FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

You open your eyes...

You feels the air entering your lungs... Blood flowing throughout your veins and arteries... You feel your heart beating... Throbbing relentlessly

You are sure you already felt these sensations before... but at this moment... You receive them as something new, and unknown, as if you were being created and modeled at this exact moment


You feel your eyeballs filling the empty sockets that could barely be called "Eyes"


You are born

With a clumsy and confused walk, you advance forwards, feeling sharp rocks, and thorns and spines slighty cutting through your flesh...

This doesn't bother you at all...

Taking a look at your sorroundings, you realize you are on a rocky, and cloudy landscape... No sign of life anywhere... This doesn't bother you either...

You are just instinctively walking forwards... in this seemingly endless hill... you feel you are being attracted... or controlled by something...

...you see a gate in the horizon...

A Golden Gate... it attracts you to it's direction... The brightness... the gleam... all of this attracts you to it's direction... like a magnet would do to a piece of metal... You speed up your walking pace...

The Gate opens to you, giving way to your entrance...

In the distance, you see a Throne, golden and bright, emitting light...

You feel the intensity of it's light in your skin... rising more and more as you walk in The Throne's direction...

...and with each step...

a feeling of fear and dread take over your being...

Your hear a voice in your mind...

- Stop

You obey the voice without question, you do not know if it is just a halucination or your imagination, but you feel that you should be submitting to it without a shred of questioning or doubt

You feel a Presence...

A Divine... Overwhelming... Omnipotent Presence...

You fall to your knees in the face of this... Divine Presence...

Rising your head to The Great Throne's direction, you see a Light... it burns...

You feel a painful sensation... as if your very existence was fading away...

You want to stop looking at the light... divert your gaze to something else... anything else...

And amidst this blinding and overwhelming light... Your mortal eyes catch a glimpse of the face behind it...

It was a cat... like you, and all of your kind... but it was... different...

...it was beautiful... and frightening... You feel a pair of Eyes, bright as The Sun itself... observing you...

...tears... You feel tears rolling over your face... you are in tears... you are afraid... you are in pain... you feel unworthy to look at such godly face...

...a voice... powerful like the greatest of the storms... is directed at you...

- Praise... Praise My Name...