FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

A world of endless imagination.


The Venefica Chronicles is a very expansive verse which first began on January 22nd, 2022. In the verse, there are many stories branching off of the main sagas and arcs which focuses on a very large cast of characters and differing genre's. Any character could be a protagonist or antagonist across countless differing worlds and countless differing possibilities. At the same time, countless different themes are explored through the various arcs and sagas, delving deep into the psychology of characters in the situations the story puts them in and testing their wills to the highest extent. The verse can delve into meta-fiction, while at the same time focusing on more grounded characters with normal problems. The verse can be hot, yet at the same time cold. There is darkness and light, hatred and love, chaos and order, and all things in between. The story is ever growing with no sign of slowing down in the near future. Although it may be far from perfect writing, this is a story that allows one to delve into all things possible and explore to their hearts content, as well as allow me and my sister, as writers, to improve our craft and redeem ourselves for our poor writings of the past.







Attack Potency[]

Lifting Strength[]


  • TBD


Veneficaverse ('The Aftertimes' - Main Story)[]

Book of Titania ('The Aftertimes' - Side Story)[]

  • TBD

Journey to Daimajo ('The Beforetimes' - Main Story)[]

  • Kaku Dark - Prismatic Prodigy
  • Shindashi Sukeriton - 'Memento Mori'
  • Namaiki Dokku - Toxic Queen of Aludra
  • Yumajo Carayume - Savior of Dreams
  • Iro Carayume - Maiden of Life
  • Kaiza Koji - The Prophesied Fallen Star
  • Exposia Eneria - Exploding Nova
  • Feruzen Athena - The 'Forgotten Witch of Storms'

Fall of Magica ('The Beforetimes' - Side Story)[]

  • TBD

