos, the God of Time, and the Goddess of Motherhood, Rhea, and the younger brother of Hades and Poseidon. Zeus is also the father of countless children, among them the Goddess Athena, the god Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus and Hephaestus. The God of Olympus is known to be a tyrant and wicked, destroying entire cities and villages for useless reasons, such as when he killed a king with lightning and destroyed his city with flames because he lied saying he was Zeus. The King of the Sky also had relationships with several women, not caring about his wife Hera's feelings, often forcing them to have a relationship with him, regardless of whether or not they were married.
Being the ruler of Olympus, Zeus is currently in constant war against the Abrahamic pantheon, trying to take over the government of the Multiverse, but due to the great influence that the Biblical God has on Earth, this is getting more and more difficult as the Abrahamic religions gain more followers while the gods of other pantheons are being rejected by humans. Despite the differences between the pantheons, Zeus has already asked the Biblical God for permission to imprison the Titans in Hell, beings of great power who rebelled against Zeus to try to dethrone him, and Yahweh allowed it, with the Titans being thrown into the Ninth Circle of Hell, Betrayal, on the Cocytus River, together with Lucifer.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least Low 2-C, likely 2-C
Name: Zeus, Jupiter, Skyfather, King of the Sky, God of Olympus, Son of Khronos, God of Thunder.
Origin: Throne of Heaven.
Gender: Male.
Age: Thousands of years.
Classification: God, King of Olympus, Personification of the Sky.
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (Type 2; Zeus was born from humanity's collective unconscious, being the personification of sky, thunder and lightning, and after dethroning Khronos, Zeus also assumed his father's powers, becoming the personification of time), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Aura, Regeneration (Low-Godly; Being the amtropomorphic personification of various concepts, Zeus will continue to exist as long as those concepts exist, regardless of whether he is killed, he will continue to exist as a concept), Electricity Manipulation (One of Zeus' most common abilities, being linked to his ability to manipulate lightning and thunder), Immortality (Type 1, 2 and 8; As long as mankind believes or thinks about the concept of Zeus, he will continue to exist), Weather Manipulation (Zeus has the ability to easily manipulate the weather, being able to create storms, tornadoes, tsunamis, and hurricanes), Air Manipulation, Shapeshifting (Shapeshifting is one of Zeus' most common abilities, with numerous accounts and records of him taking countless different forms, including animals or even clouds of rain or smoke), Empowerment (Zeus gets his power from mankind's faith and belief, which is why the gods in the past wanted so much rituals and sacrifices of worship, to further increase mankind's faith and gain even more power), Space-Time Manipulation (Zeus is able to manipulate time after having absorbed the powers of his father, Khronos, having become the new God of Time), Time Stop (Zeus is able to stop time like his father, Khronos), Sealing (Sealed Typhon on Mount Etna), Creation (Created Mount Olympus, which is a large mountain located in Tenkai, where Zeus and the Olympians live, which is a dimension created by Khronos), Flight, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Acausality (Type 1)
Attack Potency: At least Universe level+ (He dethroned and killed his father, Khronos, the personification of Space Time and took his place as the god of time, with Khronos having destroyed his father Ouranos, the personification of the starry sky who was comparable to the Goddess Chaos), likely Low Multiverse level (Zeus is probably as powerful as the Biblical God, Yahweh, who before being placed as the Supreme God of the universe, was already able to create other universes such as Heaven and Hell)
Speed: Infinite (He was able to move with time stopped even without his father's powers, fighting him on equal terms, attacking him thousands of times at 0 km/h), likely Immeasurable (It must be as powerful as Yahweh, who claims to be not limited by space-time, existing beyond the curve of time, being unchangeable and eternal)
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Galactic, likely Immeasurable (Stronger than Atlas, who is forced to hold the Tenkai on his back, the Tenkai being the size of the observable universe, being full of stars and galaxies. Zeus must be comparable to Yahweh, who exists beyond the concept of time and matter, being beyond mass or density)
Striking Strength: At least Universal+ Class, likely Low Multiversal Class
Durability: At least Universe level+ (Withstood several attacks from his father Khronos, who was capable of seriously harming Ouranos), likely Low Multiverse level
Stamina: Infinite.
Range: Standard Melee Range, Universal+, likely Low Multiversal with attacks
Standard Equipment: Lightning.
Intelligence: Very High. Zeus is a great strategist, having created the plans to overthrow his father from the throne and to seal Typhon, with the former being an entity of great wisdom.
Weaknesses: He is very arrogant and confident of his strength, not knowing how to handle it when his power is overcome.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- God Physiology: A God is a all-encompassing archetype, existing in the minds of human beings for thousands of years, probably since they came out of the caves, or even before. Human thoughts ended up emanating beings of great power, personifying their views and opinions about the universe that surrounds them, giving rise to entities known as Gods, amtromorphic or incorporeal personifications of the human imagination. These gods initially were a boon to mankind, helping them to evolve and develop, but after humans started following their own will instead of their gods' will, this ended up causing many gods to tyrannically try to forcing people to worship them, resulting in the 21st century with most gods being rejected and abandoned. Zeus in particular is the personification of the sky, thunder, storm and lightning.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: