Xia, referred also as The Creator is an entity that governs the Void and the final boss of the Minecraft mod: Voidcraft. He is responsible for creating Herobrine, The Ender Dragon, Dol, and Zol.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Unknown. Possibly 3-A
Name: Xia, The Creator
Origin: Modded Minecraft (Voidcraft)
Gender: Genderless
Age: Unknown
Classification: Voidcraft boss entity
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Creation, Life Manipulation, Flight, Teleportation, Extrasensory Perception (Can see noncorporeals such as Herobrine), Summoning (Can summon the Ender Dragon, Dol, Zol, and the Witherbrine), possibly Conceptual Manipulation (Type 4: Created Herobrine, who is the incarnation of Chaos and Destruction). Possibly Magic, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Void Manipulation, andExistence Erasure with Disintegrate (Should likely be able to perform all Void Vade Mecum spells, although rarely used). Possibly Elemental Manipulation and Matter Manipulation (Created Dol who is responsible for creating all matter within the Overworld and Zol who created the elements). Resistance to Gravity Manipulation (Can fly in the Xia world where it would typically be impossible), Void Manipulation (Unaffected by Voidic Infusion), and Soul Manipulation (Unable to have its soul stolen with an EnderIO Soul Vial) | All previous, Intangibility, Resistance to Duplication and being summoned.
Attack Potency: Unknown. Possibly Universe level (Created Dol who is responsible for creating all matter within the Overworld and Zol who created the elements) | Unknown. Possibly Universe level
Speed: At least Normal Human with Subsonic combat, reaction, and flight speeds (Comparable to The Player) | At least Normal Human with Subsonic combat, reaction, and flight speeds
Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown. Possibly Universal | Unknown. Possibly Universal
Durability: Unknown | Unknown
Stamina: Limitless
Range: Standard melee range, likely higher with spells and further abilities
Standard Equipment: Demonic Sword and Void Vade Mecum
Intelligence: Unknown
Weaknesses: None
Key: Base | Djinn form
Note: This article is considered Word of God as it is [stated by the creator of the mod itself: Tamaized
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: