“ | My friend the teleporting sex offender could explain it better | „ |
~ Jerry, seconds after reuniting with his aunt |
Jerry Orden was one of the capes appearing in A City They Call Ploland under the supervillain team GAS. After being embroiled in a checkpoint bombing while attempting to retrieve his aunt from a Simurgh zone, he joined Precedence, Justice Man and Armory under the vague promise of saving his family.
While a mostly normal and pacifistic man Jerry was somehow convinced to go along with the gang’s numerous bloody endeavours; even getting his own hands bloodstained proceeding events that gave him a severe concussion.
His time with the party ended after Coin caused the creation of the 2nd power storm, leading to the aspiring zoologist being ejected out of the zone alongside his aunt.
Personal Statistics:[]
Alignment: Neutral Good
Name: Jerry Orden, Thunderbird, CreatureMaster, Weatherboy
Origin: Wokistan's Weaverdice Game
Gender: Male
Age: Early 20s
Likes: Family, animals, friends, nice weather
Dislikes: Violence, corpses, scary weather
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Brown
Hobbies: Animal rearing, murdering cartel members (unintentional)
Values: Protection of animals and auntie
Martial Status: Single
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Mire’s faction, GAS (Gargonak Appreciation Society [This title is considered greatly contentious among the other members of the team])
Kill Count: 1 (Taurus)
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-B, Varies from 10-C to 9-A with animals, Varies from 10-A to 9-A with Air Manipulation, Varies up to 8-C with Electricity Manipulation | At most 10-B, 10-C with animals, At least 9-A with Air Manipulation, higher with Reactive Evolution, Varies up to 8-C with Electricity Manipulation
Powers and Abilities:
Animal Manipulation (Capable of taming and training animals such as squirrels, wren, hummingbirds and even moose into becoming completely obedient and following extremely complex commands with limited instruction in less than an hour), Atmosphere Manipulation (Capable of altering localised atmospheric conditions around a vertebrate he has touched within the last 24 hours. These include humidity, charge and pressure), Reactive Evolution (Gets stronger the longer he fights), Limited Teleportation (When not observed and inattentive of his surroundings Jerry can accidentally shift to another environment), Limited Clairvoyance (Has a vague sense of where people he’s used his power on within the last 24 hours are), Limited Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Can take a large morale hit to to remove the effect of any master power he is conscious of), Precognition (Hint's power can not be directly used to predict the future of any member of GAS, though the reason why in Jerry's case in unknown), and Light Manipulation (With protective goggles)
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 0), Enhanced Senses, Natural Weaponry (With Tolstoy), Surface Scaling, Small Size (Type 1), Limited Disease Manipulation (With squirrels), Flight (With birds)
All powers enhanced to a far greater degree, Durability Negation/ Biological Manipulation (His powers now bypass the Manton limit and can alter atmospheric conditions inside people as long as he has touched them or if they are in his critters’ range), Blood Manipulation (Via super desiccator)
Attack Potency: Human level, Varies from Below Average Human level (Possesses small critters like birds and squirrels) to Wall level (Has access to Tolstoy, a moose) with animals, Varies (The power of his air pressure gets stronger the longer he fights) from Athlete level (Can easily knock down multiple grown men) to Small Building level (Expanded a hole Coin made in the Tinker Tank, a feat which Justice Man would have had great difficulty accomplishing) with Air Manipulation, Varies (Dependent on a source of electricity and in some cases the state of Jerry’s variable power) up to Building level (At the peak of his power, was capable of using natural lightning bolts against the Gargoyle) with Electricity Manipulation | At most Human level (As a result of his mutilation during the Blender fight Jerry finds it hard to exert physical force, though he shouldn't be much weaker than base Connor), Below Average Human level with animals (Only has access to 2 squirrels, 1 wren and 4 hummingbirds by this point), At least Small Building level (Stronger than before, could restrain wolves easily and break Taurus' barrier; which could endure impacts capable of destroying Tier 1 Coin Lesser's armour) with Air Manipulation, higher with Reactive Evolution (Gets stronger the longer he fights), Varies up to Building Level with Electricity Manipulation
Speed: Athletic Human (Far faster than a normal human, could traverse large distances in shardspace relatively easy), up to Superhuman with animals (Has access to a moose and several hummingbirds), Varies from Superhuman (Even without Reactive Evolution his wind moves at 50 mph), to Massively Hypersonic+ (Can control cloud-to-ground lightning strikes) attack speed with Atmosphere Manipulation
Lifting Strength: Average Human, Varies from Below Average Human to Class 1, possibly Class 5 with animals, up to Class 25 (His vacuums have annoyed Mountain and The Gargoyle, both of whom are comparable to tier 1 Coin; who was capable of using a bus as a melee weapon. Could lift the hover tank) with Air Manipulation | Below Average Human, Below Average Human with animals, at least Class 25 with Air Manipulation
Striking Strength: Human Class, Varies from Below Average Human Class to Small Building Class with animals | At most Human Class, Below Average Human Class with animals
Durability: Human level (Has no notable feats, see notes), Street level with PRT helmet and shield, Varies from Below Average Human level to Wall level with animals | Human level, Below Average Human level with animals
Stamina: Superhuman (Could keep fighting in spite of life threatening injuries and chose to permanently repress a concussion caused by severe head trauma)
Range: Standard Melee Range, up to Extended Melee Range with animals, Extended Melee Range (The actual alteration of atmospheric conditions is limited to up to 3 feet from the affected vertebrate) to Tens of meters (Took up a large chunk of Crowd Pleaser’s forcefield with his clouds with his pressure alteration later having the same effect) with Atmosphere Manipulation | Standard Melee Range, Below Standard Melee Range with animals, Several meters (Could create a vacuum this large to restrain some wolves) to Tens of meters with Atmosphere Manipulation
Standard Equipment:
2 squirrels: Carlos (Team scouts), Sebastian (Hardened soldier)
1 Wren: Diogenes (Asshole)
4 Hummingbirds: Nobunaga, Roosevelt, Lancelot, Quetzalcoatl III
Fallen: Stan (The heart), Samantha (Team leader), Carlyle, Homer (Philosopher and scout), Tolstoy (Moose), Jhon Xina
- Optional Equipment: Air tanks, PRT helmet and riot shield
Intelligence: Gifted. A multitalented aspiring zoologist and extremely competent animal tamer and trainer, capable of making animals like squirrels, wrens, hummingbirds and even moose follow extremely complex commands after less than an hour of work. While absent minded Jerry is no slouch in combat either, being able to piece together complex occurrences relatively well and could use his knowledge on animals to exploit Komodo’s physiology in their fight.
Standard Tactics: Sends his critters into battle while he assumes a place of cover where combat can be viewed
Weaknesses: Maintaining effects for longer than a set time period can become painful (though this is mitigated by Jerry’s high stamina), charge alteration can not be applied externally to the effected vertebrate, when countering master abilities he takes a blow to his morale, Jerry is surreally inattentive to his surroundings and has poor timing abilities (though this was less of an issue after he became Connor’s subordinate) | Jerry lacks many of the weaknesses he had before however now his striker effect lasts less than 24 hours and will continue to decrease the further a target of his ability moves from him
- Repressed a concussion
- Continued fighting gargoyle
- Failed to tag a regular cartel member with a charge (anti-feat)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Awareness: Jerry is practiced in perceiving information and can intuit where a character he was previously aware of went
- Endure: Jerry is practiced in maintaining stamina, holding up against long term effect and staying in a fight despite severe injury.
- Forge On: Once every minute Jerry can suppress the effects of a physical impairment or ambient environmental effect
- Recovery: 1/day can suppress a potentially crippling or lethal injury
- Forge On: Once every minute Jerry can suppress the effects of a physical impairment or ambient environmental effect
- Investigate: Jerry is practiced in finding or searching for clues
- Snapshot: Can use his memory to create a snapshot in time which can be later searched for clues
- Animal Handling: Jerry is extremely practiced in taming and training animals
Key: First Trigger | Second Trigger
Note: While Jerry did survive an encounter with Taurus the effect of his cloud caused him to only be clipped by an attack already greatly reduced in potency.
- Jerry is more normal than the rest of the group partially because his trigger event wasn’t that traumatising. In fact, against his shard's expecrations he possessed no lasting fear of wolves even though he had been attacked by them in his trigger.
- Jerry was the first member of the group to leave the party. Out of game this was a result of scheduling issues with his player CreatureMaster.
- Jerry’s aunt passed the Judaism check
- Jerry’s aunt is an 8/10
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: