“ | Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. | „ |
Wakaki Tama (わかき魂 Wakaki Tama, lit. "Young Soul"), is a diener working at The University of Tokyo Hospital, who has been widely known for her efficient work. Wakaki is a Gate (門 Mon)- one whose purpose is to specifically guide people to the afterlife and judge them whether they have committed a sin or not.
However, she was banished and made into a normal human due to her being gullible and blindly following orders from a false deity, making her go on a journey to take her freedom.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-B
Name: Wakaki Tama, Anoyo E no Tobira (Original Name)
Gender: Female
Age: Inapplicable (Is atemporal in nature, making her age irrelevant)
Classification: Gate
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Swordsman, Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Immortality (Type 9; Exists in a transcendent plane where she can only be interacted), Regeneration (High-Godly; Gates can return despite the destruction of the concept they embody), Acausality (Type 5. As she exists outside causality, it makes it impossible to interact with her), Subjective Reality, Passive Plot Manipulation & Reality Warping (Due to her transcendent nature, she views everything as fiction, which allows her to passively alter the very reality around her), Abstract Existence (Type 2), Incorporeality (Gates embodies the concept of "passageway"), Transduality (Type 1; Exists beyond the natural logic and law of the world, transcending the concept of life, death, time, and space), Non-Physical Interaction (Wakaki can interact with the concepts that she cuts), Information Analysis (Wakaki is able to discern concepts she interacts and could analyze them)
Non-Physical Interaction, Deconstruction, Durability Negation, Logic Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Goshō can "cut and separate" concepts into lesser ones that makes up the whole, allowing her to take control of said concepts that she cuts), Existence Erasure (When an entity is cut by Goshō, they temporarily cease to exist as a result of being divided into lesser concepts, though Tōka-ritsu makes this erasure permanent. Anything that the sword comes in contact with, through activating Fuhon'i, erases anything), Resistance Negation (Kire can bypass and ignore the concept of resistance by cutting it into lesser pieces or simply erasing them using Tōka-ritsu), Spatial Manipulation, Void Manipulation (Cutting the space creates voids), Darkness Manipulation (Slicing the light would create darkness), Homing Attack (Any attack performed by Goshō makes it impossible to dodge as it erases the concept of dodging), Causality Manipulation, Time Manipulation (By cutting an item related to time/causality (like a watch), Goshō can erase time/causality), Stat-Amp/Adaptation Negation (By erasing the concept of strength/development stagnates the enemy from getting stronger), Memory Erasure (By cutting someone's head, one can erase their memories), Immortality Negation (Could erase one's immortality by cutting them), Acausality Negation (Type 5; Goshō could cut down Gates), Reversal, Fusionism (Can restore/reverse the sliced objects back to their original state with Tsugime, but could choose specific concepts to return and what not to return), Paradox Manipulation, BFR (Should two objects have missing concepts and are fused together, it would create a paradox that, anything that comes in contact with, be transported to a contradictory place)
Resistance to Time Manipulation, Precognition, Fate Manipulation (As Gates are outside of cause and effect, their future cannot be determined and are not bounded by fate and time as a result), and all her abilities (Martyrdom makes it impossible to die against similar powers and/or attempts to kill oneself with their own abilities)
Attack Potency: Human level, Can ignore durability (Goshō cuts through the resistance of enemy, bypassing any defense as it cuts their concepts and splits them)
Speed: Immeasurable (Can travel in negative time, thus the speed formula cannot be applied and is, therefore, immeasurable)
Lifting Strength: Average Human
Striking Strength: Human level
Durability: Human level. Immortality, Regeneration makes it difficult for her to be killed
Stamina: Infinite (Gates are incapable of feeling tired and has no need for rest unless one chooses to)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended melee range with Goshō
Standard Equipment: Goshō
Intelligence: Gifted (Despite being gullible, Wakaki is very competent in terms of intelligence, which allowed her to figure out that she was being manipulated, albeit it was too late. She is expert at sword-fighting as well as using its abilities to the fullest, creatively utilizing it to fit any situation she's in.)
Weaknesses: None Notable.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Goshō (後生): A sword made from the concept of "iron", "wood", and "sword", with its other constituents beings merged along with the primary concepts and the logic connected to said concepts. It contains a unique ability of Slice and Splice.
- Kire (切れ): By cutting "something" with Goshō, the concept and the logic of said entity will be split into multiple integrants. This results in the entity's concept being temporarily erased as it splits into multiple parts related to said concept. Goshō is capable of reading the concepts that it cuts, discern its weaknesses, and even cut the parts into more parts infinitely. Its offensive ability extends to just about anything that one can think of as Goshō simply bypass the concept of resistance by splitting it into multiple constituents and cutting further into the concept ad infinitum. For instance, a banana sliced by Goshō will have the concept of the banana be split into three: its skin, flesh, and seeds. Should Wakaki cut further, the skin would be divided into its layers; further would be the cells, and so on. Wakaki could also interact with the concepts and gain information by utilizing the divided concept.
- Fuhon'i (不本意): Should Wakaki permanently abolish the state of the cut object, said entity will be erased from existence as a result of the technique.
- Tōka-ritsu (透過率): The primary example of this is "Permeance". Upon contact, the sword will erase irrespective of if that thing in question, often resulting in the sword "going through", simply dropping it to the ground (While the ability is active) will erase the concept of any object it comes in contact with, cutting the air (and therefore the space between) would create voids, slicing the light would create darkness, slicing the distance would prevent the enemy from dodging, erasing the concept of strength/development would stagnate the opponent's ability to get stronger/adapt, cutting a watch would erase time or causality, cutting someone's head can erase their memory, cutting the Ankh will erase one's immortality, etc.
- Fuhon'i (不本意): Should Wakaki permanently abolish the state of the cut object, said entity will be erased from existence as a result of the technique.
- Tsugime (継ぎ目): An ability that restores the cut object into its original state. While this is initially seen as healing and/or reversal of time/causality, Wakaki is able to fuse multiple concepts and objects, as well as specifically choosing the concepts to restore, creating a new object in return and leaving the other concepts to cease.
- Dōchaku (撞着): When Wakaki fuses two objects with missing concepts, both will begin to contend for the place of its primary concept, creating a living paradox, with anything that it comes in contact with to be transported into a contradictory reality.
- Kire (切れ): By cutting "something" with Goshō, the concept and the logic of said entity will be split into multiple integrants. This results in the entity's concept being temporarily erased as it splits into multiple parts related to said concept. Goshō is capable of reading the concepts that it cuts, discern its weaknesses, and even cut the parts into more parts infinitely. Its offensive ability extends to just about anything that one can think of as Goshō simply bypass the concept of resistance by splitting it into multiple constituents and cutting further into the concept ad infinitum. For instance, a banana sliced by Goshō will have the concept of the banana be split into three: its skin, flesh, and seeds. Should Wakaki cut further, the skin would be divided into its layers; further would be the cells, and so on. Wakaki could also interact with the concepts and gain information by utilizing the divided concept.
Gate Physiology: Gates are atemporal creatures who exist in a place outside spatiotemporal dimensions, and represents the very idea of "passageway". Logically, this makes her impossible to interacted with as she exist in a plane outside causality, making the cause of "interacting" and the effect of "getting a feedback" be impossible. Given she is transcendent in nature, she views everything to be fiction, which she can passively use to alter the reality of everything around her. Despite being banished into a human, Wakaki still retained her abilities.
- Martyrdom: Should one find themselves facing a similar ability or attempt to kill oneself, a seal would activate around the Gate, which makes them invulnerable to their respective abilities, making it impossible to take one's own life no matter the degree of their power. This could be extended far beyond the Gate and use it offensively, allowing them to create a barrier that blocks attacks.