FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


William is the brother of Jo and a part of the KCC Shitposters group. Close friend of Jose, they tend to be the most talkative of the group and drive a lot of conversations. William along side the rest of the group stopped a person from robbing a museum in Chicago but in the process got cut by the arrow the stranger tried to take.

William obtained the stand {Weird Autumn}, a long ranged remote stand that starts off as a mask, and later manifests as a fictional character that William "takes the role" as.


William is a lanky lean guy with green eyes and medium sized dirty blonde hair. He wears black jeans, a red shirt, a purple jacket and black and purple Jordan's.


William is a humorous, but focused individual. While William remains calm in many situations, he won't hold back on making a few quips at his friends of enemies.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: William Bonez

Origin: KCC Shitposters

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Classification: Human, Stand User

Weight: 120 lb

Height: 6'

Likes: Skeletons, food, and being chaotic

Dislikes: Boring chores, pickles, and entitled people

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Hobbies: Video Games, Watching Anime, and Playing Dungeons and Dragons

Values: Having Fun, Fairness, and Integrity

Martial Status: Single

Status: Alive

Affiliation: The KCC Shitposters

Themes: Alec Holowka - Weird Autumn

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 10-A. Varies with Weird Autumn; 8-C to High 8-C with Goren, Silver, Jevil, Solar Spectre and Ainz.

Powers and Abilities:

Firearm Master, Magic, Ice Manipulation and Statistics Reduction via Ray of Frost, Forcefield Creation via Shield, Homing Attack via Magic Missile, Extrasensory Perception via Detect Magic and Power Bestowal via See Invisibility, Psychometry via Identify, Healing via Cure Wounds, Statistics Amplification via Expeditious Retreat and Enhance Ability, Teleportation via Vortex Warp, Invisibility via Invisibility, Status Effect Removal via Lesser Restoration, Various Technology that provies: Pressure Manipulation via Force Grenades, Magnetism Manipulation via Lorentz’s Pyramid, Adhesive Rockets via Repelling Rockets, and Elemental Energy Projectiles via Elemental Blasters.

Greataxe Master, Rage Power, Damage Reduction via Rage and Ancestral Protectors, Summoning of Ancestral Protectors, Teleportation via Cursecarver, and Power Nullification via Cursecarver

Energy Projection, Danmaku (Creates waves glowing white bullets that are able to harm stands), Duplication (Can create multiple copies of itself and transform themselves into devilknives in order to attack on multiple sides at once), Homing Attack (While transformed into a devilsknife, Weird Autumn is able to follow targets), Afterimage Creation, Illusion Creation (Is able to create temporary illusionary copies of itself after teleporting, and is able to create spatial illusions such as expanding an area's perception while keeping the distance the same), Teleportation, Body Control, and Shapeshifting (Can transform itself into a devilsknife which is a levitating scythe)

Magic, Soul Manipulation / Death Manipulation via Grasp Heart and Ray of Negative Energy (This works even on stands in range and reflects back to the user regardless of distance and is represented in a more non-physical way), Fire Manipulation / Explosion Manipulation via Fireball, Bludgeoning Durability Increase / Power Bestowal via Body of Effulgent Beryl, Spell Amplification, Spell Duplication, and Resistance Negation via Maximize Magic / Triple Maximize Magic, Electricity Manipulation & Homing Attack via Dragon Lightning, Teleportation via Teleport & Greater Teleport, Spatial Manipulation, Limited Power Nullification, and Durability Negation via Reality Slash, and Flight via Fly, and Time Stop via Time Stop, Holy Manipulation & Deconstruction via Fallen Down (Requires William to have a Hourglass shaped object on his person), Portal Creation, BFR, and possibly Summoning via Iä Shub-Niggurath (Requires William to have a carved stick on his person, creates a vacuum that sucks up opponents, if enough opponents are sucked it a monster is summoned under Weird Autumn's control), Reality Warping via Wish Upon a Star (Requires William to have a ring on his person, can only be used 3 times), and various other abilities with Preparation

Attack Potency:

Athlete level

Varies (The strength of Weird Autumn depends on the character it transforms into)

Building level+ (Is comparable to Deep Purple and Crying Girls)

Large Building level (Is able to physically harm Skullcrusher Mountain who could tank a Lightning Bolt from Crying Girls)

Building level+ (Is comparable to Deep Purple and Crying Girls)

At least Large Building level (Is considered the most dangerous of the "Standard Trio" forms of Weird Autumn meaning it should be as strong if not stronger than Goren and Skullcrusher Mountain)

At least Large Building level (Is considered the strongest form of Weird Autumn, stated by Jose to be the strongest stand of the group while in this state whose Stand Crying Girls reach this level with their most powerful attacks). Various abilities ignore durability.

Speed: Athlete level with Massively Hypersonic Reactions (Can react to attacks from stands with similar speeds to Crying Girls or Skullcrusher Mountain). Massively Hypersonic Combat/Reactions with Weird Autumn (Ainz, Goren, Silver, and Solar Spectre are all comparable to Crying Girls in speed), higher with Jevil Form (Jevil is regarded as fastest version of Weird Autumn and is known to blitz other stands and stand users who could keep up with Crying Girls)

Lifting Strength: Regular Human.

Striking Strength: Athlete level. Varies with Weird Autumn.

Durability: Athlete level normally, Large Building level when under the effects of Body of Effulgent Beryl (While under it's effects William is able withstand attacks from stands that would normally punch straight through a normal human and harm stands like Skullcrusher Mountain)

Stamina: Very High normally (Was able to stay awake for three days straight when confronting and fighting Miss Pandora, able to maintain Goren, Jevil, and Silver for long periods of time with no sign of mental fatigue), Lower when manifesting Ainz (William is able to operate well when Weird Autumn is in this form but much shorter in comparison to its other forms, 2 hours is the absolute limit and will feel as if he was ready to collapse afterwards)

Range: Standard Melee Range, 100 meters with Weird Autumn's manifestations and abilities.

Standard Equipment: A phone, and a pencil.

Intelligence: Above Average as William (William himself is a creative and clever stand user, being able to deduce and read situations very quickly and adapt to them. Is very well versed and has a good grasp of every form of Weird Autumn and is able to use to their maximum potential). Varies when using Weird Autumn (Certain forms of Weird Autumn require William to think in certain ways, Goren for example is dumb in most situations but is still a great fighter, Jevil doesn't use strategy and has some level of disregard, Silver is very practical but occasionally naïve, Solar Spectre and Ainz and geniuses who are very aware of their surroundings and plan around most situations)


  • Normal Human Weaknesses.
  • Any damage dealt to Weird Autumn is reflected onto William.
  • When Weird Autumn takes a form, William is required to enter and maintain the mindset of said character, if he deviates too much from that character then Weird Autumn is dispelled.
  • Ainz is William's most difficult form to enter and maintain for Weird Autumn, requiring intense focus and prep time. If William is knocked out of this mindset it would be practically impossible to enter it again. It is also very mentally taxing to maintain Ainz usually leaving William physically exhausted and near collapse.
  • Certain abilities of Ainz require William to hold a "prop" to represent the item Ainz must use to create such an ability.

Note: This profile will be updated based on new developments about the characters


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
