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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


I'm running a Rimworld game in which I made VSBW users who requested to be in the game as pawns, and delivered their antics to the VSBW thread.

It's a heavily modded game, so many of the feats won't work if I wanted to add it to VSBW- but that's okay, because I'm not going to. Instead I'll add it here, maybe.


Comiphorous Summons Meteors (Level 4)[]

Comiphorous is a psycaster with the Conflagration tree, with a 4th psycast called Meteor Swarm that summons a variable amount of meteors depending on your focus. Each meteor leaves behind a single chunk of stone.

The meteors are summoned via opening a portal in space, meaning space speeds for the meteor should be fine- 17 km/s as a lowball (uses upper orbital speeds).

Each block is wide enough that a colonist is just barely taller than it laying down- therefore I'll assume about 1.5 meters for block width/length. Height wise, they're about a story tall, so 1.5 x 1.5 x 3 meters (for a total volume of 6.75 cubic meters).

The material can be any of the native Rimworld stone types, the densest of which is granite at 2750 kg/m^3.

Mass = 2750 * 6.75 = 18562.5 kg

KE = (0.5 * 18562.5) * 17000^2 = 2.682e12 Joules, Multi-City Block level+. Damn.

Miners Break Steel (Physicals)[]

Miners bust apart compacted steel in 18 hits (I counted). We'll use V. Frag for this because it leaves behind small smeltable chunks of steel.

Volume is the same as the meteor stone.

E = 597 J/cc * 6750000 cc = 4.030e9 Joules

Divide by 18 to get 2.224e8 Joules, Small Building level. Not bad for a non-combat feat.

UPDATE: Medieval warriors can replicate this feat in, depending on the weapon, about 9 strikes of a weapon (tested with an Eltex Mace, Steel Breach Axe, Steel Longsword, and Steel Warhammer). This makes the value for non-tribals 4.448e8 Joules, Small Building level (but higher!). Tribal weapons attempting to mimic it result in even worse values than the base calc, so, RIP.

Miners Break Stone (Physcials)[]

I watched one of my miners break a section of stone in six hits. However, most stone crumbles when destroyed, leaving particles of rubble on the ground. I'll count this as pulverization.

Volume is 6.75 cubic meters still.

All of the stones have the same durability values so I'll use Limestone, which has a pulv value of 250 j/cc.

6750000 * 250 = 1.688e9 Joules, Building level. Gotta divide by six, though, so... down to 2.813e8 Joules, Small Building level again. Bugger. Ever so slightly higher, though.

Fujiwara Deep Freeze (Level 3)[]

Fujiwara is another psycaster who can freeze a large area with her mind. This is a level 3 psycast so should scale accordingly to similar abilities.

The radius of her ability is 12 tiles, which as established is about 1.5 meters, making the radius 18 meters.

Volume = 24429.02 / 2 = 12214.51 m^3

Density of air is 1.225 kg/m^3, so our mass is 14962.78 kg.

Specific heat capacity of air is about 1,012 J/kg*K, and our starting air is variable in the biome in which we live but often reaches up to 30C+ so we'll use that. Ending air is below freezing, so we'll go with -10C for a 40C total difference.

E = 14962.78 * 40 * 1012 = 6.057e8 Joules

When Fujiwara casts this, it lasts for a full day. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, so multiplying our value appropriately lands us 5.171e10 Joules, City Block level (barely).

Comiphorous Calls Down the Sun (Level 5)[]

Comiphorous' max level ability calls down the fury of the sun over a wide area. I mean it, it is a beam as hot as the sun itself, called down from the sky.

We don't have a great reckoning of height (despite comparisons to orbital lasers, I'm hesitant to use that) so we'll use 2000 meters- cloud height. I think that's basically fair and it's my verse anyways, right? The radius of the blast is defined as 15 tiles, or 22.5 meters.

Volume = 3.18e6 m^3

Mass of air = 3.18e6 * 1.225 = 3.896e6 kg

Surface of the sun is about 5600 Celsius, which we will use as a lowball. Starting temperature varies but can be as low as 15C outdoors (technically could use non-equator temperatures since the shit works everywhere but it's fine). So temp change of 5585 C.

E = 3.896e6 * 5585 * 1012 = 2.202e13 Joules, Small Town level+. Little above the other big notable AOE psycast at level 5, which creates a hurricane (8-A).

Casting this really fucks Comiphorous up, this shit is a last resort.

Comiphorous Hurls Fire (Level 1)[]

He has a lot of destructive psycasts, okay?

Flameball creates a small explosion with a radius of three tiles, or 4.5 meters.

W = 4.5^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.00732 Tons of TNT equivalent, or 3.063e7 Joules, barely Small Building level. Supporting feat, one supposes.

Comiphorous Sets Fire to an Oil Reservoir (Level 3)[]

This fucking guy again...

His second level ability explodes underground deepchem (read: super oil) and creates a large explosion on the surface with a radius of 7 tiles (10.5 meters).

W = 10.5^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.093 Tons of TNT equivalent, or 3.891e8 Joules, Small Building level too.

Comiphorous' Last Explosion (Level 2)[]

Last one, I swear.

It's a self-destruct that has a wider radius but lower damage output, mostly meant to catch people on fire.

Radius is 15 tiles (22.5 meters) but given the lower damage I'm giving it a quarter PSI, so our equation looks like this:

W = 22.5^3*((27136*0.344737+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.10491 Tons of TNT equivalent, or 4.389e8 Joules, Small Building level. It's finally over.

Fujiwara's Frost Ray (Level 2)[]

Fujiwara can project a cone of frost that instantly gives hypothermia.

I lack a concrete temperature but I'll use the coldest one recorded on Earth (which is -89.2 C) since it gives Hypothermia instantly and cuts your skin due to the cold.

The beam is 13 tiles long (19.5 meters) and the cone's end is about 1 tile wide (1.5 meters). A cone of those dimensions nets us 45.95 m^3.

It is stated to be affecting people with these temperatures. Density of flesh is a little lower than water at 985 kg/m^3, so our mass for this wretched theoretical flesh cone is 45260.75 kg.

Standard internal body temperature is about 98.2 degrees Farenheit or 36.78 Celsius (so our heat change is 125.98). Specific heat capacity of a human body is 2980 J/kg*C.

Doing the math with all of that nets us 1.699e10 Joules, or Large Building level.

Admittedly this one is a bit questionable so perhaps a "possibly" could suffice for Level 2s, I dunno.

Carrying Heavy Stuff[]

Rimworld has mass acknowledgements for everything, but it's a little scuffed because the kg value for, say, an elephant is a mere 240 kg. But, from that information, we can glean how heavy a Rimworld kg actually is.

The average mass for an adult male elephant is about 4050 kg.

4050 / 240 = 16.875 kg

So each Rimworld kg is actually about 26.25 kg (although I did another thing some time back and got 7.78 kg, so take this with a grain of salt).

The heaviest carryable thing I could find in a pinch was the megalochelys, at 272 kg.

272 * 16.875 = 4590 kg, Class 5.

Interestingly, we're not quite done there. In-game you also have an inventory of sorts that does not include things in your hands. The highest I've seen this inventory capacity at is 85 kg, so...

85 * 16.875 = 1434.375

1434.375 + 4590 = 6024.375 kg, Class 10.

I'd like it known that the megalochelys is liftable by a child, too.

EDIT: There's a fucking creature with a mass of 900 kg. It's insanely huge. And we can carry it in our hands.

900 * 16.875 = 15187.5 kg + 1434.375 kg = 16621.875 kg, Class 25.

Pacifistic Heat Dump (Level 3)[]

There's an ability that creates an explosion in the Archotectist tree called Aggressive Heat Dump, which creates a blast with a radius depending on the heat built up by the user. Now, the radius varies, but I tend to use this ability at around 9 tile radius (since that's just over Comiphorous' max neural heat). The funny thing is that this blast is specifically targeted on a *person*. Which means surviving it is a great durability feat, since the target is the epicenter.

W = 13.5^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.20 Tons of TNT Equivalent, Small Building level+.

Should scale directly to durability. Pawns can survive this with some regularity (although it is almost always a pretty major damaging effect). Bionically augmented people or Cataphracts can probably upscale significantly enough to reach 8-C.

Diaboli Microwave Enemies (Mechs)[]

Diaboli have a long-charge up weapon that heats up a small area, dealing higher damage than antimatter bombs.

The radius for this blast is 4.9 tiles, or about 7.35 meters. The explosion itself isn't the important bit- the important bit is the heat, which is at least equal to that of a nuclear bomb.

The volume of a sphere with that radius is 1663.22 m^3, we'll use air since our nuclear blast information coming up doesn't mention other materials. Specific heat capacity of air is about 1012 J/kg*K, and density of air is about 1.225 kg/m^3 (which nets a mass of 2037.445 kg). The heat at the center of a nuclear blast is about 100 million degrees Celsius, our starting temperature is approximately 20 degrees Celsius, meaning a change of about 99999980 Celsius.

2037.445 * 1012 * 99999980 = 2.062e14 Joules, Town level.

Fits, since the Hellsphere Cannon of these mechanoids is objectively the greatest weapon in the game in terms of raw damage output. Drite's mechs have 'em, too.

Feralisks Fall From Space (Physicals)[]

I'm making my own headcanon here. Feralisks are stated to come from a world where they were bioengineered to produce synththread webs, but they escaped and so the world was glassed into a Marble World. The Feralisks themselves survived and spread. So... how? Why, launched into space and then hibernated until they reached other worlds, of course. So, they survived falling from atmosphere, too.

Clutch Mothers weigh 180 kg. As mentioned previously, each kg in Rimworld actually translates to a variable amount, but we'll be using 26.25 kg (see earlier calculations). So this means Clutch Mothers weigh 4725 kg. We're only calculating Clutch Mothers because only they would need to survive- they can spawn their typical kin at rapid speeds, so we don't need to assume typical Feralisks survived this.

Earth's mesosphere (the point at which meteors begin to actually be meteors falling to Earth) extends 50 km up.

Feralisk GPE = 4725 * 9.81 * 50000 = 2.314e9 Joules, Building level

An upgrade for space-age troops above that scale above Cataphracts, since (and I tested this) a Clutch Mother can beat up a Cataphract with some reliability.

Antigrain Explosions (Warheads)[]

Antigrain blasts are the most powerful attacks in the game, and exude a blast by using a "grain of antimatter". Somewhat arbitrarily, I will assume this to be a grain of rice in size, and since the archite death blast is stated to be "much more powerful", we will treat it as upscaling.

A grain is based on the mass of a single grain of wheat, and is accepted as exactly 64.798 mg.

To make this simple, we'll use this.

Inputting our presumed mass for the grain inside the warhead, the blast comes out to 1.165e13 Joules, Small Town level. Seems about right.

Caravan Speed[]

Caravans move pretty fast across the world. The main concern is caravans with mounts, since walking speed caravans really only result in a bit above normal walk speeds for pawns. Anyways:

As you can see in this image, this caravan (equipped with elephant mounts) is moving at a pace of 85.2 world tiles per day- this is because they're on a highway, and free to move at maximum speed for their 16-hour activity cycle.

Assuming the Rimworld to be about the size of Earth, a single tile is about 27 kilometers across. So, these guys can cover 2300.4 km per day. That translates to a speed of 143.775 km/h, or 39.938 m/s, Subsonic. Every mount ought to scale, with faster ones like Avens upscaling. Vehicles should be similarly faster.

Industrial Explosions[]

Triple rocket launchers have a blast radius of 3.9 tiles (or about 5.85 meters).

W = 5.85^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.016 Tons of TNT, times three for the whole payload, so 0.048 Tons of TNT, Small Building level. Disappointing.

Cthonian Wormhole[]

Season 2 introduces a number of new monsters, including the Cthonian, a huge worm creature that erupts from the ground via a sinkhole it creates by burrowing. Calcing time.


Pawn = 23 px = 171 cm (approximately)

Sinkhole Width = 93 px = 691.44 cm

Sinkholes have a fairly wide range of depths- this one seems fairly deep so we'll be using 30 meters. Could be more, could be less. They can manifest on stone floors but not metal ones. This shape can be abstracted as a cylinder.

Volume = 1126.47 m^3 (or, 1.126e9 cm^3)

Fragmentation is likely suitable for this.

Energy = 1.126e9 * 8 = 9.008e9 Joules, BARELY Large Building level.


Elyan Ragdolls Enemies[]

Elyan's Dragon Strike can toss enemies a significant distance away. Let's calc it.

This can apply to all enemies. We know there are some that may weigh more than our current presumed maximum, but we will still use this presumed maximum. 15187.5 kg.

The ability moves the target 5 tiles in about 0.75 seconds. (5 * 1.5) / 0.75 = 10 m/s

F = MA = 15187.5 * ((10 m/s - 0 m/s) / 0.75) = 202500 Newtons = 20649.253 kgf, still Class 25 but higher up in it.

Atomizing Rifle[]

One of our glittertech weapons in Season 3 has a statement about atomizing the subject. So let's give it a go.

I tested this weapon on an Empress, which is about as large as an elephant, or 5895 kg. It took eight shots to kill it.

72416.33 J/cc is the atomization value for a human body. Although this would vary marginally per creature, it should serve our purposes well enough, doubly so as the creature is a mammal. The density of flesh is approximately 985 kg/m^3.

5895 / 985 = 5.985 m^3

72416.33 * 5985000 / 8 = 5.418e10 Joules, City Block level.

So. Absolute peak glittertech weapons have an 8-B feat now. There's a pistol variant that is weaker and a blaster variant that is stronger.

Shuttle Travel Speed[]

Shuttles travel, per my counting of it, about 11.5 tiles in about seven seconds- or, more precisely, the distance from Arx Lamor to Basilica Caeles, the Season 3 colony. Per our previous calc up above, a tile is about 27 kilometers across.

11.5 * 27 / 7 = 44357.14 m/s, Massively Hypersonic. This does not account for curvature of entering space and then descending, but this would likely make a comparatively minor change. This scales to all ships.

Imperial Ship Payloads[]


Imperial Warships (and comparable ships, such as those used by the Mechanoids) can deliver massive payloads as part of the process of "glassing" a world- that is, making it uninhabitable by destroying the ecology of all life present. While the explosions are certainly more significant than modern day, we will use it regardless.

Diameter of Planet = 1038 px = ~12756 km

Diameter of Blast = 158 px = 1941.67 km

So, our radius is 970.83 km.

These are almost certainly airburst bombs given the context, so:

((970.83/0.28)^3)/1000 = 41682664.3 Megatons of TNT

Divide by two per the rules on the subject to get an end result of 20.84 Teratons of TNT, Country level.

More To Come (Probably)[]


Flame Ball Explodes (Level 1 Psycasts): 7.32 kg of TNT, Small Building level

Triple Rocket Launchers Blow Up (Artillery): 48.24 kg of TNT, Small Building level

Conflagrators Blow Up Crude Oil (Level 3 Psycasts): 93.00 kg of TNT, Small Building level

Miners Bust Stone Quickly (Physicals): 67.23 kg of TNT, Small Building level

Miners Bust Steel Quickly (Physicals): 96.32 kg of TNT, Small Building level

Self-Destruction Goes Hard (Level 2 Psycasts): 0.11 Tons of TNT, Small Building level

Aggressive Heat Dump Dumps Heat (Level 3 Psycasts): 0.20 Tons of TNT, Small Building level+

Feralisk Clutch Mothers Drop from Orbit (Physicals): 0.55 Tons of TNT, Building level

Cthonian Bursts Out of the Earth (Physicals): 2.15 Tons of TNT, Large Building level

Freezing Beam Freezes Folks (Level 2 Psycasts): 4.06 Tons of TNT, Large Building level

Deep Freeze Chills Out (Level 3 Psycasts): 12.36 Tons of TNT, City Block level

APB Rifle Atomizes Targets (Physicals): 12.95 Tons of TNT, City Block level

Meteor Swarm Kills Entire Armies (Level 4 Psycasts): 641.01 Tons of TNT, Multi-City Block level+

Antigrain Blasts Use Antimatter (Warheads): 2.78 Kilotons of TNT, Small Town level

Orbital Laser Clears the Board (Level 5 Psycasts): 5.26 Kilotons of TNT, Small Town level+

Diaboli Nuke Their Enemies: 49.28 Kilotons of TNT, Town level

Imperial Warships Nuke Planet: 20.84 Teratons of TNT, Country level

Characters Haul Megafauna: 16.62 Metric Tons, Class 25

Elyan Flings Enemies: 20.65 Metric Tons, Class 25

Mounts Traverse the World: 39.938 m/s, Subsonic

Shuttles Transport Fast-Like: Mach 129.32, Massively Hypersonic