The Seven Demon Overlords are seven demons which rule over the realms of Purgatory. As rulers, they are regarded as some of the most powerful demons that exist in Purgatory and are often feared due to this status and authority. Each Demon Overlord represents a specific cardinal sin; Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust. Although they embody these cardinal sins, they often do not portray any resemblance to them in their personalities.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral
Names: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Belphegor, Mammon, Beelzebub, Asmodeus
Origin: Reality Library
Gender: Depends on the Demon Overlord; either male or female
Age: Beyond the concept of time
Classification: Demons
Personality: Varies.
Height: Avatars have heights ranging from 5'10" to 7'4" (177.8cm to 223.52cm)
Weight: Beyond the concept of mass
Status: Alive
Affiliations: Purgatory
Previous Affiliations: Heaven for Lucifer and Satan. N/A for the other Demon Overlords
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: At least High 1-C | At least 1-A, likely far higher | At least High 1-A
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (Type 1 [All demons exist as an embodiment of corruption. Each Demon Overlord embodies the concept of a specific cardinal sin and are able to regenerate indefinitely because of it), Acausality (Type 5 [Demons in Purgatory are stated to exist far beyond all of fate, time, and causality]), Avatar Creation (They are able to create lower manifestations as mere avatars), Aura (Via Aura of Bad Luck, Higher-Dimensional Existence, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Immortality (Types 1, 5, 8, 9 & 10 [All demons exist beyond the concept of time, thus they are not able to physically age. The Demon Overlords are reliant on the concept of the cardinal sins, and are able to regenerate indefinitely as long as the concept of the cardinal sin they embody exists. The lower manifestations of demons are merely avatars as their true selves exist in Purgatory]), Instinctive Reaction, Large Size (Type 10), Magic, Non-Physical Interaction, Self-Sustenance (All Types), Durability Negation with several abilities, True Flight, Regeneration (Mid-Godly normally, with reliant High-Godly [As long as even one cardinal sin exists, it will immediately restore the other cardinal sins, allowing them to revive even if the concept of them is erased completely]), Regeneration/Immortality Negation (Low-Godly; Negated the regenerative properties and resurrection of gods by ripping out their soul), Spatial Manipulation (Able to crush dimensions into lower dimensional space), Soul Manipulation (Capable of ripping out the souls of beings with their bare hands), Telepathy, resistance to Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, and Time Manipulation (By transcending causality, demons no longer have a fate or destiny and are therefore unbound by it), Curse Manipulation (Demons cannot be cursed, even by higher beings due to their fundamental nature), Fire Manipulation (Demons are fully immune to all forms of fire, even the hellish flames in Purgatory), Gravity Manipulation (Gravity has no influence on demons whatsoever), Soul Manipulation (Demons don't have a soul), Corruption (All demons exist as an embodiment of corruption, thus are unaffected by any form of corruption)
All previous traits plus Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Large Size (Type 11)
All previous traits plus Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 3 [All demons exist in the realm of Purgatory, which is one of the two realms which surround the Temple of the Supreme]) and minus Immortality (Type 9)
Attack Potency: At least High Complex Multiverse level (The Demon Overlords are vastly superior to the Sin of Mankind and Silvia, being considered "gods" in comparison to both of them) | At least Outerverse level+, likely far higher (All seven of the Demon Overlords are capable of manifesting themselves at the highest point of the Afterlife, which is a point that even Death is afraid to tread due to the lack of limitations this high up, making all of the Demon Overlords are superior to Death and Legion at this level) | At least High Outerverse level (The Demon Overlords are often feared as some of the most powerful demons to inhabit the realms of Purgatory, as they considered to be the seven rulers of Purgatory. Each Overlord is assigned a different realm in Purgatory which filters out the "types" of demons that exist in each of the seven realms)
Speed: Immeasurable (The Demon Overlords are vastly superior to the Sin of Mankind and Silvia, both of whom are capable of traversing the deepest depths of the Domain of Man) | Irrelevant, likely far higher (Superior to Death and Legion) | Irrelevant
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Vastly superior to the Sin of Mankind and Silvia) | Irrelevant, likely far higher (Superior to Death and Legion) | Irrelevant
Striking Strength: At least High Complex Multiversal (Vastly superior to both the Sin of Mankind and Silvia) | At least Outerversal+, likely far higher | At least High Outerversal
Durability: At least High Complex Multiverse level (Both Lucifer and Beelzebub were capable of shrugging off attacks from Silvia in the Domain of Man while they were testing her power. All the Demon Overlords are vastly superior to the Sin of Mankind, whom of which Silvia defeated). At least High Outerverse level for their true nature (Their true selves exist independently in Purgatory, as lower manifestations are nothing more than mere avatars. Moreover, their abstract, conceptual and transcendent nature as well as acausality, immortality, and extreme resistances makes it very difficult for them to be damaged, let alone killed) | At least Outerverse level+, likely far higher (The Demon Overlords are capable of manifesting themselves at the highest point of the Afterlife. Superior to Death and Legion). At least High Outerverse level for their true nature | At least High Outerverse level (The Demon Overlords are often feared as some of the most powerful demons to inhabit the realms of Purgatory)
Stamina: Infinite (As demons, they have no requirements for eating, sleeping, or even breathing)
Range: At least High Complex Multiversal (Their attacks are able to reach throughout the deepest depths of the entire Domain of Man) | At least Outerversal+, likely far higher (The Demon Overlords are capable of manifesting themselves at the highest point of the Afterlife) | At least High Outerversal (Each Demon Overlord is capable of influencing the entire realm of Purgatory that they rule over as a mere part at the core of their very being, being able to bending it to their will)
Standard Equipment: Depends on the Demon Overlord
Weaknesses: None notable.
- Far superior to the Sin of Mankind and Silvia for their lowest manifestation in the Domain of Man and are considered to be "gods" in comparison to both of them. The latter of whom having her attacks being shrugged off by both Lucifer and Beelzebub while they were testing her.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Purgatory Flames: Black flames used by demons that cause excruciating pain to the target and completely nullifies regeneration (Low-High). However, it should be noted that these flames do not burn the target and can only be put out via anti-magic.
- Manifest: Demons are capable of manifesting into lower-dimensional worlds, their physiology is still equal to their true selves however.
- Aura of Bad Luck: The aura of any type of demon can passively curse a target in their vicinity to have terrible luck for all eternity. This curse will also spread rapidly from target to target like an out-of-control infection.
- Death Curse: Native demons can plant a deadly curse which instantly kills a target within a minute. This death actually destroys the target's concept of 'living' rather than a conventional death. The death that is caused by this curse cannot be reversed either, even by resurrection, reincarnation, or time reversal.
- Simply erasing the concept of "sin" is not enough to be able to harm any of the Demon Overlords. As mentioned above, they embody the concept of cardinal sins, thus any conceptual manipulation which is used against them must affect cardinal sins rather than sins in general. For example, a person can murder someone else, but "murder" is not a cardinal sin, thus erasing the concept of murder would be pointless to use against them. However, erasing the concept of which may have lead to the murder may still be viable, such as anger (Wrath) or jealously (Envy) leading to the murder. Moreover, they embody the concept of cardinal sins at the same scale in which their true selves exist, so even erasing the concept of cardinal sins at an Outerversal+ scale would not affect them in the slightest.
Key: Domain of Man Manifestations | Afterlife Manifestations | True Selves
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: