FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Wounded Large Speakerman lifts a door[]

Door on the outside of the Alpha Hills Labs look absolutely identical to those in Chief Scientist's office, just higher part of it is hidden on the outside door, so I will use measurements in Ep 70 for this.

Cameraman - 175 cm

Dark Speakerman - 203.5 cm

Door height - 647.4 cm or 6.474m

Door width - 1013.1 cm 10.131 m

Door thickness - Will be 65 cm or 0.65 m since it's hard to accurately measure.

Density of steel - 8050

6.474 × 10.131 × 0.65 × 8050 = 343189.701855 Kg or 378,302 Tons (Class K) While sufficiently injured

Door Destruction[]