Victor is the villain protagonist of MyDarkJournal and a major villain in The Slenderverse. After the death of his wife, he became one of The Slenderman's proxies as apart of a deal to resurrect her from the dead.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C physically, 9-B with Sledgehammer, higher with piercing damage
Name: Victor
Origin: Slenderverse
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Human, Proxy of Slenderman, Murderer, Former miner
Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Of his Brown Bess and Sledgehammer), Resurrection (Resurrected his deceased wife[1]), Summoning (Performed a ritual which likely summoned Slenderman[2]), Blessed, Limited Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Despite being mind-controlled by Slenderman, he was once able to resist his control for a few moments and attempted to take his life with a Brown Bess[2])
Attack Potency: Street level physically (Kicked down a door[3], which requires this amount of energy[note 1]. Overpowered and held his own against the OsirisChronicles crew[4]), Wall level with Sledgehammer (Shattered a table with two hits[2], which requires this amount of energy[note 2]), higher with piercing damage
Speed: Average Human, Supersonic attack speed with Brown Bess
Lifting Strength: At least Average Human (Able to lift Samuel by the neck with one hand and presumably killed him via strangulation[5])
Striking Strength: Street level
Durability: Street level (Took punches from the OsirisChronicles crew[4])
Stamina: Average
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee Range with Sledgehammer, Hundreds of meters with Brown Bess
Standard Equipment: Camera
Optional Equipment: Brown Bess and Sledgehammer
Intelligence: Above average (Kidnapped Robbie and resurrected his wife)
Weaknesses: Is under Slenderman's mind control and influence. But other than that, none notable
Notable Matchups[]