The One who Art in Heaven
“ | I am the God of Everything, Creation, Being and Existence. I am the will of the world, and the main face of God. No... I AM GOD! Those who dare to defy me will pay with their very souls being erased from their existence! | „ |
~ Yesh. |

The God of Existence & Nonexistence, Everything & Nothingness.
“ | I am the one that is above all, I am peerless and incomparable. I am the very personification of everything and nothing, of existence and nonexistence. I am God, the almighty. Praise be to my name! Blessed and hallowed be my name! My kingdom come and my will be done! Amen! | „ |
~ Yesh merged with Ayin Sof. |

God of Transcendence
“ | This is my third form, Yesh Assault mode. My power level is now the same as Lucifer's. | „ |
~ Yesh to Asbeel. |
Yesh, also known as Elohim (God), or Existence, is one of the seven embodiments of the Multiverse and one of the avatars of God. He represents God in Kabbalistic conceptions. He embodies being, the verb and to be, that is, the act of existing. His opposite and co-equal is Ayin Sof, also known as just Ayin, who embodies non-being and primordial emptiness. The two are also the Yang and the Yin, the Alpha and the Omega.
By merging again with Ayin the incarnation of Is-Not, Yesh ultimately became the God of Is and Is-Not. God's the origin of everything and anything, including and excluding Himself. He is the first and original Primordial Embodiment, representing the Is and Is-Not, Everything and Nothing, and Existence and Nonexistence, as well as the gray screen of a Maybe between Yes and No. He is the coin with the sides of Good and Evil, the absoulte embodiment of the Absolute Zero - The origin of everything/anything that exists, will exist, will not exist, and does not exist.
During the battle with Lucifer and Pistis, He became the shade of God, Yesh ended up becoming the deity that exists in the pale shades of the Biblical God's back, a reference to the fact that despite being the Kabbalistic God, He will never be equal to the One Above All. At the end of the battle, he was defeated and absorbed by Pistis, who made him part of her being, which made her enhance her powers in the Matrix.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 2-A | 2-A | At least 2-A, likely Higher | At least 2-A, likely far Higher
Names: Yesh, YHWH-Elohim, Elohim, God, Being, Origin, I Am, Him, Yes, Acceptance, Is, Existence, Yang, Alpha, Shield of Abraham, Elah Yerushelem, Yotsehr 'Or, Kadosh Israel, Lord of Creation, Father, the Presence, Above All Others, The Creator of All Things, The Lesser YHWH.
Origin: Throne of Heaven.
Gender: Genderless, although He is referred to as Male and embodies the masculine aspect of God.
Age: Inapplicable. Exists beyond time and space.
Classification: Kabbalistic God, Avatar of Yahweh.
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (Type 1 and 2; He exists as the personification of the masculine side of God, as well as the primordial incarnation of the collective unconscious from the perspective of being and the Is, being the very philosophy of "I think therefore I am" personified), Light Manipulation (He is the incarnation of the divine Light of God, being the opposite of Ayin Sof who incarnates the dark darkness of God), Transduality (Type 1: He incarnates existence itself, incarnating its own duality since it is part of the multiverse. However, He still exists within an even more complex dualistic system which is the dualism of existence and non-existence), Avatar Creation (He is able to create Avatars and Shards of His being like Kether the Crown, with these fragments creating other fragments of Himself, like Keter who created Binah the first mother earth goddess and Chokhmah the first father sky god), Creation (Created the Kabalistic Heaven), Omniscience, Omnipresence, Aura, Immortality (Type 1, 3 and 8), Regeneration (Mid-Godly), Nonexistent Physiology (He exists as the God of Being and Creation, being an entity of pure being that is neither existence nor nonexistence, but simply is what it is), Reality Warping, Existence Erasure (He claims he can erase spiritual beings like human souls and abstract beings like angels from their existence), Space-Time Manipulation (He is, inhabits and embodies space-time itself, being one in the past, present and future)
All previous abilities, but on an incomprehensibly higher scale.
All previous abilities, but on an unfathomably far higher scale.
All previous abilities, but on an boundlessly far higher scale.
Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (He exists as one of the seven embodiments of the Multiverse, existing as one in all infinite universes of the multi-cosmos, with creation itself existing within His body, which is the reflection of the Multiverse itself. As powerful as Ayin, who exists as the shadow of creation and is said to in the future destroy the entire multiverse for God through Yesh to start Creation anew) | Multiverse level+ (When merging with Ayin, His powers multiplied exponentially, becoming incomprehensibly stronger) | At least Multiverse level+, likely Higher (In His Assault Mode He became strong enough to rival God Lucifer, claiming to have the same power as him, although it was later confirmed that Yesh Assault Mode is slightly weaker than God Lucifer) | At least Multiverse level+, likely far Higher (Unfathomably stronger than before, rivaling Pistis in power, being the first God in the entire Matrix to force her to fight seriously)
Speed: Immeasurable (He exists beyond time and space itself, being present in the past and the future and in neither simultaneously as it exists beyond it), His true nature is Omnipresent (He is one with the entire Aleph Multiverse) | Immeasurable, His true nature is Omnipresent | Immeasurable (Rivals in power and speed with Lucifer), His true nature is Omnipresent | Immeasurable, His true nature is Omnipresent
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Multiversal+ Class | Multiversal+ Class | At least Multiversal+ Class, likely Higher | At least Multiversal+ Class, likely far Higher
Durability: Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | At least Multiverse level+, likely Higher | At least Multiverse level+, likely far Higher
Stamina: Infinite | Infinite | Borderless | Borderless
Range: Multiversal+ | Multiversal+ | At least Multiversal+, likely Higher | At least Multiversal+, likely far Higher
Standard Equipment: None notable.
Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient (God is not omniscient, close, but not) | Nigh-Omniscient | Quasi-Omniscient | Quasi-Omniscient
Weaknesses: None notable.
Keys: Yesh | Atzmus | Assault Mode | God's Shade.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- Despite in His Assault Mode Yesh claims to have the same power as God Lucifer, He is actually revealed to be slightly weaker than the Morning Star.