FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Nicholas launches a building[]

"So be it. Enjoy the ride." Nicholas smiles, then has his Stand dig further into the ground reaching the foundations of the structure, the Stand then strikes the foundation of the building launching the entire thing into the sky along with everyone in it.
~ Nicholas

The average house seems to weigh somewhere around 63502 KG, I'll assume the bunker underneath weighs the same because I'm lazy.

63502 x 2 = 127004 KG

For the speed, I'll assume 0.1 second, since it seems to happened very fast.

The height will be assumed to be 50 meters.

Plugging the values into a kinetic energy calculator gets us 15875500000 joules or 3.79 tons of tnt aka Large Building level