FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Years ago, a low-tier character managed to hold back all water around them as they were stuck in the ocean. Vervaine, a mage in a low level party, did this in response to him and a cleric being forced into the water from a boat.

We'll calc it quickly. 


I know the area was cylindrical in nature, and the area at the bottom was 30 feet wide. This makes for a radius of 4.572 meters. 

This happened close to shore, so we'll say it was on a coral reef. This says average depth for this goes from 150 feet to 450 feet. I prefer the high-end, since this wasn't a coral reef, but eh. 

Low-End Cylinder Volume: 3002.40 m^3

High-End Cylinder Volume: 9007.20 m^3

Density of impure water is ~997 kg/m^3, so below is mass.

Low-End: 2993392.8 kg

High-End: 8980178.4 kg

The storm had a typhoon-like weather descriptor, meaning things were moving at about 119 km/h, or 33.06 m/s

Vervaine was holding back water moving at this proposed speed. KE time. 

Low-End: 1.636e9 Joules, Building level

High-End: 4.908e9 Joules, Building level+



Vervaine Holds Off Water (Low-End): 0.39 Tons of TNT, Building level

Vervaine Holds Off Water (High-End): 1.17 Tons of TNT, Building level+
