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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Weight of Titan Cameraman's Hammer[]

233 20240724143537

Titan cameraman = 62m = 1079.9px

Titan camera arm = 222.6x = 12.780072228910m

20240830 115828

Hammer handle[]

Height = 34.2m

Diameter = 3.1m

Hammer handle volume

Hammer handle volume

But I think it might be about 10% hollow, because they're probably trying to save costs and get Titan Cameraman ready to fight as soon as possible.

Steel has a density of 7.85g/cm³ or 7850kg/m³

The weight of the hammer handle is

258.13053117853*7850 = 2026324.66975kg

Hammer head 1[]

height  = 6.2 m

diameter 1 = 9.6 m

diameter 2 = 13.5 m

Hammer head volume

hammer head volume

hammer head 2[]

height = 4.5m

diameter = 13.5m

Hammer head2 volume

hammer head 2 volume

Total  hammer head volume[]

644.12466875633+655.77133812135 = 1299.89600688 m³

But I think it should be about 30% hollow because it seems to have some mechanism that makes the blue fire.


1299.89600688*0.7 = 909.927204816 m³

The weight of the hammer head is

909.927204816*7850 = 7142928.55781 kg

Multiply the result by 2 because there are two sides of hammer head.


7142928.55781*2 = 14285857.1156kg

rocket booster[]

height  =  5.6 m

diameter 1 =  11.3 m

diameter 2 = 8.9 m

Rocket booster volume

rocket booster  volume

But I think it's probably 80% hollow.

The volume of rocket booster is

450.77456349299*0.2 = 90.1549126986m³

The weight of rocket booster is

90.1549126986*7850 = 707716.064684 kg

Total weight[]

707716.064684+14285857.1156+2026324.66975 = 17,019,897.85 kg/17,019.89785 Ton (Class M)

Titan Cameraman swings his hammer[]


20240830 195842

Distance = 54.6m

Time frame = 6 frame (0.2 second)

Speed = 273m/s


0.5*17,019,897.85*273^2 = 634,237,983,431 Joules / 151.58651612 Tons (Multi-City Block)

Lifting Strength[]

Energy/Distance = Lifting Strength

634,237,983,431/54.6 = 11,616,080,282.6 newtons / 1,184,510.5395 Ton-Force (Class G)

Method 2[]

F = ma

m = Hammer mass(17,019,897.85kg)

a = ∆v/∆t = 273/0.2 = 1365m/s^2


17,019,897.85*1365 = 23,232,160,565.3 newtons / 2,369,021.0791 Ton-Force (Class G)