FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Year Event
± 13,800,000,000 BCE The Goddess of Everything, Pistis, creates the universe.
± 5,000,000,000 BCE Birth of the Sun, Solar System and Earth.
± 400,000 BCE Birth of the First Hominids
± 350,000 BCE Birth of Albion and Vala.
± 300,000-250,000 BCE Emergence of the First Gods. Yahweh creates Heaven and Hell.
± 135,000 BCE God imprisons the souls of human beings in fragile bodies of flesh and blood. Lucifer rebels trying to protect humans and ends up being imprisoned in Hell.
± 98,000-12,000 BCE The Great Migration of human beings takes place.
± 10.000 BCE Azazel and his group of Angels descend from Heaven and help humanity. Poseidon and Yahweh send the Great Flood and annihilate the Earth, leaving the planet without form and void. God recreates the Earth after that and humanity returns to the stone age. God imprisons Endless Darkness in Nothingness.
± 5,500 BCE Birth of Adam and Eve. Humans are expelled from the Paradise of Eden and must roam the Earth.
± 4,100 BCE Rebellion of Asbeel and his friends. Gabriel destroys the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
± 2,200 BCE Gabriel appears in Yahweh's name to Moses and frees the Israelites from Egypt. Yahwism is founded.
563-483 BCE Pistis manifests herself as Siddhartha Gautama and teaches humans how to achieve Enlightenment in order to escape the prison created by Yahweh.
7-4 BCE Gabriel is sent on a secret mission by Yahweh and has a relationship with a Nazarene woman.
4 BCE The Savior is born.
0 Year zero of the Christian era.
33 CE The Savior dies and ascends.
400 CE With the rise of Christianity, the power of the God of Israel grew dramatically, making him the strongest deity of all.
21st century Supposed Apocalypse.