“ | I was born as an only child in a village to the east, gaining such knowledge of the wilderness lets me survive with minimal supplies. Hand me a single dagger and I could live for years in the wild. As for my role...that is up for me to decide. I don't believe in what fate has in store for me, I am the only one that determines my own fate. As for why I believe this...if there is such a all-powerful and benevolent god, then why does Sin still exist? Why do people still suffer from corruption, torment, and injustice? If this "God" is who you say He is, then why doesn't He end this damned, forsaken world for everyone already? Now, do not think I am an atheist, I merely do not comprehend how the people of this land cannot see the chaos of this world, we have people slaughtering their own kind in war, droughts that lead to severe famines, plagues and disease that kill off thousands each day. People are constantly dying in this world, with their own family mourning over their deaths. Tell me...does this sound like an ideal world to you? If it doesn't, then I have news for you: "this is the harsh reality we currently live in". | „ |
~ Sela |

“ | Just how many books have I read? Even I do not know the number, I just endlessly devour the contents of these tales, gaining such vast knowledge would likely be seen as heresy in this old world...even still, gaining this knowledge may be revolutionary in the long-term. Come now, my lovely concubines, we have much to discuss about the future of this nation. Perhaps I will even find a way to return to my former world...or should I even return at all after all I have been through and seen in this world? I have seen so much suffering, which it seems that only I have the power to help end the suffering the people experience in this forsaken land...truly a sad tale. | „ |
~ Sela |

“ | Zenova, is this what sin is? It feels much better than I thought, perhaps you were right. Maybe I should indulge in my own desires a little more... The people of this pathetic world are lying to themselves, believing that "God" is an all-powerful being, and so I shall deal with Him myself, then claim this sad, broken world as my own vessel. No...perhaps that is just the beginning of my reign, I shall conquer all the higher realms and rule over them all! ...I must thank you Zenova, for opening my eyes to the true nature of this world. "God"...you have lied to me, so brace yourself for my wrath, and hand down the throne to me as your punishment for this transgression. | „ |
~ Sela |
A young woman born as an only child in a small village to the far east of the capital who remembers her past life. Grown up around the wilderness, she has gained a lot of knowledge about it, knowing the behavior happens of wild animals and how to track them while hunting, as well as knowing the the properties of different flora on whether they are safe or dangerous. Due to the low population of her village, a lot of settlers resort to hunting in the forest, even starting as young as twelve years old. Sela was grown to be one of the best huntresses in the village, through she eventually decided to move toward the capital on her seventeenth birthday in search of something to ease her boredom as everyday was a repeat of the same routine.
Upon arriving in the capital, she decided to join the Guild, but not in search of fame nor glory. Sela decided to join to ease the boredom of her everyday life that repeated for several years. Even though the adventurer life was much more dangerous than her usual days at the village, it was a lot more exciting (and profitable) in her mind, as well as good combat experience. During one of her journeys, she entered a forest with an elven society. Wary of outsiders, they asked who she was and why a human was on their lands, to which she responded that she grown tired of human civilization and their obsession with God, as well as stating she did not believe in a true benevolent God. Watching her carefully, they grown to accept her as a friend of the forest, and Sela managed to live there for around a year.
When she reached eighteen years of age, she had to join the militia since the kingdom rules that "All healthy civilians of the nation over the drafting age must serve at least one year in the army, regardless of sex and social class", with her being no exception to this rule as she was still considered a civilian of the kingdom. She did not have any desire to officially join the army, so she would naturally quit after she fulfilled the requirement of one year of military service. Before heading back to the forest with the elves, she decided to visit her old home. Before she arrived back home though, there was a rumor that there was a dragon in the area to which she decided to look into this rumor for herself.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Neutral Good | Chaotic Neutral as "The Sinner"
Origin: Reality Library (A Lost Tale)
Titles: Huntress | Rookie, "Friend" by elves | Soldier | Heroine of the Village | Sela the Witch Hunter | Lady of Magic, Harem Queen, "Playgirl" | God's Will | Sinner, Heretic, Fallen Heroine | The Wanderer
Classification: Human, Huntress | Adventurer | Soldier | Heroine | Witch Hunter | Archmage | God's Will | Sinner, Heretic, Fallen Heroine | Wanderer of the Abyss
Age: 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 24 | 27 | Immeasurable | Beyond the concept of time
Gender: Female
Height: 167.64cm (16-20) | 172.72cm (21-27)
Weight: 54kg | 57kg
Status: Alive
Affiliations: N/A | Guild | Hall of Heroes | God's Domain | Sin
Previous Affiliations: N/A | Guild, Hall of Heroes, God's Domain
In the beginning, Sela is often considered extremely blunt and speaks her mind whenever she wants, sometimes offending others. She denies the existence of the "God" most people worship due to amount of chaos in the world, but she does not deny that God exists. As such, she does not consider herself to be an atheist, but refuses to see the God the people worship as completely benevolent due to this fact. Though the laws of the kingdom does not force anyone to believe in God, her denial in God's benevolence has given her a few glares by worshippers and she is forbidden from entering several holy grounds that worship God, such as churches.
Even though she denies the existence of a true benevolent God, she strongly desires peace and hospitality. Sela prefers not to fight, but will not hesitate to kill if she needs to, declaring those that fight or kill without any meaning are unjust and must be purged from the land. She is often seen helping the poor and donates coin to churches, even if she is forbidden from entering them. Due to their similar beliefs in not believing in an all-mighty being and desires of peace and hospitality, Sela is often welcomed by elves on their territory, whom are extremely careful on who they let inside their grounds.
Later on, it is revealed that she is a little perverted and greatly enjoys the company of other women, to the point where she makes Shera her concubine, as well as making the Elemental Witches and Luna her concubines after defeating them, allowing them to live with her and sometimes indulges herself in their company. Although same-sex relationships and marriage is legalized, she was put on watch by the government due to the vast number of women living with her, especially since the Elemental Witches are living with her as well.
Near the end, her will is overtaken by Sin and swears to kill God and rule over the world in His stead, though she craved more than ruling over the world afterwards and continued to climb the higher worlds and conquer them and use them as her vessel to restart the world with her image of a perfect world devoid of all sin. An dream she has long wished for since the beginning, once she has learned how cruel the world is around her. Naturally, this has peaked the interest of some of the beings in the higher worlds, most notably Charon, who is the gatekeeper between the Physical World and Limbo.
Sela appears to be a young woman in her late teens, having long white hair and crimson eyes. Her attire is mostly light due to her hating frilly and clothes that get in the way in terms of mobility, mostly consisting of a shirt and short skirt or a short dress. During her journeys, she is often seen wearing some form of armor, typically on the lighter side such as a mere breastplate in order to maintain her mobility. Although she prefers practicality over appearance, she doesn't throw appearance out the window entirely since she often wears a black coat over her shoulders for fashion, though it also helps her stay hidden during the night.
Later on, she begins to mature a little more once she reaches her early 20s, becoming taller by a few centimeters as well as gaining a slight increase in her bust size. While in her castle, she becomes more relaxed with what she wears, typically wearing a short dress with a red shawl over it, usually a method to seduce her concubines.
Shera: WIP
Elemental Witches: WIP
Luna: WIP
Sol: WIP
Zenova: WIP
God: WIP
Sin: WIP
Charon: WIP
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: 9-B | 9-A | High 8-C | Low 6-B | Low 5-B | At least 3-A, likely Low 2-C. 0 with Doom | 2-A. High 1-C with Quantum Collapse, 0 with Doom | High 1-C. Far higher with Quantum Collapse, 0 with Doom | High 1-B. 0 with Doom | Low 1-A. 0 with Doom
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Accelerated Development (Training and Leveling [Exists in a world where a leveling system exists and people can grow stronger at an extremely fast rate]), Enhanced Senses (Sela is an experienced huntress and can hear the faintest sounds around her), Genius Intelligence (Sela has the highest Intelligence stat core of S, which allows her Intelligence stat to grow at an extremely fast rate, quickly becoming the most intelligent person in the world), Information Analysis (Due to the nature of the world, she is able to accurately identify how powerful a target is, as well as knowing their abilities and powers), Regeneration (High [Due to the nature of the world, she has a semi-virtual body which can repair itself from nearly any attack as long as there is any data left that defines her existence. This can be seen as if there were any remaining 1's or 0's in a program, the program can restore all data that seem to be permanently lost]), Stealth Mastery (Sela is capable of sneaking around Wild Boars without alerting them of her presence, often due to her hunting expertise), Weapon Mastery (Proficient in melee combat and ranged combat due to being an expert huntress)
Power Mimicry, Power Modification, limited Power Bestowal, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3), Information Manipulation, Law Manipulation & Hacking (Although she never used these in her first key, she should still possess the ability to use them. In later keys. Sela is capable of immediately learning a new spell she sees and can modify it at her will, like she did with the Modify Memory spell. Sela is also capable of creating her own original spells and can teach her original spells to others if they have the capacity to understand the complexity of original spells. Magical spells are considered to be set "rules" that govern the world, so being able to alter or create spells is effectively changing these "rules", which in turn will alter the very world. Since the world is somewhat virtual, it is also effectively changing the "data" that makes up the world and its rules)
Biological Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Bone Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, & Pain Manipulation (Via Semi-Virtual Body), extreme resistance to Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Soul Manipulation, & Plot Manipulation (Souls are purely conceptual forms that define the true nature of a being which is rooted upon the level of reality it exists in, sitting at the very root of the narrative itself. Changing the soul of a being can significantly alter all the realms below the layer of reality, which includes the entire Physical World, Limbo, the Afterlife, and the entire Grand Design which sits inside of the Reality Layer)
All previous traits to a higher degree
Magic (Once a being reaches Level 5, they are then able to start expending their MP to cast spells), Elemental Manipulation (Sela is capable of using wind, water, earth, fire, and ice magic), Healing (Sela is capable of casting the Cure spell), Forcefield Creation (Capable of casting the Barrier spell, which conjures a protective forcefield around the target that absorbs half of the damage dealt to them), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic is capable of harming intangible beings)
All previous resistances to a higher degree
All previous traits to a higher degree plus Martial Arts (All soldiers are required to know how to fight without a weapon, so they are trained in hand-to-hand combat)
All previous powers to a higher degree plus Electricity Manipulation, (Sela can cast the Lightning Bolt spell), Illusion Manipulation (Sela learns her first illusion spell "Blind", which creates an illusion of total darkness in the target's mind), Plant Manipulation (Capable of conjuring sharp briars with the Briar spell), Status Effect Inducement (The Blind spell, as the name suggests, is able to blind the target), Counterspelling, (Sela created Counterspell as her first original spell. Counterspell is capable of immediately nullifying any magical spell or effect regardless of its potency, as Sela has complete control over it and can decide how potent the spell is), Regeneration Negation (High [Capable of inflicting the Bleeding ailment with Briar. The Bleeding ailment prevents naturally recovery and gradually depletes the maximum HP of a target until removed. Bleeding has been shown to be potent enough to prevent a Hydra from growing its head back]), Resistance Negation (The Bane spell nullifies all resistances and immunities to elemental damage and status ailments)
All previous resistances to a higher degree
All previous traits to a higher degree
All previous powers to a higher degree plus Danmaku (With the Blizzard spell), Invisibility (Sela is capable of becoming invisible with the Cloak spell), Flight (With the Fly spell), Paralysis Inducement (The Bind spell creates magical bindings which constrict the target and restrains their movement), Purification (The Antidote spell purges the body of Poison and the Mend spell cures deep wounds and stops Bleeding), Statistics Amplification (Capable of casting several debuff spells such as Sharpen, Fortify, and Haste), Statistics Reduction (Capable of casting several debuff spells such as Enfeeble, Debilitate, and Slow), Weather Manipulation (Sela is capable of creating thunderstorms or even blizzards with the Blizzard spell), Holy Manipulation & Light Manipulation (Type 2 [Sela can cast the Arrows of Light spell, which fires up to seven beams of radiant light at a target])
All previous resistances to a higher degree
All previous traits to a higher degree
All previous powers to a higher degree plus Clairvoyance (The Clairvoyance spell allows Sela to perceive invisible or spiritual targets), Duplication (Sela can cast the Multiplicate spell, which can duplicate items, or she can also use it to create magical clones of herself), Telepathy (Sela can telepathically speak to others with the Telepathy spell, as long as she knows of their existence), Weapon Creation (Using the Spellblade series of spells, Sela is capable of creating weapons out of pure elemental magic), Extrasensory Perception, Homing Attack, Teleportation, & Time Travel with Mark (The Mark spells allows other spells to trace the target's location, make Sela always aware of their location, even if they are concealing their presence in any manner, as well as instantly teleport to the marked location or period in time, regardless of the distance), faster Regeneration with Renew (The Renew spell increases the regeneration speed threefold)
All previous resistances to a higher degree
All previous traits to a higher degree plus Immortality (Type 1 [The special drug Sela taken contains an extremely powerful anti-aging agent which completely halts the aging process the moment it was taken])
All previous powers to a higher degree plus Memory Manipulation (Sela is capable of rewriting the entire memory of a target with Modify Memory), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Sela is capable of creating a large extradimensional space in the form of a pocket universe with Pocket Realm. She can use this in many ways, such as living there or sending a target to the vacuum of space in the realm to suffocate), Fate Manipulation & Time Manipulation with Rewrite (Rewrite is an extremely powerful spell which alters the very fate of a target since the beginning, restarting their lives over and influencing all future events. Sela even mentioned she can alter the fate of a target to where they were never born at in the first place), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Curse Manipulation, Death Manipulation, & Regeneration Negation (High-Godly) with Doom (The Doom spell plants a lethal curse on a target which instantly kills them within a sixty second countdown. In order to cast this spell, all Sela has to do is simply think of her target, regardless of the distance between the two, even working on higher planes. This curse also drops all of the target's stats to 1, including their HP and MP, as well as having the same effect as Bind (Revised) in that it also Paralyzes the target as well as removing all resistances and magical abilities. This death actually destroys the target's concept of 'living' rather than causing a conventional death. The death that is caused by this curse cannot be reversed either, even by High-Godly regeneration, resurrection, reincarnation, or time reversal. This curse remains even if the one that used it is defeated)
All previous resistances to a higher degree plus Poison Manipulation and Disease Manipulation (Through her research, Sela created a special drug which makes her immune to Poison and diseases)
All previous traits to a much higher degree plus Acausality (Type 5 [Unrestrained by conventional causality, being able to stand outside of time itself and not be restricted by fate and all of its other possibilities]), Blessed (Obtained God's blessing), Reality Warping (Her attacks can passively distort reality as a byproduct), Self-Sustenance (Type 1 [Sela is capable of breathing even while between the space which divide universes where matter does not exists])
All previous powers to a much higher degree plus Energy Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Quantum level), & Spacetime Manipulation (Type 2) with Quantum Collapse (Quantum Collapse is stated to be an extremely powerful ability capable of wiping all matter and energy all across existence by manipulating the Quantum Realm and destroying it)
All previous resistances to a much higher degree plus Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, & Time Manipulation (Via Acausality), Holy Manipulation & Unholy Manipulation with Angel's Blood (This coat grants the wearer immense resistance to holy and dark magic)
All previous traits to a vastly higher degree plus Sinful Aura (Sela exerts a terrifying aura of malice and sinful energy), Higher-Dimensional Existence (Sela exists as a higher being who stands at the very top of the Domain of Man, taking over God's rule and throne), Large Size (Type 10), Self-Sustenance (Type 2 & 3 [As a higher being, only mental stamina has meaning. Thus, food or rest is no longer necessary for survival])
All previous powers to a vastly higher degree
All previous resistances to a vastly higher degree plus Corruption, Mind Manipulation, & Morality Manipulation (Sela is already corrupted by Sin and thus cannot be corrupted by another being)
All previous traits to a vastly higher degree
All previous powers to a vastly higher degree
All previous resistances to a vastly higher degree
All previous traits to a vastly higher degree plus Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 0)
All previous powers to a vastly higher degree
All previous resistances to a vastly higher degree
Attack Potency: Wall level (She is capable of hunting several Wild Boars and managed to slay the Mother Boar at Level 3. Managed to fend off a pack of Dire Wolves) | Small Building level (Capable of casting Novice spells such as Wind Cutter which fires a wave of pressurized air which can cleanly slice through boulders and Stone Bullet which hurls three small boulders at Mach speed. Should be comparable to Shera, who can regularly cast Novice spells) | Large Building level (Sela managed to kill Wyverns and is capable of casting spells such as Twister which generates a tornado and Flame Sphere which creates a miniature sun) | Small Country level (Capable of creating earthquakes with magic, these quakes actually move tectonic plates, and can easily be felt across the nation, estimated to be around Magnitude 8.5 earthquakes. Sela can also kill adult dragons which can summon storms and blizzards at will) | Small Planet level (Fought against all of the Elemental Witches all at the same time. Threw Terra's meteor completely out of the atmosphere into space and dispersed Levine's megastorm with a mere sword swing) | At least Universe level (Comparable to lesser gods such as Luna and Sol. Since Luna is stated to be the antithesis of Sol, she should scale directly to Sol, who created all the stars in the universe at once), likely Universe level+ (Sela is capable of creating universe-sized pocket dimensions which contain their own timeline in her Pocket Realm. Luna and Sol are also shown to be able to create their own pocket realms). Boundless with Doom (The Doom spell is considered as Sela's most lethal ability. As with all her other original and revised spells, she has fully control over its potency. In one of the Author's notes, it is also stated that this spell could have even killed them if Sela knew of their existence and wished it) | Multiverse level+ (Sela has obtained the blessing of God, which drastically enhances her abilities. She is capable of defeating Zenova, who threatened both Sela's former world and the current world. Both worlds are defined by having an infinite number of predestined fates which all play out simultaneously). High Complex Multiverse level with Quantum Collapse (Quantum Collapse is stated to convert matter into energy, causing a chain reaction that converts all matter and structures inside existence into a stable energy, "existence" being the entirety of the Quantum Realm which guides the entire Domain of Man. This attack would have killed Zenova instantly if Sela was willing to use it), Boundless with Doom | High Complex Multiverse level (Accepted the power of Sin itself and transcended onto God's level of existence in order to kill Him, and succeeded in doing so. Destroyed the entirety of God's Domain in order to establish her own realm in its place). Far higher with Quantum Collapse, Boundless with Doom | Hyperverse level (Traversed the ladder of the Endless Abyss, where even the step above the Quantum Realm makes it appear no more than a small blip in a vast ocean) to High Hyperverse level (Entered the Labyrinth and killed the horrors that delve within it). Boundless with Doom | Low Outerverse level (Reached the Underside which exists as a "background" of the Endless Abyss and encompasses the Physical World. Fought Charon on equal ground). Boundless with Doom
Speed: Subsonic (She is capable of outrunning Wild Boars, Dire Wolves, and the Mother Boar. She is also capable of dodging and deflecting arrows from Goblins) | Supersonic+ (Capable of dodging Stone Bullet and can even deflect all three projectiles at close range. She broke the sound barrier using her raw speed alone) | Massively Hypersonic (Capable of dodging the Lightning Bolt spell at close range) with Massively Hypersonic+ attack speed with Lightning Bolt | FTL (Far faster than before, capable of dodging Arrows of Light at close range) | At least FTL (Faster than before, should be superior to Igna and other the Elemental Witches. Igna was able to move behind Sela while dodging her light magic). Immeasurable with Mark (The Mark spell is able to magically track down the location of a target and the user can instantaneously teleport to them or cast their magic at the target's location, regardless of the distance between them. It can also be used to teleport to a marked location or period in time) | At least FTL (Significantly faster than before, capable of fighting with Luna who can fly to the moon in under a second), likely Massively FTL+ (Since Luna is the antithesis of Sol, she should directly scale to Sol, who can quickly travel through entire star systems) | Immeasurable (Traveled through thousands of universes during their battle with Zenova and can endure Zenova's Time Shatter, which, as the name implies, shatters time itself) | Immeasurable (Fought against God and overwhelmed them with speed) | Immeasurable (Stepped foot in the Endless Abyss and is capable of reaching the higher steps within. Traversed the Labyrinth and kept up with the horrors within) | Immeasurable (Sela is capable of keeping up with Charon during their battle)
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Sela is capable of standing her ground against charges from the Mother Boar. Sela has a Strength stat of 16 at Level 3. She is also capable of pushing large boulders) | Class 25 (Capable of swinging swords with this amount of force) | Class 50 (Much stronger than previously, capable of toppling a Wyvern out of the sky which are stated to weigh around thirty tons on average) | Class M (Sela should make her comparable in strength to Minotaurs, who are capable lifting and throwing larges boulders, and are capable of ripping off the limbs of their own kind in battle) | Class Z (Far superior than all six of the Elemental Witches, whom are comparable to Aqua who can manipulate the entire mass of the world's oceans. Capable of throwing Terra's meteor out of the atmosphere and into space) | Universal (Sela is capable of stabilizing an entire pocket universe with her magic, and can sustain control over it with mere thoughts) | Immeasurable (Sela should be comparable to Zenova in strength, Zenova has been shown capable of merging entire timelines with her mere hands alone) | Immeasurable (Vastly stronger than before, capable of overpowering God via raw strength alone) | Immeasurable (Sela is capable of shaking horrors off of her in the Labyrinth) | Immeasurable (Comparable to Charon, sent Charon flying with a kick)
Striking Strength: Wall Class (Capable of dealing significant damage to Wild Boars, Dire Wolves, and the Mother Boar with a mere dagger) | Small Building Class (Can physically harm beings who can endure Novice level spells such as Wind Cutter and Stone Bullet) | Large Building Class (Sela can deal significant damage to a Wyvern and topple it out of the sky) | Small Country Class (Sela is able to trade blows with Minotaurs and even severed one of their arms. Dealt significant damage to an adult dragon and severed its left wing) | Small Planet Class (Capable of damaging the Elemental Witches who can tank powerful spells with physical blows) | At least Universal, likely Universal+ (Dealt significant damage to Luna, whom of which should scale to Sol) | Multiversal+ (Capable of trading blows with Zenova, weapon collisions with Zenova could fracture entire timelines) | High Complex Multiversal (Made God struggle against their onslaught. Completely destroyed God's Domain after Sela defeated God and claimed His throne) | High Hyperversal (Sela is capable of killing several horrors in the Labyrinth while traversing the Endless Abyss) | Low Outerversal (Traded blows with Charon during their battle)
Durability: Wall level (Sela is capable of taking charge attacks from Wild Boars and bites from Dire Wolves. Can endure attacks from the Mother Boar) | Small Building level (She is capable of enduring Novice-level spells which can deal this much damage) | Large Building level (Endured attacks from a Wyvern, capable of resisting her own spells, such as Flame Sphere) | Small Country level (She is capable of enduring being at the epicenter of her earthquakes, which is estimated to be around Magnitude 8.5. Endured attacks from Minotaurs and an adult dragon) | Small Planet level (Fought against all of the Elemental Witches. Capable of tanking Terra's meteor while being it was sped up by Levine's electromagnetism, essentially turning it into a railgun) | At least Universe level, likely Universe level+ (Capable of enduring attacks from Luna. Since Luna is the antithesis of Sol, Luna should reasonable scale to Sol whom Sela would also scale to) | Multiverse level+ (Fought against Zenova and Sela was capable of enduring Zenova's Time Shatter) | High Complex Multiverse level (Fought against God and resisted their attacks before taking over the role of God) | High Hyperverse level (She was capable of climbing the steps of the Endless Abyss until she reached its peak, and is capable of enduring the extreme pain of each higher step which is stated to be physically and mentally exhausting. Entered the Labyrinth and fought against the horrors within) | Low Outerverse level (Reached the Underside which exists as a "background" of the Endless Abyss and encompasses the entire Physical World. Managed to endure attacks from Charon during their battle)
Stamina: Very High (Even during her time as a huntress for the village, Sela has been shown to stay wide awake for several days waiting for a target during her hunts. It took a few days for her to travel to the capital, which she done so without getting any sleep, though she did rest her legs a couple of times. Endured hard training during her time as a soldier and had to travel over the kingdom with minimal rest. Sela was able to tire out the Elemental Witches before she shown any significant sign of exhaustion. Capable of fighting for hours on end with Zenova) | Irrelevant (Upon entering the realms beyond the Material world, stamina begins to lose meaning as only the strength of one's will matters in higher realms)
Range: Standard Melee Range (Uses a dagger for melee combat), Hundreds of Meters with bow (Bows should fire arrows around this distance) | Extended Melee Range (Uses a shortsword in melee combat after she became an adventurer), Hundreds of Meters with bow and magic | Extended Melee Range (All soldiers are given a broadsword which has greater reach than a shortsword. Sela can also use a longsword, which has even greater reach than a broadsword), Hundreds of Meters with bow and magic | Extended Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with bow, Planetary with magic (Capable of creating powerful earthquakes which can be felt throughout the entire nation; around 30,000 kilometers in diameter) | Extended Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with bow and arquebus, Planetary with magic | Planetary (Capable of hitting Luna while she was on the moon and split the moon in half from the planet). Interdimensional, likely Universal+ with Pocket Realm (Capable of creating a Pocket Realm with a starry sky, which is explicitly stated to form an extradimensional spacetime beyond the universe) | Multiversal+ (Should scale to Zenova, who can merge timelines and destroy two isolated spacetime continua, both of which are stated to contain infinite timelines each), High Complex Multiversal with Quantum Collapse (Quantum Collapse is stated to completely destroy the entire Quantum Realm if Sela decided to use it) | High Complex Multiversal (After Sela killed God, she completely destroyed God's Domain and established her own domain in its place) | High Hyperversal (Reached the very top of the Endless Abyss) | Low Outerversal (Transcended the Endless Abyss and reached the Underside, a "background" of the Endless Abyss which encompasses the entire Physical World)
- Shortbow
- Dagger
- Padded Armor: Cheap but effective armor which typically consists of several layers of fabric sewn together. An common type of padded armor is gambeson.
- Potions: A basic potion that restores 20 HP.
- Salves: Herbs which can be cure deep wounds and stop bleeding.
- Shortsword
- Shortbow
- Dagger
- Spell Tome
- Brigandine: Leather armor that covers the torso which has riveted steel plates lined internally to the leather.
- Potions: A standard potion which restores 20 HP.
- Salves: Herbs which can be cure deep wounds and stop bleeding.
- Broadsword
- Longsword
- Longbow
- Dagger
- Magic Tome
- Breastplate: Armor that mostly consists of a steel chest piece. Although it leaves the limbs vulnerable, it protects the wearer's vital organs without lowering movement.
- High Potions: A high-quality potion which restores 50 HP.
- Antitoxin: A specific type of potion which purges all toxins from the body. Potent enough to cure even Wyvern venom.
- Salves: Herbs which can be cure deep wounds and stop bleeding.
- Broadsword
- Claymore
- Warbow
- Dagger
- Magic Tome
- Breastplate: Armor that mostly consists of a steel chest piece. Although it leaves the limbs vulnerable, it protects the wearer's vital organs well without lowering mobility.
- Midnight Coat
- Ultra Potions: An extremely potent potion which restores 100 HP.
- Broadsword
- Claymore
- Warbow
- Arquebus
- Dagger
- Magic Tome
- Half-Plate: Protective armor that consists of a steel breastplate which covers the entire torso along with greaves and bracers. Extremely protective while not reducing the mobility of the wearer all that much.
- Midnight Coat
- Ultra Potions: An extremely potent potion which restores 100 HP.
- Broadsword
- Claymore
- Necronomicon
- Half-Plate: Protective armor that consists of a steel breastplate which covers the entire torso along with greaves and bracers. Extremely protective while not reducing the mobility of the wearer all that much.
- Midnight Cloak
- Ultra Potions: An extremely potent potion which restores 100 HP. At this point, they are mostly used outside of battle due to healing magic being much more effective.
- Elixir: An extremely rare recovery item, often referred to as a panacea. Fully recovers HP, MP, and removes all ailments and diseases. Only used in emergency.
- Ragnarök: A legendary sword gifted by God. Named after a great war of gods which would have destroyed the cosmos. The sword is stated to possess the power of gods who have fallen in this great war. Lost its power after Zenova's defeat, turning into a standard sword afterwards.
- Peacekeeper: A handgun gifted to Sela by God. This gun has holy runes etched in the bore of the gun. The gun was named after its use to maintain the peace of the world. Due to its magical nature, it does not require any ammunition to fire, instead it fires powerful blasts of radiant energy. Lost its power after Zenova's defeat, turning into a standard handgun afterwards.
- Ebonite Chestplate: Armor which consists of a pitch black chest piece made from an unknown material known as "Ebonite". Heavier than steel, but vastly more durable.
- Angel's Blood: A coat that is lined with the divine blood of an angel. Extremely durable and it is able to repair itself from damage. It also makes the one who wears it highly resistant to dark and holy magic. This only relic out of the three gifted by God which still contains some power after Zenova's defeat.
- Elixirs: Extremely rare recovery items, often referred to as a panacea. Fully recovers HP, MP, and removes all ailments and diseases. Capable of creating an infinite amount of them due to the blessing given by God.
- Ragnarök: A legendary sword gifted by God. Named after a great war of gods which would have destroyed the cosmos. The sword is stated to possess the power of gods who have fallen in this great war. Regained its power during the fight with God, but lost its power again after God's defeat, turning into a standard sword afterwards.
- Peacekeeper: A handgun gifted to Sela by God. This gun has holy runes etched in the bore of the gun. The gun was named after its use to maintain the peace of the world. Due to its magical nature, it does not require any ammunition to fire, instead it fires powerful blasts of radiant energy. Regained its power during the fight with God, but lost its power again after God's defeat, turning into a standard handgun afterwards.
- Ebonite Chestplate: Armor which consists of a pitch black chest piece made from an unknown material known as "Ebonite". Heavier than steel, but vastly more durable.
- Angel's Blood: A coat that is lined with the divine blood of an angel. Extremely durable and it is able to repair itself from damage. It also makes the one who wears it highly resistant to dark and holy magic. The only relic that retained its power after God's defeat.
- Elixirs: Extremely rare recovery items, often referred to as a panacea. Fully recovers HP, MP, and removes all ailments and diseases. Capable of creating an infinite amount of them due to the blessing given by God. Lost the power to create them at will after God's defeat.
- Longsword
- Handgun (5.7x28mm rounds)
- Ebonite Chestplate: Armor which consists of a pitch black chest piece made from an unknown material known as "Ebonite". Heavier than steel, but vastly more durable.
- Angel's Blood: A coat that is lined with the divine blood of an angel. Extremely durable and it is able to repair itself from damage. It also makes the one who wears it highly resistant to dark and holy magic.
- None notable
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Sela is quite intelligent, being well versed in a lot of fields as well as bearing the highest Intelligence stat in the world. Capable of surviving solely off of what the wilderness has to offer for weeks on end. Her knowledge of the wilderness allows her to know which flora are dangerous and medicinal or safe to consume, on top of being an excellent hunter for her village, being proficient in melee, ranged, and eventually magic combat. Sela has been shown capable of coming up with complex tactics and strategies in the middle of combat. Well versed in various types of magic, which includes elemental, enchantment, conjuration, divination, illusion, and healing magic. She is also capable of creating magical inventions that almost seem no different from modern technology. Sela is known as one of the greatest minds in the world, earning the title "Lady of Magic" due to her unparalleled knowledge of magic and being capable of creating her own spells at will, which also gained her access to the Grand Library where she learned physics, chemistry, biology, anatomy, geography, and astronomy. Fought against the Elemental Witches who are considered to be masters of the particular element named after them and Sela even managed to surprised them with her knowledge of magic) | Nigh-Omniscient (Gained the knowledge of Sin, which made her capable of fighting and killing God. Knew how to access the realms beyond the Domain of Man and reached the Quantum Realm before proceeding to climb the steps of the Endless Abyss until she reached the top)
- Most normal human weaknesses, requires MP to cast spells.
- None notable during her Awakening Key and succeeding Keys.
Power Feats:
- Defeated the Mother Boar (9-B)
- Sliced a boulder in half with Wind Cutter (9-A)
- Capable of generating tornadoes (High 8-C)
- Created a miniature sun with Flame Sphere (High 8-C)
- Managed to take down a Wyvern (High 8-C)
- Capable of generating natural Magnitude 8.5 earthquakes with Quake (Low 6-B)
- Capable of generating thunderstorms and blizzards (Low 7-B+)
- Dispersed Levine's megastorm with a single attack (Low 5-B)
- Threw Terra's meteor out of the atmosphere (Low 5-B & Class Z))
- Managed to defeat the six Elemental Witches all at once (Low 5-B)
- Can violently shake the entire planet with Cataclysm (5-A)
- Split the moon in half with a single attack (5-A)
- Created a universe-sized Pocket Realm with its own timeline (Low 2-C)
- Managed to defeat Luna (At least 3-A, likely Low 2-C via scaling)
- Managed to defeat Zenova (2-A)
- Capable of destroying all existence with Quantum Collapse (1-B)
- Killed God and took over His throne and reign (High 1-C)
- Ascended to the top of the Endless Abyss and killed the horrors in the Labyrinth (High 1-B)
- Fought against Charon (Low 1-A)
Speed Feats:
- Outran Wild Boars, Dire Wolves, and the Mother Boar (Subsonic)
- Dodged and deflected arrows from Goblins (Subsonic)
- Broke the sound barrier with movement alone (Transonic)
- Deflected Stone Bullet projectiles at close range (Supersonic+)
- Dodged Lightning Bolt at close range (Massively Hypersonic)
- Dodged Arrows of Light by moving outside its range (FTL)
- Can react to the Elemental Witches' attacks (At least FTL via scaling)
- Can react to Luna's attacks (At least FTL, likely Massively FTL+ via scaling)
Durability Feats:
- Capable of resisting ramming attacks from the Mother Boar (9-B)
- Capable of resisting attacks from a Wyvern (High 8-C via scaling)
- Can withstand her own Quake spell (Low 6-B)
- Endured Glacia's Max Freeze, which froze a large lake completely solid (6-B)
- Completely tanked Terra's meteor while it was sped up (High 6-A)
- Endured the automatic counterforce of pushing Terra's meteor into space (Low 5-B)
- Should be able to withstand her own Cataclysm spell (5-A)
- Withstood Zenova's Time Shatter attack (2-A)
Intelligence Feats:
- Bears the highest Intelligence stat in the world.
- Capable of surviving solely off of what the wilderness has to offer for weeks on end with her knowledge of the wilderness.
- Proficient in melee, ranged, and eventually magic combat.
- Capable of coming up with complex tactics and strategies in the middle of combat.
- Well versed in various types of magic, including elemental, enchantment, conjuration, divination, and illusion magic.
- Capable of creating magical inventions that almost seem no different from modern technology.
- Capable of creating her own spells at will, an ability considered impossible without fully understanding magic.
- Gained her access to the Grand Library and learned physics, chemistry, biology, anatomy, geography, and astronomy.
- Surprised the Elemental Witches who are considered "masters" of their own element.
- Upon gaining the knowledge of Sin, she knew how to overpower and kill God.
- Knew about realms beyond the Domain of Man and climbed the Endless Abyss.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Semi-Virtual Body: Not necessary an ability, but rather a part of her physiology. Due to the digitalized nature of her world, every being is partially digital as well. This makes them resistant to several things a fully biological being are not, including resistance to conventional blood and bone manipulation, as well as not being able to feel pain. This nature also makes them resistant to conventional soul manipulation due to the lack of one, instead their soul is encrypted deep inside of the "code" that makes up their existence. The digitalized world also allows beings to identify how powerful others are as well as knowing the skills, abilities, and powers as well as being able to recover from grave injuries and even regenerate limbs.
- Instamulticast: A passive ability granted to one who has an S in Intelligence. Instamulticast allows the user to instantly cast several spells at the same as well as maintain multiple spells active at the same. In her later keys, Sela has been shown to cast all of her buff and debuff spells, as well as casting Twister, Flame Sphere, Cyclone, Quake, and Blizzard simultaneously and having them all active at the same time.

- Her first to sixth Keys are scaled at Levels 3, 7, 12, 27, 51, and 82 respectively. The last four keys are during and after her Awakening, which succeeds the leveling system altogether.
- The "Bleeding" ailment gradually lowers maximum HP that cannot be recovered by healing items. The only way to recover maximum HP is by removing the Bleeding ailment using items or by using specific healing spells such as Mend, and then waiting for the wounds to naturally heal on their own.
- Sela bears a striking resemblance to the female form of Exermis, even having a similar personality, affections, and abilities. One may even say that they were once the same being.
- Sela is the protagonist of a lost tale which has been thrown in the Antiverse, hence the name of the title: "A Lost Tale". This isn't the actual title of the story, but rather the story lost its title whenever it was thrown into the Antiverse.
Key: Village Huntress | Adventurer | Soldier | Heroine of the Village | Witch Hunter | Lady of Magic | Awakening | The Sinner | Wanderer of The Abyss | The Underside
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: