FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


This verse was created by Dragonmasterxyz on July 8, 2019 and is apart of the Xros Revolution Multiverse.

About the Verse

The 8 elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Light and Darkness have long been apart of the franchise. In this tale, the story revolving around the Elementals and the Heroes who correspond to each of them is detailed. While our 8 heroes go through the world in order to stop a dreaded evil...that they know nothing about...All the while having to deal with various threats including the elusive, but extremely powerful Zumecia Brigadine. This series is mostly a parody of JRPG tropes and as such doesn't always take itself seriously, but doesn't shy away from serious and sometimes dark subject matter.

Power of the Verse

Then end power has yet to be decided, however the series starts our as my second highest starting tier behind Yuracion Absolon at Large Star levels of power. This scaling comes from Jonathan Bluveir who not only created a dimension with a planet and star, but also destroyed it in order to kill the main heroes. For most of the series, most feats are well within the stellar range and only reaching Universal+ levels of power when the Elementals Avatars are introduced. Where the stories and power ratings go once the True Elementals are tiered is unknown. The series like most Xros Revolution stories has characters hold a wide variety of abilities such as Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Conceptual Manipulation, etc.


Super Elementals












Elemental Heroes

Zubair Tor

Leviatia Oceanus

Beatrice Dycotus

Sasha Vermilion

Raikia Felvana

Silva Icerion

Lok Lusterborne

Canaan Jovani

Heroes Guard

Sanzu Izanami

Corvin Ragnaz

Cassandra Aesir

Aaiya Tor

Cain Elysian

Eshaan Uchadev

Vladmir Dracule Nosferatu

Merva Nocturne

Kingdom of Ignis

Kingdom of Aqua

Kingdom of Terra

Kingdom of Ventus

Kingdom of Fulgar

Kingdom of Glacies

Kingdom of Lux

Kingdom of Tenebris

Kingdom of Iraklinos

Cult of Veravecia

Zumecia Brigadine

Jonathan Bluveir

Lyn Firehart

Corcus Elysian

Other Characters
