Articles About Volt Foss
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Main Series | Child of a curse |
Royal Rumble | Volt Foss - Vopy - Nightwolf |
Non-canon | New Light |
Volt foss is one of the main characters of New Light a now cancelled project made by a 12 to 14 years old Volt12121. born an halfine, Volt was the target of bullying due to his difference and never once fought back despite being stronger than his aggressors as if he did, he would merely prove them right about being a beast. He lived a lonely childhood until one day a young girl named Luna Woodward would come and befriend him as things appeared to be looking up for him, he would make a fateful encounter that would forever change the direction of his life. Alpha, a demon banished from hell due to the Demon King fearing being dethroned, took residence within Volt's body to maintain his life as demon are unable to live on the mortal plane for long without assistance. Furious at hearing that his rival had taken residence within someone, the Demon King, mind controlled the young child's father into wanting to kill his own son. As the young boy came back home, he was attacked by one of the two people in his life who truely cared about him, having no other choice but to defend himself, Volt used his unnatural strength to subdue his father before running away from his town. As he ran, he quickly noticed someone follow behind him, Luna, who unable to see her friend run away on his own decided to follow him as together they began their way towards their destination, New Light, a reknowned city due to its large size and amicable residents...maybe, just maybe Volt could finally feel accepted within this new place
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Neutral Good (As a child he merely tried his best to live his day to day life, unwilling to attack others as he did not want to harm them and prove them right about their insults. He would later on become a reknowned hero of New Light alongside his friends. His good heart and willpower would later on purify Alpha became into being a being of light), Chaotic Evil in Alpha Mode (Volt is now possessed by Alpha, A powerful demon who wishes nothing more than cause destruction)
Name: Volt Foss
Origin: New Light
Gender: Male
Age: 7 years old | 8 years old | 13 years old | 16 years old | 17 years old
Classification: Halfine, Hero of New Light
Weight: 30 Kilograms | 35 kilograms | 50 kilograms | 60 kilograms | 63 Kilograms
Height: 1,34 meters | 1,40 meters | 1,52 meters | 1,73 meters | 1,75 meters
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown and black
Status: Alive
Powers and Stats[]
Keys: Kid Volt | Early training | Late training | Hero of New Light | War of demons
Tier: 9-B, Higher with Berserk Mode | 8-A, Higher with Berserk Mode | 7-A, Higher with Berserk Mode | 6-C, Higher with Berserk Mode, Far Higher in Alpha mode | 6-C, 4-C with Hikari's blessing
Powers and Abilities:
As a basic user of Vitality Volt gains;
Magic (All living beings are capable of wielding magic by using their own Vitality.), Regeneration (High-Low; Vitality naturally allows users to regenerate wounds such as deep cuts and even organ damage in mere moments.), Immortality (Type 2; Aslong as a being has an ounce of Vitality within them, they are able to live from wounds that would normally be lethal such as stabs to organs like the stomach without having to heal from them.), Power Bestowal and Healing (All living beings are capable of giving another being their own Vitality which allows them to heal wounds that they are unable to regenerate from on their own.), Non-Physical Interaction and Immortality Negation (Type 7; All living beings are capable of harming and even killing incorporeal beings such as ghosts.), Limited Resistance to Death Manipulation (Honey's father stated that "vitality is the energy that gives life, aslong as a living being has some within them, death can't take them".), Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Vitality is a spiritual energy that naturally protects the users' soul allowing them to survive direct strikes to it.), Willpower Manipulation (Vitality has been described as the "energy to act" as such aslong as one has Vitality they can not lose the will to act.)Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics (Halfines are naturally more agile than humans), Enhanced Senses (As an Halfine, Volt naturally has heighted senses), Natural Weaponry (Volt has sharp claws and fangs), Animal Manipulation (As an Halfine, Volt can naturally command wolves), Shapeshifting (As halfine, Volt can naturally turn into a wolf), Berserk Mode (Due to Alpha being within him, Volt can enter a state of rage which increases his physical prowess), Electricity Manipulation (Volt has inherited his late mother's magic, making him able to utilize electricity in combat, however due to his young age and no prior expertise, he can only use it to minorly harm someone), Fire Manipulation (Volt has inherited his late mother's magic, making him able to utilize fire in combat, however due to his young age and no prior expertise, he can only use it to minorly burn someone or light up dark places)
Same as before plus, Accelerated Development (Training; Under the teaching of Apollo, Volt and his friends exponentially grew in strength and skill) Weapon Mastery (Volt has been taught how to wield a sword in combat), Martial Arts (Volt has been taught hand to hand combat under the teaching of Honey), Enhanced Electricity Manipulation (Due to his training Volt has improved his control over electricity, now being able to send powerful bolt of lighting twoards his opponent), Enhanced Fire Manipulation (Due to his training Volt has improved his control over fire, now being able to summon large barrage of fire balls.), Teleportation (Volt has accquired the abilty to teleport at will, he must however know the exact location of where he wishes to land),
Same as before plus, Soul Absorption (Volt was able to absorb Oceanwave's soul within himself), Ice Manipulation and Water Manipulation (Due to absorbing the soul of Oceanwave, Volt has gained the abilty to control ice and water)
Same as before plus, Flight (With his Hoverboard), Statistics Amplification (By utilzing his sword, Brightest Sun, Volt can increase his physical prowess the more damage he takes), Vitality Absorption and Statistics Reduction (By utilzing his sword, Darkest Moon, Volt can steal and absorb the Vitality of those he strikes. Not only healing his wounds but also progressively weakening them till they are unable to use their powers), Forcefield Creation (With the Necklace of Heroes, which naturally creates a forcefield around Volt), Supernatural Willpower and Purification (Volt was able to purify Alpha back into being a being of light through his willpower.), Transformation (Volt can enter a state where Alpha fully takes control of him known as Alpha Mode)
Darkness Manipulation and Weapon Creation (Alpha is capable of manipulating darkness, being able to shape into weapons such as blades), Flight (Alpha is capable of flight through the use of levitation), Morality Manipulation (Alpha can turn one evil by manipulating the evil in their heart), Necromancy (Alpha claims to be able to raise the death), Unholy Manipulation (As a demon Alpha naturally uses these kind of powers), Empowerment (Alpha grows more powerful the more his opponent loses hope of defeating him)
Same as before minus Berserk Mode and Transformation plus, Darkness Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (With Bloodfang, a blade created from demon blood and some of his own, it allows Volt to attack with darkness projeciles that directly harms the soul), Summoning (Volt can summon Bloodfang at will due to it having been fabricated with some of his blood)
Self-Sustenance (Type 2 and 3; Hikari's blessing allows Volt to ignore his bodily needs such feeding himself or needing rest), Weapon Creation, Light Manipulation and Holy Manipulation (Hikari's blessing allows Volt to create weapon made from holy light), Morality Manipulation (Hakari's blessing allows Volt to turn demons good by branding them with Hikari's symbol), Sealing (Hikari's blessing allows Volt to entrap one in holy light, effectively trapping them in a bubble of light), Telepathy (Hikari's blessing allows Volt to telepathically communicate with Hikari or other wielder of his blessing), Resistance to Morality Manipulation (Due to Hikari's blessing, Demons are unable to turn Volt evil)
Attack Potency: Wall level+ (As an Halfine, Volt is naturally stronger than humans, being able to easily subdue his father, with the latter being a trained adventure able to cause explosion this powerful and he can harm Honey who can break thirty stone tiles.), Higher with Berserk Mode (Due to Alpha, Volt can enter a state of pure rage that increases his physical prowess) | Multi City Block level (Volt and his friends could defeat monsters which could destroy skycrapers), Higher with Berserk Mode | Mountain level (Volt could alongside his friends, fight on part with the earth worm, who was going to destroy the whole city of New Light throught the use of earthquakes, which should make it this powerful), Higher with Berserk Mode, | Island level (Comparable to Honey who could one shot Pyronick who claimed to be able to incinerate mountains which should be comparable to vaporizing them), Higher with Berserk Mode, Far Higher with Alpha Mode (Within Alpha Mode, Volt could easily toy around with his friends, only being defeated due to Volt purifying him.) | Island level (Volt trained restlessly in order to prepare himself for the war of demons and thus grew much stronger than before. Volt2's power analyzer claimed that Volt had grown thrice his previously recorded analysis.), Star level with Hikari's blessing (The blessing allows Volt to rival high demons who according to Hikari can "Snuff out stars as if they never existed")
Durability: Wall level+, Higher with Berserk Mode | Multi City Block level, Higher with Berserk Mode | Moutain level, Higher with Berserk Mode | Island level, Higher with Berserk Mode, Far Higher with Alpha Mode | Island level, Star level with Hikari's blessing
Striking Strength: Wall Class+, Higher with Berserk Mode | Multi City Block Class, Higher with Berserk Mode | Mountain Class, Higher with Berserk Mode | Island Class, Higher with Berserk Mode, Far Higher with Alpha Mode | Island Class, Star Class with Hikari's blessing
Lifting Strength: At least Athletic Human (Stronger than his father who is a trained adventurer), Higher with Berserk Mode | Class 50 (Comparable to Honey who could lift a semi-truck), Higher with Berserk Mode | At least Class 50 (Volt grew much stronger than before), Higher with Berserk Mode | At least Class 50, Higher with Berserk Mode, Far Higher with Alpha Mode | At least Class 50, Stellar with Hikari's blessing
Travel Speed: At least Athletic Human (Faster than his father who is a trained adventurer), Higher with Berserk Mode | Subsonic (Volt naturally moves faster than the eye can see) | Subsonic, Higher with Berserk Mode | Subsonic, Higher with Berserk Mode | Subsonic, Higher with Berserk Mode, Far Higher with Alpha Mode | Subsonic, Higher with Hikari's blessing
Combat Speed: At least Athletic Human | Relativistic (Volt is capable of dodging lasers) | Relativistic | Relativistic | Relastivistic, FTL with Hikari's blessing (Volt can fight on part with demons who can dodge light projectiles thrown by Honey)
Reaction Speed: At least Athletic Human | Relativistic (Volt is capable of dodging lasers) | Relativistic | Relativistic | Relastivistic, FTL with Hikari's blessing
Stamina: Athletic (Volt naturally has more Vitality than the average human due to his hybride nature) | At least Athletic (Volt has far more stamina than before due to his training) | Peak Human (Volt could alongside his friends, fight on part with the earth worm for hours) | Peak Human, Infinite with Alpha Mode (Alpha has a limitless amount of Vitality) | Peak Human, Infinite with Hikari's blessing (Hikari's blessing allows Volt to never tire, letting him fight at full capacity no matter how long he fights)
Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee with Magic | Standard Melee, Extended Melee with his sword, Tens of Meters with his Magic
Intelligence: Below Average (Volt is unable to write or read) | Gifted in combat (Volt has been fighting on part with Honey, someone who has been training since the young age of five years old alongside spending a last whole year honing his skills under the teaching of Apollo, an Ex hero who used to protect new light before he became an hermit. As such, Volt has gain high knowledge of combat), Above Average otherwise (Volt has a deep love of learning and thus once he was given the chance to be taught how to write and read began reading numerous book which taught him numerous life skill such as cooking) | Gifted in combat (Volt has spent 5 years honing his skill in order to finally become a hero of new light), Above Average otheriwse | Gifted in combat (Volt is now an acomplished hero of new light alongside his friends, he's a talented strategist who can easily notice weak point in his opponent and use the various talents of his friends to better defeat an opponent), Above Average otherwise | Genius in combat (Volt, alongside his friends could fight thousand upon thousands of demons while merely being five in order to save the mortal relam), Above Average otheriwse
Standard Equipment[]
Nothing Notable
- Iron Sword: A regular iron sword that Volt uses in combat
- Necklace of Heroes: A golden necklace given to all his team by Luna's mother. It naturally creates a forcefield around the wearer to protect them from harm.
- Hoverboard: A Hoverboard created by volt2 which allows Volt to fly around.
Same as before plus
- Bloodfang: a blood red sword forged in the blood of a powerful demon and some of his own. It allows Volt to attack with projectiles of darkness that target the soul, Volt is also capable of summoning it at will
Standard Tactics:
Volt will panically attempt to overpower his opponent using his superior strength alongside using his very limited magic kit to burn or shock his opponent should they try to grab him. Should he be put in an intense emotional state, he will enter a rage state which will increase his physical capabilities
Volt will use his sword skill alongside his control over electricity and fire to send barrage of elemental projectiles.
Volt will use the Twin blades Brightest Sun and Darkest Moon in melee combat while mixing in his magic. if his life was to be threatened, Alpha will take control of Volt and ruthlessly attack his opponent by using darkness projectiles and attempt to turn them to his side by manipulating the evil in their soul.
Same as before but If he has access to Hikari's blessing, Volt will inculde attempting to seal his opponent in a bubble of light and if they are demonic by nature, brand them with Hikari's symbol.
Weaknesses: Volt has incredible low self-esteem and close to no prior combat experience. Volt's body will naturally block off his magic once he runs low on Vitality | Volt's body will naturally block off his magic once he runs low on Vitality | Same before for Volt, Alpha is naturally highly cocky and is weak to Light and Holy attacks | Same as before, Nothing Notable with Hikari's blessing
Battle Records[]
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: