Crushing Ghosts - Destiny: Beyond The Stars
Dusk-5 can crush ghosts with a single hand
Compressive strength of steel is up to 400 MPa, or 58,015.1 PSI. Seeing how the drones are made of futuristic material, they're probably even stronger
Human hands are 139.462 cm^2, or 21.61665323 in^2
21.61665323 * 58,015.1 = 1,254,092.2988 lbs, or 568,846.7 kg, or 568.8 tons of force (Class K)
Way higher than I thought it would be. Pretty much every guardian & creature that can grapple guardians scale
The Fusion Calcs
DNA-107, while fighting with a Multiversal Order officer, kicks the soldier through a glass door. And luckily, we now have ways to calculate glass destruction feats.
I'll be basing this off of this Sherlock Holmes calc
"Standard size for a door is 2.032 m tall, 91.44 cm wide, and 3.334 cm thick." - References For Common Feats: Destroying A Door. Minimum glass door thickness is 4.78 mm
2.032 * 0.9144 = 1.8580608 m^2
The soldier hit about the halfway mark of the door, meaning that our radius is half of the height
21.43/101.6^0.5 = 2.12605902282 MPa, or 2,126,059.02282 N/m^2
1.8580608 * 2,126,059.02282 = 3950346.92879 N
3950346.92879 * 0.00478 = 18,882.7 Joules (Wall level)
Rober has access to super futuristic weaponry, mainly explosives that blew a …
A Compilation of Mortal Kombat: Stattered Realms Calcs
Tital says it all. Let's powerscale my Mortal Kombat fanfiction
- 1 Quan-Chi Soulnado
- 2 Breaking a Steel Symbol
- 3 Sektor vs Ice Wall
- 4 Kitana Gets Slammed Through A Floor
- 5 Shang-Tsung vs Liu Kang. Loser: The Arena
- 6 Rock vs Johnny's Face
- 7 Geras Sandnado
- 8 Fear Sektor's Self-Destruct
- 9 Jax's Rocket Launcher
Quan-Chi makes a big-ass soulnado in order to absorb the souls of a bunch of people. How powerful is this tornado?
Considering how this is considered a "beginner spell" in this MK universe and not really used in combat, it's safe to assume that most of his more hostile spells would be more dangerous, so pretty much all of the high-tiers scale to whatever these results are.
Average tornadoes reach to about 1,500 meters tall. The soulnado could cover the whole…
Valve vs Spaceships
There are some massive spaceships that diffrent universes use in war. Other robots just as powerful as Valve can destroy these ships.
These ships should at minimum weigh as much as the Icon Of The Seas due to being roughly equal size with it, which weighs 250,800 tons
I'll use the same measurment for normal airplanes for the spaceships, which is 80% aluminum, 15% steel, and 5% titanium
- 1 Aluminum
- 2 Steel
- 3 Titanium
- 4 Final Tally
250,800 * 0.8 = 200,640 Tons of Aluminum
Aluminum weighs 2.7 Tons per m^3
200,640/2.7 = 74311.1111111 m^3, or 74311111111.1 cm^3
Fragmentation of Aluminum is 48.75 j/cc
74311111111.1 * 48.75 = 3,622,666,700,000 Joules
250,800 * 0.15 = 37,620 Tons of Steel
Steel weighs 7.85 Tons per m^3
37,620/7.85 = 4,792.3566879 m^3, or 4792356687.…
Sandra vs Her Brother's Explosions
Patrick set off an explosion in order to try and kill Valve, and he forgot that his sister was pretty close to the explosives.
Patrick's explosives can blast apart steel doors, which requires 12,890,000 Joules
The explosives typically only have about a 2 - 3 meter max radius, we'll go with the halfway point and assume Sandra was about 2.5 meters away
(0.0030807839388) / (4Ï€((2.5)^2)) = 0.00003922575 Tons of TnT / m^2
Sandra is 5' 6" and 130 lbs, giving her a surface area of 1.6655 m^2
1.6655 * 0.5 = 0.83275 m^2
0.00003922575 * 0.83275 = 0.00003266524 Tons of TnT, or 136,671.36416 Joules (Wall level)