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Godzilla and the MCU
War Titanic



War Titanic is a giant Titan mech created by Tony Stark and James Rhodes, when the Avengers arrived in the MonsterVerse Timeline via Multiversal Travel with the help of Doctor Strange, in 2025. Stark helped create Rhodes his own "suited" Mech as a Variable Response Titan Battle Mech, weaponized with extremely heavy and strong arsenal. He helped stabilize the world of Titans with Stark's Iron Godzilla, Potts's Rescue Angel and Godzilla.

Power and Stats[]

Tier: At least High 6-A

Name: War Titanic, War Machine Godzilla

Origin: Godzilla (The MonsterVerse) and the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Gender: Genderless

Age: A Few Months Old

Height: 119.5 meters (392 feet)

Length: 303 meters (994 feet)

Weight: 237,327 metric tons (261,607 US tons)

Classification: Variable Titan Response Battle Mech

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Controlled by Iron Man like Jaeger), Large Size (Type 2), Technology Manipulation, Immortality (Type 3), Energy Manipulation, Heat Manipulation (via Mouth Repulsor Heat Ray), Fire Manipulation (via Flamethrowers), Energy Projection, Weapon Mastery, Information Analysis and Hacking via A.I, Flight, Energy Projection, Explosion Manipulation and Homing Attack via Missiles, Resistance to Cold, Fire and Radiation (Can resist the cold of space, was able take multiple repulsor blasts, was said to take Godzilla's atomic breath), Statistics Amplification, Electricity Manipulation and Absorption, Sound Manipulation (Has sonic auto-cannon to stun opponents), Summoning (Can summon more pieces of the Armor), Self-Sustenance

Attack Potency: Multi-Continental (Can match up to Iron Godzilla)

Speed: Athletic human (When walking. Speed of 20 mph), Supersonic (Flight Speed of Mach 4), Massively Hypersonic reactions, Relativistic+ Combat Speed via Repulsor Beams

Lifting Strength: At least Class M, possibly higher (Unknown, can possibly match up to Iron Godzilla)

Striking Strength: At least Multi-Continental Class

Durability: Multi-Continental (Took hits from Iron Godzilla's weaponry)

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range. Several dozen meters with his armor (he can shoot repulsor blasts, missiles, lasers, and Uni-Beam)

Standard Equipment: Repulsors, Missiles, Titanium Tail Spike, Railguns, Shoulder Machine Gun

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Controlled via James Rhodes's Movement and Mind)

Weaknesses: Extra pieces can be destroyed mid-flight (Like Hulk-buster), the Reactor still has limited power and can be used up faster if in heavy combat, the Mech will malfunction if the Reactor is destroyed


  • Matched up to Iron Godzilla during Testing

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Repulsors: Powered by the Arc Reactor, the mech can project a blast of magnetic repulsion from its palms, used for the armor's flight stabilization, as well being Iron Godzilla's main range weapon.
    • Uni-beam: When siphoning energy directly to the Arc Reactor, the armor can fire a massive repulsor from its chest.
    • Mouth Repulsor Heat Ray: To emphasize Godzilla's Atomic Breath, Rhodes used Stark's repulsor system that exhales out of its mouth, only being more fiery and a lot hotter.
  • Missiles: The armor contain several sets of large missiles mounted on the arms, waist, shoulders and legs of the suit.
  • Dual Railguns: War Titanic contains dual railguns, one on each side of its arm.
  • Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun: War Titanic has a shoulder-mounted machine gun, much like Rhodes's suit himself
  • Flamethrowers: War Titanic can equip Dual Flamethrowers on his arms.
  • Laser System: The armors are equipped with a palladium-powered laser system located in the eyes of the head. These can easily cut through any object, and caused Godzilla to reel in pain.
  • Artificial Intelligent Systems: Natural-language user interface computer systems that provide suit feedback, tactical analysis, and tactical countermeasures.
  • Grappling Hooks: War Titanic can use wires to wrap around the opponent or hold on tight during harsh weather conditions.
  • Sonic Auto-Cannon: War Titanic can emit powerful sonic waves.
  • Titanium Tail Spike: War Titanic's tail is tipped with sharp Titanium that can make puncture wounds. It is more sharper than Iron Godzilla's more blunt-looking tail.
  • Flight Turbines: War Titanic has a set of turbines located on its sides for extra speed when flying, to make up for its enormous weight.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
