“ | Bruh I'm so fucking hungry right now | „ |
GB other wise known as Goofy boy is one of the main protagonists Of the internet series known as The GB and Jimmy show. He is the roommate of Jimmy the stick figure and A friend of Carl the mcdonalds employer. He likes to do whatever he wants, such as killing the sun, beating up a random person, robbing a mcdonalds etc.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 4-C, Low 2-C After eating the Reality Orb
Name: Goofy Boy
Origin: The GB and Jimmy Show (Deeb cinematic universe)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Cube Dude
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Weapon Mastery (Possesses and uses a gun, has access to a grenade)
- Small Size (Type 0: Is stated to be 3'3 feet tall)
- Explosion Manipulation (Can make an explosion just by grabbing a phone can make the sun explode, can make explosions just by entering rooms, can make people explode by using finger guns)
- Toon Force and Elasticity (Can stretch his hand so far to grab a phone, can stretch himself very wide)
- Existence Erasure (Can erase people by snapping his fingers)
- Death Manipulation (Should be superior jimmy who can kill Anne just by saying she sucks)
- Regeneration (Mid-High, Likely Low-Godly: Can regenerate from exploding, Can come back from disappearing)
- Acausality (Type 4) and Physics Manipulation (Is in a world where it's not bound by causality and physics)
- Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, and 8: is immortal via the diamond ice cream, can also not age and survive without his body parts)
- Accelerated Development (Passive and Physical Statistics: gets stronger passively by doing nothing)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall (Can speak and shoot the viewer)
- Plot Manipulation (Is protected by the plot like jimmy)
- Power Mimicry (Can Mimic stands from JoJo such as the world)
- Time Stop (Can stop time for an hour)
- Summoning (Can summon the world, Can summon a sun and a moon)
- Teleportation (Can teleport)
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1: Can breath in space)
- Enhanced Senses (Can sense Ice cream from china)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm a non physical object)
- Transmutation (Can turn people into goombas)
- Extrasensory Perception (As a stand user, GB should have this ability)
- Time Manipulation (Can rewind time by just running)
- Probability Manipulation (Him, jimmy, and insert pfp guy have the best luck in the entire Deeb cinematic universe)
- Sound Manipulation (Can scream so loud that the earth exploded)
- when GB ate the reality orb he gets:
- Space-Time Manipulation and Reality Warping (The Reality Orb is stated to manipulate space-time, and warp reality),
- Creation (Recreated the space time continuum)
- Flight (True Flight: Can freely fly)'
- Possibly Fire Manipulation (Burned down an entire school though it's unknown how he did it)
- Resistance to
Attack Potency: At least Star level (Can destroy the sun with a tap, punched the president of china so hard it destroyed the sun. Can blow up the earth just by screaming), Universe level+ after eating the Reality Orb (Recreated the space time continuum after eating the the Reality Orb)
Speed: Massively FTL, Likely Immeasurable (Can travel to the sun in a second, can rewind time just by running really fast)
Lifting Strength: At Least Stellar
Striking Strength: Star Class, Universal+ After eating the Reality Orb
Durability: At least Star level, Universe level+ after eating the reality orb (Survived the universe and the space time continuum collapsing). Immortality, Regeneration and Plot Manipulation makes him hard to kill.
Stamina: Superhuman (Can dance for 20 days straight)
Range: Standard Melee Range Physically, Hundreds of Meters with his Gun, Planetary with Screaming, Universal+ with Time Stop and Reality Warping.
Standard Equipment: Gun, Piano Keyboard, Grenade
Intelligence: At Least Average, likely higher (Is proficient in a piano keyboard, Knows how to plant bombs)
Standard Tactics: GB Will use his gun to kill his opponent, if this does not work he will try to kill them physically, if this does not work as well he will use his various abilities to take out his opponent.
Weaknesses: Is extremely thoughtless/reckless with his actions.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- The Punch: This one is self explanatory, GB punches his opponent very hard sending them flying.
- The "You suck" Attack: GB will say you suck to the opponent killing them instantly.
- Finger gun: GB will use his fingers as a gun And make the opponent explode upon contact.
- The World: The stand from Jojo, has the same abilities as it's canon counterpart but it's time stop can go to an hour.
- Explosive touch: As demonstrated in the Sun episode, when GB touchs somebody they explode.
Notable Victories:
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Goku's Profile (Speed was equalized, Post-second Ultra Instinct Omen/Broly Saga Goku was used, Goku started at his Base, winner wins by death, GB was in his Low 2-C key, and SBA otherwise)
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
Discussion threads involving Javenplayz253/GB |