“ | I promised to Supreme Kai of Time, or Chronoa-sama, that I wouldn't use Super Saiyan, but circumstances have pushed me to do so. It's time to get serious! | „ |
~ Retasu goes full power |
Retasu (レタス) is a new member of the Time Patrollers under the tutelage of Yasai aka her mother, Chronoa, Trunks, and Son Goku. Under Chronoa order, she was assigned to a newly discovered timeline to safeguard it from anyone in the Demon Realm seeking to corrupt it. She attends an academy named Union Academy, disguising herself as a student with a Power Suppressing Arm Bands or PSAB. This allows her to blend into the playing fields alongside her peers and anyone else in that timeline.
Retasu was born in Age 837, originating from Universe 7 as a Hybrid Saiyan on Earth. Her early life consisted of training, seeking education, and engaging in normal teenage activities, such as searching for partners and other miscellaneous pursuits. Her mother is a Saiyan, while her father is an Earthling. Retasu is always obsessed with training to become a Time Patroller, spending most of her time in rigorous self-battles, often injuring herself in the process.
At the age of 9, her father succumbed to an incurable disease, leading her mother into depression. She did her best to cheer her mother up, ultimately succeeding in helping her overcome depression. Since the age of 10, she has trained extensively with her mother, providing her with a basic foundation in martial arts, as her mother is part of the Time Patroller. Her role involves maintaining history across the Multiverse, ensuring that it flows according to its intended course, although her job is challenging due to the interference of Demon Gods and other malicious beings attempting to alter history for their gain.
At 14, she received a recommendation to join the Time Patrollers as a newbie. Accepting the offer, she and her mother flew to Conton City to live and train there. Upon arrival, she was greeted by Trunks and Chronoa, also known as the Supreme Kai of Time, who welcomed her as a new candidate. However, she couldn't join the Time Patrollers just yet, being 14, with the age requirement being at least 16. For the next two years, she continuously trained with Chronoa, Trunks, and her mother, Yasai. Along the way, she occasionally participated in missions performed by other Time Patrollers, making her familiar with the Demon Realm and its inhabitants, known as Demons.
During a mission with other Time Patrollers, she stole one of the Time Breaker Masks from a deceased, brainwashed Dark Empire soldier without informing anyone. Trying it on secretly, she had extreme difficulty with controlling the Dark Ki due to its potent corrupting effects. Eventually, her Saiyan Reactive Evolution allowed her to harness the Dark Ki, albeit at a basic level. She vowed never to use the mask unless a situation she deemed suitable arose.
While undergoing a test to officially join the Time Patrollers as a new candidate, Son Goku (SDBH) appeared and randomly chose her to be his disciple. Confused but eager, she accepted, having heard stories from her mother about Son Goku saving the entire Time Nest by stopping Demon God Demigra from rewriting all of existence, though, she's well aware this is different version of Son Goku. Inspired by his story, she regarded Goku as her role model. After spending 1.5 years inside the Room of Spirit and Time, she emerged stronger than ever, thanks to Goku as her inspiration. She also mastered Super Saiyan, just like her mother. She discovered Super Saiyan during training with her mother and has since worked on mastering it independently.
Following this, she officially became a Time Patroller member, and her first task was to protect a new timeline with unique power. Intrigued, she accepted the job offer from Chronoa.
Retasu is built muscular but lean, resembling the physique of active female Saiyan warriors. She possesses the physiology of both Earthlings and Saiyans as a Hybrid Saiyan. Her eyes are blue, and she has green hair. Standing at a height equivalent to Vegeta, approximately 164 cm, she sports spiky, long, yet soft hair similar to Kefla.
She wears an attire resembling Aoes (SDBH), known as the Supreme Kai of Time outfit. However, her version features Blue and White color variations instead of Purple and Pink. Additionally, she adorns a Chronoa headband and Aeos's cute hat.
Retasu is rash, hot-blooded, and acts quickly depending on the situation surrounding her. She can be nagging at times due to her mother's habits. She's often referred to as a "tomboy." However, deep down, she desires to be loved and spoiled by her loved ones.
When criticizing something, she can be blunt and brutally honest; she doesn't sugarcoat it if she finds it unappealing.
Born into a warrior race, it's expected that she never gives up on reaching her goals. She's a bit stubborn and fierce, never backing down from any challenge, no matter how dangerous it may be.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Neutral Good
Name: Retasu
Origin: Dragon Ball Heroes, Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Union Mission
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Classification: Saiyan, Time Patroller, Student
Date of Birth: 17th February, Age 837
Birthplace: Earth, Universe 7
Weight: 76 KG
Height: 164 CM
Likes: Time Patroller, Earth, her Parents, Foods
Dislikes: Nothing in particular, except for the Demon from Demon Realm, mostly
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Green
Hobbies: Training, Exploring the Space, Found a new Planet, Reading
Martial Status: Single
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Time Patroller, Union Academy as a Student
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 7-A, 6-C with Super Saiyan, High 6-C with Super Kaioken | Low 1-C
Key: With Power Suppressing Arm Bands | Without Power Suppresing Arm Bands
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Acrobatics, Pressure Point Strikes, Afterimage Creation, Weapon Mastery
- Limited Longevity: Known intergalactically as the "warrior race of the universe", Saiyans have evolved to remain in their physical prime for a long period of time. Their bodies remain child-like for several years before rapidly growing into their adult bodies[1], and they age slowly after reaching their prime[2] in order to remain young and battle-ready for decades[3]; after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail. Additionally, Saiyans have a longer lifespan[4] than humans.
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1): Can fly, breath, and talk in space.
- Accelerated Development (Battle, Training; Physical Statistics, Abilities): As a Saiyan, Retasu grows stronger every time she fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever she is mortally injured.
- Adaptation & Reactive Evolution: Can adapt to gravity. Saiyans can evolve to counters against special abilities/techniques[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] that can cause harm to them.
- Ki Manipulation (Heroes & Xenoverse Exclusive - Master)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Ghost, Spirit, Soul - Illusion - Pure Energy - Invisibility, Intangibility - Incorporeality - Abstract Wills, Thoughts, Emotions, Concept [Type 1], Data & Information [Type 2] - Void, Nonexistent Nature [Type 1] - Space-Time): Ki can interact with ghosts, spirits, souls, illusions, pure energy beings, invisible & intangible ki blasts, abstract wills, thoughts, emotions,[22][23][24][7][8][25][26][27][28][24][29][30][31] data, information[32], concepts and void[33] itself[34]. Can interact with abstract beings such as Infinite Zamasu and Janemba who is stated to be Evil Ideas given form,[35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][31][43] the personification of Evil,[44] the "mass" of Evil Ideas,[45][46][47][48][49][50][51] and even the fabric of space-time itself.
- Extrasensory Perception & Information Analysis: Via Ki Sensing. Can sense God Ki from Demon Gods.
- Flight: Via Ki Manipulation.
- Teleportation: Via Instant Transmission.
- Sealing: Via the Mafuba.
- Dark Ki (Basic): She possesses Dark Ki via Time Breaker Mask.
- Supernatural Willpower
- Enhanced Senses: Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing them to locate small, distant objects[52] by tracking their smell[53] and see clearly over long distances[54], and track the movements of others[55][56][57] even in pitch black conditions by feeling vibrations in the air.
- Acausality (Type 1 & 4): Time Patrollers [Xeno] are unaffected[28][58] by changes in history and the erasure/destruction of their timeline/flow of time. Can fight in dimension outside space-time itself.
- Telepathy: Scale to CC Goku.
- Analytical Prediction & Information Analysis: Can predict opponents based on movement[59], sense malicious intent[60], and feel small currents of air.[61][62][63]
- Regeneration (Mid-Low): Scale to CC Goku.
- Shockwaves Generation: Can create powerful shockwaves via Kiai.
- Power Mimicry: Can easily replicate other Ki-based techniques after seeing them once.
- Telekinesis
- BFR, Dimensional Travel & Time Travel
- Dimensional Storage
- Statistics Amplification: Can greatly enhance her power with Kaio-ken up to 20 times.
- Transformation: She can transforms into Super Saiyan.
- Rage Power
- Water Walking
- Electricity Manipulation: Her Ki & Aura can generate intense electrical spark.
- Damage Boost: Can increase the power of her attacks by concentrating her Ki into a single point to do more damage.
- Light Manipulation: Can create flashes of light Via Solar flare to blind opponents and Super Saiyan forms can glow in pitch-black conditions.
- Stealth Mastery & Limited Perception Manipulation: With her sharpened spirit[64], Retasu mastered the ability of "[crouching] as quiet as the sky and [striking] quick than lightning"[65], dampening her presence completely[65]—including scant air movements[66] and her footsteps[67]—and erasing her own Ki[68]; thus, allowing her to optimize her movements and elude the senses of opponents completely.
- Presence Concealment: By supressing and lowering their Ki level, Ki users can mask their presences,[69] make them harder to be detected by other Ki sensors and blend themselves to the surrounding, even erase their Ki completely[70] to practically make them undetectable.
- Fusionism: Via the Potara, Metamo-Rings, and Fusion Dance.
- Power Nullification & Purification (Types 1 & 2): Can purify Dark Ki.
- Limited Elemental Manipulation:
- Earth Manipulation: With God Meteor.
- Ice Manipulation: With Blizzard God Meteor.
- Fire Manipulation: With Burning God Meteor.
- Statistics Reduction, Stamina Reduction & Status Effect Inducement: Dimensional Domain passively diminishes an opponent's stamina to bare minimum; making them unable to act.
All abilities from Base enhanced.
All abilities from Base & Super Saiyan enhanced.
- Dark Ki: Resist the corruption effect of Dark Ki.
- Disease Manipulation: Saiyans are immune[71] to the Extinction Bomb,[72] which releases a planet-wide supervirus aimed at extinguishing the targeted population[73] and has been stated to work on other alien planets in the past.[74]
- Paralysis Inducement
- Temperature Manipulation
- Acid Manipulation
- Cosmic Radiations: Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects.[75] Scale to CC Goku, can fight in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high.[76]
All previous abilities astronomically enhanced with the additions of:
- Gravity Manipulation & Matter Manipulation: Is able use to Hearts' signature ability, called Supergravity, allows her to manipulate gravity, forcing her opponents to the ground and paralyzing/binding them. Her gravity power can compress everything, even an entire planet.
- Enhanced Telekinesis: Like Heart's, she's able to "move" her opponents around, stop their ki blasts in mid-flight and push them away or back at her opponents.
- Paralysis Inducement: Can trap her opponents, or restrain their limbs with Gravity Cage. Can use either telekinesis or gravity manipulation, or use both in tandem to paralyze and bind her enemies in one place.
- Barrier Creation: Can create barrier via covering herself with her Gravity Cage.
- Explosion Manipulation: Can detonate her Gravity Cage/Cubes.
- Space-Time Manipulation & Portal Creation: At this level of power she can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with her energy.
- Time Manipulation: Can store, skip, stop and suspend beings in time.
- Enhanced Pressure Point Strikes: Her strikes always target the vital parts on her opponent's body, allowing her to stun/disable them, cause intense pain that can leave them unable to stand-up, cause them to lose consciousness, or even kill them.
- Durability Negation: Her Ki blasts can phase through conventional durability, crushing her opponent's inner parts.
- Intangibility and Invisibility: Can make herself intangible and invisible by moving in and out of her pocket dimension, her Ki blasts also phase through obstacles, and are invisible to her enemy.
- Pocket Reality Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation: Retasu stores the time she skips to create her pocket dimension. Can use it to render herself intangible and invisible whenever she chooses, dodging attacks and performing pseudo-teleportation in the boundary of her dimension. Being able to attack from inside of it and manipulate her Ki blasts direction.
- Illusion Creation: She can create illusionary duplicates from her Ki to mislead opponents and conceal herself. Can created a projection to mislead her enemy.
All abilities from Base enhanced.
All abilities from Base & Super Saiyan enhanced.
All previous resistance astronomically enhanced with the additions of:
- Sleep Manipulation
- Empathic Manipulation
- Electricity Manipulation
- Time Manipulation: Stronger than lesser Demon God who broke out from Chronoa time-based abilities with just raw power.
- Poison Manipulation
- Damage Reduction
- Status Effect Inducement: Can resist from being stunned.
- Statistics Reduction
- Spatial Manipulation & Corrosion Inducement
- Extreme Radiation: Scale to Hearts, is fine in space, unaffected by heat and radiation from a Big Bang.[17][77][78][79][80]
- Gravity Manipulation & Matter Manipulation, Telekinesis, Paralysis Inducement: Used her own power on herself and completely fine later.
Potara and Metamo-Rings grant the user these abilities:
Limited Resistance to
- Transmutation: Potara fusion has an ability to remains sentient and self-aware even when they get turned into non-living objects.
Dark Ki within Time Breaker Mask grant the user these abilities:
- Resurrection: Due to the Dark Ki also being just a special type of Ki (life-force, vital energy), it can give life to others as Demigra used his own Dark Ki to revive Dark Broly.
- Teleportation: Users can[81][15] teleport[82] themselves,[83] or forcefully teleport[84] others.
- Unholy Manipulation: As this Ki comes from the Demon Realm and demon race, it is an evil power. Several characters noted its dark and sinister nature when being sensed.
- Corruption (Type 1), Mind Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Type 2): Dark Ki can corrupt others[85] and turn them[28] into evil beings.[85] It corrupts the[31] body, mind and power of its victim. The Dark Dragon Balls contain Dark Ki which also corrupts its victims when possessed.[82][86][87] The power can corrupt synthetic androids,[31] history itself,[28] and abstract beings like Infinite Zamasu (Game) who became the very will/thoughts of justice.[24][29][30][31] Can brainwash its victims and control their minds.[88] Can even corrupt and distort Tokitoki's egg and the pure temporal energy inside, which is a conceptual energy that creates Time and in turn physical reality; can also corrupt Time Scroll along with the record, data and informations of history inside the scroll; and Janemba who is stated to be Evil Ideas given form,[35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][31] the living definition of Evil,[43] the personification of Evil.[44]
- Power Nullification: Dark Ki[89] automatically nullifies the powers of others[90] in the area[89] surrounding. its users[89] Can nullify other Dark Ki's users, or in other words, its own power & abilities.
- Enhanced Non-Physical Interaction: Upscale from normal Ki. Can affect and corrupt[31] beings like Janemba and Infinite Zamasu (Game) who became his very will/thoughts of justice.[24][29][30][31]
- Reality Warping & Space-Time Manipulation: Dark Ki users[91] can affect, rewrite & warp timelines/space-times/histories entirely.[92] Can distort space-time universe. Superior to normal Ki (Heroes & Xenoverse Exclusive) which can warp, distort space-time.[32]
- Causality Manipulation: Dark Ki can create space-time divisions that can change history itself, creating new events that originally didn't exist in the original history.[92] "Space-time" is synonymous with "timeline" & "history", as altering/distorting history means altering/distorting space-time and vice versa,[93] with history itself being a system of causality in the verse, being described as the very flow of events that are connected together; warping history equating to warping the flow of events (cause and effect) itself. The power[94][86][77] also distorted histories[95] of both Copy Universe & Real Universe 7, connected them together. Dark Ki also can cause all sort of possibilities to overflow.[28]
- Law Manipulation & Physics Manipulation: Dark Ki distorted the laws & physics[94][86][77] of the Copy Universe, created a law[95][94][86][96][82][97] where anything that happened in the Copy Universe would occur in the Original Universe.
- Portal Creation: Dark Ki users can distort space or cut space-time to create portals[98] or dimensional rifts.[99]
- BFR & Sealing: Dark Ki users can perform Scatter Attack which creates a space-time portal, throwing the enemy into another dimension and seal gateway and trapping them inside. Or warp space-time and throw enemy into the realm beyond space-time.
- Intangibility: Dark Ki users can use Peeler Storm which turns them into an energy storm to attack.
- Poison Manipulation: Dark Ki user can use Bloody Sauce which is a dark ki blast that can poison their enemies.
- Radiation Manipulation: Dark Ki can create effects[31] similar to Blutz Waves.
Resistance to
- Magic, Unholy Manipulation, Transmutation, Corruption (Type 1), Poison Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Type 2), Power Nullification, Teleportation, BFR, Reality Warping, Space-Time Manipulation, Law Manipulation & Physics Manipulation, Causality Manipulation: Dark Ki users such as Demons and Demon Gods naturally resist its effects[28] and can also resist demon gods power/Dark Factor. Fu was unaffected[100] by Mechikabura's Dark Factor's[99] power inside[100] of his body.[100]
- Radiation Manipulation: Can resist the effects of Dark Ki which produces effects similar to Blutz Waves, Time Breaker Masks contain Dark Ki capable of blocking Blutz Waves.[101]
- Possession: Dark Ki users like Demons can resist the Dark Factor. Fu is a mutant with demon cells who resisted Mechikabura's attempt to possess him. He also resisted the effects of the Dark Factor when it was inside his body.
Keysword grant the wielder these abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- True Flight: Displayed[89] the ability[89] to be in a constant state of flight.[89] Can fly to its users when called.
- Ki Manipulation (Heroes & Xenoverse Exclusive - Mastery level depend on the user): The sword has its own Ki, and it also allow users to channelling their own Ki.
- Energy Projection: Users can channel their ki to perform ki blasts. Can create multiple chains made out of ki[89] to restrain opponents.
- Aura: Has its[89] own aura.[89]
- Dimensional Travel: Is capable of travelling across dimensions, universes, space-time/timelines to its wielder.
- Duplication: Can create multiple energy swords that look like the sword itself. Can also duplicate itself.[89]
- Void Manipulation & Non-Physical Interaction: Interacted[102] with Mechikabura (Time Power Unleashed)'s Dark Factor Aura. Cut the void of nothingness left behind after Mechikabura absorbing all of reality into himself and created a portal for Xeno Goku and Xeno Gohan.[103] Seemingly passed through[103] Chronoa's body, interacted and nullified the Power of Darkness inside her, without her physical body getting damaged.[103] It also affected the void inside Mechikabura (Time Power Unleashed) which was sucked in by him, described to be as a "total darkness".[104]
- Intangibility: Can turn into a state of pure energy. Seemingly passed through Chronoa's physical body to expel the Dark Factor. Stated to be the Power of Light itself.
- Extrasensory Perception & Telepathy: The sword "locates" people who are trapped inside Mechikabura's black hole and "calls out to them"[104] to them.
- Space-Time Manipulation & Portal Creation: At this level of power the sword can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with its energy. Its power is comparable if not superior to Xeno Goku who merely by powering up to SSJ4 affect the flow of time itself[81] and CC Goku who can break Hit's pocket space-time dimension just by powering up.[8] It can also affect and suppresses the Demon Realm which is a separated dimension opposite of the Living Universe, sealed off the realm completely from the flow of time.[13][105] The sword pierced the timeless void, created a portal and allowed Xeno Goku and Xeno Gohan to reach Chronoa's location.[103]
- Power Nullification & Purification (All Types): The sword's signature power, passively nullifies[85][105] the effects[28] of any powers and abilities[85] that come close to its range[104] and when[85] it makes contact[85] with[85] the target.[102] Its power nullifying abilities are so strong that it's capable of suppressing[106][85] Dark Demon Realm's powers, nullifying Brainwashed Berserk Chronoa's attacks which possesses both Dark Factor & Time Power and her Brainwashed Berserk state which also is a form resulted from the combination of Dark Factor & Time Power, return her back to her original base form; later completely disperse Mechikabura (Time Power Unleashed)'s Aura and nullifies Chaos Ball's effects which both possesses Dark Factor & Time Power. As sword is stated to be Power of Light,[105] it should be superior to the Power of Light given by Dark Shenron to Demigra to nullify Mechikabura's Dark Factor.[104] Can seal all abilities of its targets with Keysword Lock.[107] Can also nullify status effects.[89]
- Sealing: Sealed the Hell Gates.[104] Was stated to be the sword[105] that sealed off[13] the Demon Realm from time. Can also seal opponents.[89]
- Transformation: Can transform into a state of pure energy. Can transform into an Awakened state with enough Time Power.
- Light Manipulation: Mechikabura stated the sword is the Power of Light created by a God to deal with the Demon Realm and Demons. Xeno Trunks stated it can counter the Power of Darkness.[105]
- Power Bestowal: The sword protects the users[85] and grants them[104] its power and abilities.
- Stamina Reduction & Status Effect Inducement: Can reduce opponents stamina via normal attacks or skills which will disable opponents abilities, powers and actions when their stamina is reduced to zero, making them unable to act.
- Possibly Durability Negation: Seemingly passed through Chronoa's physical body.[103]
Resistance to
- Dark Factor: Was stated to be the sword to combat the Demon Realm and its residents the Demons, thus it can resist Demon's powers & abilities. Xeno Trunks stated it can combat Mechikabura's Power of Darkness. Brainwashed Chronoa despite having Power of Darkness from Mechikabura could only throw dark energy blasts at Trunks when he wield the sword. Mechikabura stated that even he can't do anything to the sword[105] with all of his power & abilitied and decided to throw it away so no one can find and use it.
- Time Power: Completely unaffected by Time Power's ability, with Chronoa decided that it is pointless to use Time Power.[85]
- Chaos Ball: The Sword resisted[105][103] Mechikabura (Time Power Unleashed)'s Chaos Ball, which is a Black Hole created from the combination of Dark Factor and Time Power. The sword also resists Dark Factor & Time Power, two powers that created the Black Hole.
- Power of Destruction: Comparable to the like of CC Goku.
Attack Potency: Mountain level (Is one of the strongest new students in Union Academy) [1 Gigatons], Island level with Super Saiyan (Traded blow with Byakugō Tsunade and Kakashi at the same time, her clash with Tsunade destroyed several mountains as collateral danage and eventually knock her out) [50 Gigatons], Large Island level with Super Kaioken (Traded blow and can keep out with All Might albeit lose the fight in the end) [100 Gigatons] | Low Complex Multiverse level (Comparable to CC Goku. Fought Mira in Super Saiyan and stalemate him before forced to retreat)
Speed: Sub-Relativistic (Faster than Byakugō Tsunade and Kakashi, keep up with All Might), Sub-Relativistic+ with Super Saiyan (Comparable to All Might and occasionally outpaced him), Sub-Relativistic+ with Super Kaioken (Faster than All Might) | Immeasurable (Comparable to CC Goku which performed a feat[108][109][110][111] similar to Dark Dragon Balls, Time Patrollers and Demon Gods. Keep up with Base CC Goku and the Demon Gods)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, Class P via Telekinesis | Unknown, Immeasurable (Comparable to CC Goku)
Striking Strength: Mountain level (Somewhat comparable to Base Tsunade. Is comparable to Kakashi), Island level with Super Saiyan (Harm Byakugō Tsunade and knock out Kakashi with one hit), Large Island level with Super Kaioken (Harmed and injured All Might) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Harmed base CC Goku)
Durability: Mountain level (Endured hit from Base Tsunade and Kakashi), Island level (Took several hard blow from Byakugō Tsunade), Large Island level (Endured All Might Detroit Smash) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Took numerous hit from CC Goku)
Stamina: Superhuman (Trained with CC Goku in Room of Spirit and Time for 1.5 years continously. Room of Spirit and Time itself is an space-time with harsh environments that would push individuals to their limit)
Range: Standard Melee Range. Interdimensional & Low Multiversal with Telepathy, Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with Ki Attacks, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel & Time Travel, Summoning | Same as before | Same as before, Extended Melee Range with Keysword
Standard Equipment: None Notable
- Optional Equipment: Potara, Metamo-Rings, Time Breaker Mask, and Keysword (Dormant)
Intelligence: Above Average generally, Gifted in combat (She has fairly good knowledge about temporal mechanics such as time travel, time paradoxes, and time rifts)
Weaknesses: The Mafuba requires a suitable container to seal the target into. Super Kaioken doesn't last long and will drain her stamina. The PSAB holds most of her power, but she can adjust the setting, otherwise none notable.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Ki: The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in a number of ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts of energy or used to create defensive barriers.
- Flash Fist Crush: Hit' primary killing technique, which was used by Retasu, a high-speed punch (with an accompanying ki blast) that travels through her pocket dimension, becoming invisible and intangible before striking an opponent during skipped time, while they are completely unaware.
- Ki Clones: Retasu can create duplicates of herself using hernki, making it difficult to track her movements as she rapidly moves around and leaves clones behind.
- Time-Skip: Hit's signature technique, which was used by Retasu, allows the user to skip time for a fraction of a second, moving freely while others cannot act at all, allowing the user to easily strike them down without giving them a chance to retaliate, though the user can choose to leave those they isn't targeting unaffected. While this is explicitly skipping time and not quite stopping it, it is functionally the same thing. Originally, the amount of time the user could skip was only a tenth of a second, still enough for they to line up lethal strikes to an opponent's vital points.
- Cage of Time: Borrowed technique from Hit's, this technique is the final improvement of the Time-Skip technique, which allows the users to trap an opponent within a sort of stasis field by striking them with the Flash Fist Crush, suspending them in time.
- Tides of Time: Retasu can stores all the time she's skipped throughout her lifespan in a pocket dimension, which she can phase into to render herself intangible, even as she remains visible in the physical world.
- Time Freeze: Allowed Retasu to truly stop for for mere seconds before the flow of time continues once again.
Gravity Manipulation: Retasu possess gravity manipulating abilities. When amplifying the gravity in an area she surrounds himself with a pink aura and her hands glow with gold energy and aims her hand at the selected area.
- Gravity Cage: Retasu is able to create gravity cubes which contain several hundred times Earth's gravity and amplify any shock taken from outside the cage by just as much. Due to the force of the gravity anything trapped inside them for long enough is likely to be annihilated. The cubes can be made to be larger than an entire planet.
- Gravity Burst: Retasu traps the foe in a Gravity Cage and then amplifies it to damage her foe.
- Continuous Energy Bullet: Retasy is able to create energy cubes which transform into thin homing energy beams.
- Energy Shield: Retasu is able to use create a large energy cube as a shield.
- Gravity Finale: Retasu barrages her foes with numerous Gravity Cages from below, which all join in the sky to form a massive golden Gravity Cage which crashes down upon her foe.
- Gravity Fist: A power-up used by Retasu where he surrounds herself with energy cubes and a pink aura. When her aura is not active only his arms and legs are surrounded by energy and cubes. Retasu charges her foe and smashes them into the ground with a heavy blow.
- Stop: Retasu freezes her opponent in place.
- Anti: Retasu moves her opponent away.
- Press: Retasu forces her opponent into the ground.
- Kamehameha: Retasu signature technique, which she learned from CC Goku. Kamehameha is a destructive technique developed by Master Roshi which focused Ki onto body part to gather Ki and release it as an beam attack. The users can fire Kamehameha from hands, feets, and even their mouth depending on user mastery on Ki control.
- Instant Transmission: A teleportation technique that Retasu learned between from CC Goku which allows her to lock onto the ki signatures of others and teleport to their locations. Its use takes some concentration, which is aided by Retasu putting her index and middle fingers to her forehead and he needs a ki signature to teleport to.
- Kaio-ken: A technique developed by King Kai and taught to Goku during his time training on his planet. Retasu learned from CC Goku it greatly increases Retasu's ki for just a moment, boosting her strength and speed significantly for that time. However, this heavily strains her body, and if she overuses it, it will leave her in intense pain all over her body.
- Spirit Bomb: Goku's ultimate attack, taught to him by King Kai, which Retasu learned from CC Goku. The users performed by gathering a vast amount of energy from all the lifeforms in their surroundings to create a massive, incredibly destructive sphere of ki. While it is incredibly powerful and can prove capable of destroying an opponent when used with sufficient power, it takes a very long time to charge and is therefore very difficult to use, though the charge time can be sped up by gathering energy from those who willingly and knowingly provide it.
- Kiai: The ability to project an invisible burst of force with ki, which Retasy can perform with her hands, mouth, and even with a glare.
- Kienzan: Krillin's signature technique, which Retasu learned from CC Goku. Raising hand above head, the user creates a razor-sharp disc of ki with incredible cutting power and then throws it at their opponent.
- Solar Flare: One of Tien Shinhan's signature techniques, which Retasu learned from CC Goku. Bringing her hands up to her face, Retasu can create a bright flash of light that can blind opponents.
- Telepathy: Learned from CC Goku, she can telepathically communicate with others, even when someone at completely different space-time.
- Mafuba: Also known as the Evil Containment Wave, the Mafuba is a mystic sealing technique designed to seal evil away by sucking them into a special container with a "demon seal" ofuda on it. Retasu learned this technique from Goku.
- Saiyan Physiology: The physiology of a Saiyan, an aggressive warrior race of conquerors. Saiyans have the natural ability to control ki and to fly, likely the origin of Retasu's incredible skill when it comes to the usage and control of ki. Additionally, while her lifespan is comparable to that of a human, Retasu will remain at her peak strength for much longer. One of the most powerful abilities of a Saiyan is their ability to grow stronger and stronger through combat, allowing Retasy to constantly push her limits during a fight and rise to far higher and far higher peaks in power. This ability grants a substantial boost in power when Retasu is badly injured, allowing her to reach a whole new level of power once she recovers.
- Super Saiyan: The famous, legendary transformation of a Saiyan that allows them to greatly surpass their limits and reach the fabled state that is Super Saiyan. Retasu discovered Super Saiyan after her rigorous 5 years of continuous training to become member of Time Patroller and spark of emotions, pride, and sufficient amount of S-Cell. These transformations can be reached through extensive training, but are more often unlocked in moments of intense emotional turmoil and need, and due to the natural aggressiveness of Saiyans, they cause the user to become more aggressive and malicious, though Retasu has managed to make these things effectively a non-issue through training with the help of CC Goku. While immensely powerful, Super Saiyan transformations drain a lot of energy, and the first was very inefficient before Retasu mastered the state and became a "Full Power Super Saiyan", allowing her to maintain the form effectively indefinitely without issue.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 11, Page 9
- ↑ Toriyama Thought of It Like This” Special, Part 2 — Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume, Chapter 11, Page 9
- ↑ Daizenshuu 4: World Guide — Racial Groups (Characteristics)
- ↑ Akira Toriyama-sensei Super Q&A!!
- ↑ Dragon Ball GT Anime Episode 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 38
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 71
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Broly
- ↑ Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Mission 7 Short Animated PV
- ↑ DBH Arcade God Mission 9"
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 3
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 11
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 1
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 10
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 15
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 4
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 8
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 15
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 19
- ↑ SDBH Arcade Big Bang Mission
- ↑ Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans (Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 Bonus OVA 2010 Remake)"
- ↑ Dragon Ball GT Anime Episode 44
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 104
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 111
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 12
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 Dragon Ball Super Toei Timeline
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 Official DBS Blu-ray Disk Artbook
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 31.8 Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 Dragon Ball Fusions
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime - Episode 78
- ↑ Chouzenshuu 4
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 V-Jump November 2017
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 V-Jump November 2017
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 V-Jump September 2016
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 V-Jump March 2016
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 V-Jump July 2020
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 V-Jump November 2022
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 V-Jump December 2020
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 Dragon Ball FighterZ
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
- ↑ DBH Galaxy Mission 2 Card Description
- ↑ DBH Galaxy Mission 3 Card Description
- ↑ DBH Arcade God Mission 5 Card Description
- ↑ Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X Card Description
- ↑ Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission Card Description
- ↑ SDBH Universe Mission 3 Card Description
- ↑ SDBH Universe Mission 5 Card Description
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 3 — Sea Monkeys!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 164 — Enter God
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 179 — The Two Weak Points
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 450 — Stage Two's Yakon
- ↑ SDBH Ultra God Mission Manga Chapter 3
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 92 — Monkey Vs. Assassin!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 334 — The Boy From the Future
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 164 — Enter God
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 179 — The Two Weak Points
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 450 — Stage Two's Yakon
- ↑ DB: 165 - "Shen Long Resurrected!"
- ↑ 65.0 65.1 DB: 164 - "Enter God"
- ↑ DB: 176 - "Goku vs. Tenshinhan"
- ↑ DB: 184 - "The Real Fight"
- ↑ Daizenshuu 7 – Dragon Ball Encyclopedia: Human Racial Dictionary
- ↑ Dragon Ball Manga - Chapter 269
- ↑ Daizenshuu 7 - Dragon Ball Encyclopedia: Human Racial Dictionary
- ↑ V-Jump December 2013 Issue (21 October 2013) — “Tera-P” & “V-Jump Cartoonists’ Collection”
- ↑ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 11 — Mission Accomplished!
- ↑ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 1 — Goes To Earth
- ↑ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 2 — The Galactic Patrolman's Discovery
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 11 - Let's Keep Going Beerus-sama! The Battle of God and God!
- ↑ 77.0 77.1 77.2 SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 6
- ↑ Super Dragon Ball Heroes 10th Anniversary Super Guide
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 10
- ↑ SDBH UGM Promotional Anime Episode 11
- ↑ 81.0 81.1 SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 9
- ↑ 82.0 82.1 82.2 SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 7
- ↑ SDBH MM Promotional Anime Episode 1
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 3
- ↑ 85.0 85.1 85.2 85.3 85.4 85.5 85.6 85.7 85.8 85.9 SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 15
- ↑ 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 12
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 13
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse
- ↑ 89.00 89.01 89.02 89.03 89.04 89.05 89.06 89.07 89.08 89.09 89.10 89.11 Dragon Ball Heroes Game Abilities
- ↑ Dragon Ball Heroes Ultimate Mission X
- ↑ SDBH Arcade God Mission 1
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 SDBH Arcade Dark Empire Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 V-Jump
- ↑ 94.0 94.1 94.2 SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 11
- ↑ 95.0 95.1 SDBH Arcade Big Bang Mission Saga
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 16
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 10
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga
- ↑ 99.0 99.1 SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 9
- ↑ 100.0 100.1 100.2 SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 5
- ↑ Dragon Ball Heroes Arcade
- ↑ 102.0 102.1 SDBH Promotional Anime Dark Demon Realm Special Episode: Decisive Battle! Time Patrol vs. The Dark King
- ↑ 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.5 SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 17
- ↑ 104.0 104.1 104.2 104.3 104.4 104.5 SDBH Arcade Dark King Mechikabura Saga
- ↑ 105.0 105.1 105.2 105.3 105.4 105.5 105.6 SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 16
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 14
- ↑ SDBH Universe Mission 9 Card Abilities
- ↑ SDBH Universe Mission Manga Chapter 1
- ↑ SDBH UM Promotional Anime Guidebook
- ↑ SDBH UM Promotional Anime Episode 6
- ↑ SDBH UM Promotional Anime Episode 8