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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

FEZ Soldier Phase 1

I do not own this image nor do I take any credit for it, all credit goes to the original designer

FEZ Soldier Phase 2

I do not own this image nor do I take any credit for it, all credit goes to the original designer

FEZ Soldier Phase 3

I do not own this image nor do I take any credit for it, all credit goes to the original designer

FEZ Soldier Phase 4

I do not own this image nor do I take any credit for it, all credit goes to the original designer

One of these soldiers can protect anyone, and a whole squad can do just about anything. A whole army? You've lost.


The Z-COM Soldier is the primary operating soldier sent on missions to Earth to help contain and neutralise the undead threat on Earth. All soldiers were stationed on Shadow Base 1 (Formerly known as U.N.S Freedom) when the outbreak first started. Although they were devastated at the lose of life below, they knew someone had to step in and do what had to be done. It was these brave men and women who decided to dedicate their lives on saving as much of humanity as possible and to build a brave new world in space.

The first suit was primarily used by

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B physically, 8-C with weaponry | 8-A physically, Low 7-B with weaponry | At least 7-C physically, 7-A with weaponry | 7-A physically, High 7-A with weaponry

Name: Varies

Origin: Operation Endgame

Gender: Male/Female

Age: Varies

Classification: Soldiers, Military Police, Super Soldiers

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts Masters, Explosion Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Enhanced Senses, Flight, Healing, Stealth Mastery, Adaptation, Information Analysis | All previous powers, Resistance against (Necromancy, Soul Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Disease Manipulation and extremely High/Low temperatures), Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation | All previous powers to a higher degree plus, Regeneration (Low-Mid) can survive evisceration and ventricular penetration, Longevity (Can live for hundreds of thousands of years). | All previous powers plus Spatial Manipulation (Energy back-ups are transferred from the main operating base),

Attack Potency: Wall level+ physically (Physical blows can heavily damage cars with single strikes and can tear open metal doors via strength alone. 0.003 Tons), Building level with firearms (Single charges from weapons have the energy required to melt vehicles down to hot goop. 0.3188 Tons) | Multi-City Block level physically (Capable of contending with monsters that can can tank Multi-City Block bombs), Small City level with weaponry (Weaponry is integrated with pulse technology, which is similar to energy outputs of high-end nukes, of old Earth) | At least Town level physically (Suits now have the power to enhance physical strength to that of average old Earth nukes), Mountain level with weaponry (In testing, weapons have shown to do significant damage to Mountains) | Mountain level physically (Tampering with new energies, soldiers can now tear through mountains using raw strength alone), at least Large Mountain level with weaponry, possibly higher (Simulation testing as shown that weaponry can now completely destroy regular mountains with no effort and have shown to completely destroy larger mountains easily).

Speed: Peak Human to low end Subsonic (Consists of the best soldiers of the future) | Supersonic+ (Can easily dodge old Earth ballistic weaponry at close range) | Massively Hypersonic+ (Can easily dodge lighting with minor effort summoned by elemental undead types) | Sub-Relativistic (Via researching new technologies and experimenting with the human body, soldiers start to appear as blurs as they can move, think, and react faster than 1% the speed of light)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Soldiers are much superior to Olympic athletes, who in turn are much stronger than peak humans of the early modern era) | Class 25 (Can pick up and throw even the largest civilian vehicles with ease) | Class G (An enraged soldier picked up a mountain and threw it at a horde of undead) | Unknown possibly Class T (Based on the previous report of a soldier lifting an average sized mountain, it should be possible for a soldier to lift any mountain, although this has not been tested yet)

Striking Strength: Wall Class+ | Multi-City Block Class | Town Class | Mountain Class

Durability: Small Building level (The armour has been scientifically tested armour to be able to withstand the forces of a heavy goods vehicle moving in excess of 200+ MPH with little to no damage. 0.0347 Tons) | Multi-City Block level (Can withstand blows from undead behemoths capable of doing this damage) | Town level (Armours were put through simulations and were shown to be un-affected by average yield, old Earth nukes) | Mountain level (Soldiers can test each other out in H2H combat and physical blows do minor damage leaving only scuffs)

Stamina: Superhuman, almost infinite in later iterations (Biological tampering allows the soldier to never need rest or sleep for lifetimes on end).

Range: With V.I accuracy, soldiers can snipe opponents from miles away, other wise hundreds of metres. The vibro blade can latch onto targets several meters away.

Standard Equipment:

  • Firearms: Each firearm is based upon a base frame which can modified with different parts to build different weapons. Basic weapons can also built upon to add additional firepower, fire rate etc. All weapons are integrated with an A.I, grav and flight unit that allows them to be deployed as individual units on the battlefield. All weapons fire plasma based energy, which build up heat when fired, although they gradually cool down over time. Firearms are primarily used for soldier
    • Assault Rifle: Standard primary weapon for soldiers. Single shot, charged shot, 3x burst or fully automatic.
      • Underbarrel attachments: Can change between a explosive launcher, flamer, liquid sprayer, shotgun and bayonet.
    • Experimental Frames: Experimental frames allow troopers to remove the standard energy based weaponry instead of plasma generation. Due to some frames being extremely deadly and crimes against nature, the trooper can only use these controversial rounds against enemies that threaten the human race, or approval by at least by 6/7 of the worlds Geneva continental leaders.
      • Acid Frame: Fires capsules that explode on impact, releasing acid on targets and melting through matter. Requires Geneva protocols to use.
      • Frag Frame: Fires explosive charges that detonate on impact, sending shrapnel in all directions. Requires Geneva protocols to use.
      • Freeze Frame: Fires penetrative rounds that freeze the target from the inside out, even being able to cause frostbite and a cold burn to targets. Requires Geneva protocols to use.
      • Incendiary Frame: Fires blobs of extremely hot exotic matter in compact capsules, melting through almost every known substance known to man. Requires Geneva protocols to use.
      • Kinetic Frame: Uses railgun technology, firing extremely small particles at relativistic speeds.
      • Radiation Frame: Fires capsules that release radioactive materials inside the target. Requires Geneva protocols to use.
    • Machine Gun: Rapid fire devastation. Requires four weapon frames.
      • Minigun: Ridiculous fire rate with extreme accuracy costs.
      • SAW: More accurate with the cost of slightly less damage, and only requires a single weapon frame. Can be steadied with a weapon mount.
    • Pistol: Standard side arm with basic rate of fire.
      • Blaster Pistol: Fires split rounds like a shotgun for maximum stopping power at the cost of range
      • Heavy Pistol: Slower rate of fire, but does more damage per shot, as well as having increased stopping power
      • Machine Pistol: Increases the rate of fire of energy fired. Can be fired in bursts or fully automatic. Stock optional.
    • Shotgun: Short ranged but has a lot of stopping power.
      • Bulled Shotgun: Extremely high stopping power but overheats dramatically
      • Choked Shotgun: Increased range with a very tight spread.
    • Sniper Rifle: Built open the assault rifle frame for longer ranges and firepower.
      • Heavy Sniper Rifle: Increased firepower with the cost of heavy overheating.
      • Hybrid Rifle: Takes away some firepower and range for the option of a 3x burst and the option to swap between ranges on the same weapon. Is a mix of an assault and sniper rifle.
  • Deployable: On the battlefield, Z-COM troopers can deploy units that can be used to help them out in different ways.
    • Camera Turret: A camera that is deployed into the top corners of rooms to record and provide live information to troopers. The camera can deploy spider like legs to move about, either to reposition or return to a trooper. It has some offensive capabilities, able to fire plasma rounds and use a laser to scorch enemies or burn through obstructions.
    • Recycler: A heavy inanimate unit that converts and stores scrap materials by printing out usable items, harvesting organic mineral, synthetic and exotic materials. Note that the upgraded "Z-COM suit" uses a pocket reality to store the materials and can craft smaller device on the wrist, while the recycler is used to build larger equipment, up to and including vehicles. Networking recyclers is also possible to speed up construction time.
    • Scout Drone: Small ball that flies about and maps locations that are unable to be scanned by satellites. Can track movement and bio signs, providing information to the trooper. Has a small toolkit that allows it to open locks, physical or virtual, and small port that opens to fire plasma for self-defence.
    • Ticker Drone: Getting their name from the ticking they make when running, they are small fast moving spider drones that jumps around and tears apart foes quickly. Primarily used to tear through obstructions, tear into vehicles killing occupants inside as well as being easily able to rip off limbs off of bodies. Also is able to traverse under water by spinning the legs at fast speeds. Extremely deadly in numbers.
Built in Systems
  • Back-Up Systems
  • Combustion Module
  • Flight Pack
  • Gas Fans
  • HUD
  • Liquid Pump
  • Med-Package and Regen System
  • Vibro Blade
  • Virtual Intelligence
    • Self-Adapting Sensors
    • Stealth Package
    • Plasma Launchers
    • Shock Cannons
  • Explosives
    • Detonators
    • H.E.L.P (High Energy Light Projectile)
    • Anti-Necromancy Countermeasures
    • Spirit Bomb

Intelligence: Combat Genius, are expertly trained in every form of combat. Super-Genius with V.I (Can easily access and technically never forget a memory allowing troops to improve learning efficiency, V.I also reacts with adapting sensors to react to certain situations, whether combat, or non-combat related. Also contains every byte of information (from the past and present) that can be used in situations to change the tone of voice to win sway a conversation, or predict a battle that can happen several days before it occurs.

Weaknesses: Soldiers need a high level of sustenance to compensate for the amount of energy spent, however, they can go for several months without the need for food and water.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Phase 1:
    • Plasma weaponry: Basic plasma weapons that fire spherical energy bolts that. Rifles are used for medium to extreme ranges (when used as a sniper rifle). Machine guns fire the bolts at an accelerated rate, but overheats quite quickly. Plasma launchers can be charged to fire single bolts which detonate when on contact. Shock cannons are more effective at a closer range as they as a "shotgun", spreading the plasma discharge and cutting through enemy matter.
    • Detonators: Powerful explosives that detonate plasma energy.
    • Basic Medical Kits: Medical kits that can help heal large cuts, revive incapacitated soldiers, and heal minor internal damage.
    • Flamethrowers: Combustible plasma can now be squirted out and ignited at foes.
    • HUD: Implemented V.I helps out with the planning and prediction of enemy attacks. It has the knowledge of the entirety of the Internet embedded inside it, and information is shared between the trooper and command. Also provides light to see in dark environments.
    • Basic flight: has mini jet servos in the boots of the trooper to allow thet user to scale heights.
    • Basic Melee weapons: All troopers are outfitted with a "vibro blade". This blade can be detached to act as a dagger, extended as a sword, or fire it when mounted to the suit to grapple enemies with the blade.
    • Back-up systems: In case there is a systems failure, there is a emergency power kit that still allows a limited amount of power for a week or two.
    • Stealth Package Weapons have can fire silent charges, in the addition of dampened jet modules.
  • Phase 2:
    • Plasma weaponry: Plasma Weapons now have a higher damage output and can cool down faster. Can now
    • Detonators: Explosives now have a higher yield.
    • Advanced Medical Kits: Medical kits can now heal fatal wounds, and some major internal damage. Medical kits are used internally and inject into the trooper when damage is taken. Some flu's and weaker viruses can be countered easily.
    • Flight: Troopers have improved foot mounted servos, as well as palm and a mounted rocket piece on the back section. Liquid pump can pump out any unwanted water breaches.
    • Basic Sensors: Limited time in space/underwater environments is possible for short periods of time, internal temperature can now be altered to make the wearer more comfortable and relaxed. Liquids can now be pumped onto the surface of the suit to adapt the pH levels to neutralise and harmful effects. Cooling/Heating liquid can also be pumped onto the surface of the suit to negate any harmful effects.
    • Vibro Blade: Improved reliability and effectiveness in combat. Can send out a discharge of electromagnetic energy.
    • V.I: The Virtual Intelligence connects itself to the mind of the user. The V.I decodes the language used by the enemy to create counter spells negating any soul based or necromancy attacks.
    • Storage Reserves: A full back-up is now placed into the armour, as well being able to absorb any energy based attacks to recharge energy.
  • Phase 3:
    • Weaponry: Plasma weaponry and explosives are now super advanced thanks to atomic advances. H.E.L.P is an extremely powerful self-guided bomb that blinds and vaporises anyone too close to the centre of the blast.
    • Medical and Regeneration: The trooper can suffer horrifying injuries and regenerate to full health. The body is full of artificial blood cells that wipe out most types of infection. Body clock has been slowed down greatly to age incredibly slow.
    • Flight Full flight in any environment without the worry of pressure or oxygen issues.
    • Efficient Sensors: Sensors react almost instantaneously to environmental changes
    • Storage: Primary energy reserves are heavily increased, as well as having 3 back-up systems in place.
    • Spirit Bomb: A huge flash of that blinds enemies stunning them.
  • Phase 4:
    • Upgrades: 100% synchronisation between man and suit is achieved. The suit permanently moulds itself to the trooper in use and the V.I acts as a second brain. The suit is now a life support system acting when even the person inside is tired or unconscious. The main storage capacity has been greatly improved, as well as having 5 back-up systems in place. Via learning how to create portals, energy storage from the main base of operations (Shadow Base 1) can now send energy through spatial transference when needed. Weapons have been upgraded. Any internal and unwanted gasses are pumped out. The human body is nearly immune to any infection.

Key: Security/Police | Z-COM | Mech Suit | Purge Suit


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
