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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

This is a blog for DEATH BATTLE! Calcs that I couldn't bother putting in their own blogs so, yeah, enjoyed.

Season 2[]

Sol Badguy obliterates the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi[]

RagnaVSSol Pic 1

The 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi in-canon is surrounded by mountains

Mountain's Height: 153px = 609.6m

City of Kagutsuchi's Height: 585px = 2330.82353m

City of Kagutsuchi's Width: 525px = 2091.76471m (Radius: 2091.76471m / 2 = 1045.88235m)

Assuming the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi to be cone-shaped

Cone's Volume:

  • (pi × r^2 × h)/3
  • r = Radius
  • h = Height

Volume: (pi × 1045.88235^2 × 2330.82353)/3 = 2.66995339e9m^3 or 2.66995339e+15cc

Nothing is seen after the destruction, which means we could do pulverization by assuming the rock that the city is built on is made of rock (Haven't really checked the canon source material for this series so correct me if I'm wrong)

Destruction's Energy: 2.66995339e+15cc * 214 J/cc = 5.71370025e17 joules or 136.56071 Megatons (Mountain level)

Chuck Norris pushed the Earth's half to nowhere[]

ChuckVSSegata Pic 01

Earth: 31px = 12742km

Earth's Distance: 1464px = 601751.226km

In order to get the distance of this, we must use a Angular Size Calculator

Degrees: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(31/1919)) = 0.0226216863 rad or 1.29612715046213 degrees

Horizontal Distance: 5.6324e+5km

Pythagoras: 601751.226km^2 + 5.6324e+5km^2 = 6.79343836e11km or 679343836000000m

For the timing, it takes around 40 frames for the Earth to appear on screen and disappeared off in the distance in 30fps, thus giving us 1.3s.

Now time for the speed...

Speed: 679343836000000m / 1.3s = 5.226e+14 m/s or 1.743e+6c (Massively FTL+)

Segata lifts Saturn's ring[]

ChuckVSSegata Pic 02

Saturn: 375px = 120500km

Distance Moved: 1096px = 352181.333km or 352181333m

The rings of Saturn has the total weight of 1.5e+19kg

it takes around 55 frames for Segeta to moved the ring in a 30fps video, making it 1.833s

Speed: 352181333m / 1.833s = 1.921e+8 m/s or 64% SoL (Relativistic+)

KE: 4.079e+35 Joules or 97.48369 Yottatons (Large Planet level)

Force: 3.14458007e27 newtons or 3.20657928E+26kg (Class Y)

Hercule Satan gets slammed into a wall[]

DB HerculeVSDan 01

Hercule Satan's Height: 79px = 1.88m

Distance: 1098px = 26.1296203m

It takes around 14 frames for Dan and Satan to across travel, in a 24fps video, this gives us 0.583333333s

Speed: 26.1296203m / 0.583333333s = 44.7936348 m/s (Subsonic)

For KE, Satan weighs around 94kg

KE: 0.5*94*44.7936348^2 = 94304.0768 Joules or 94.30407 Kilograms (Wall level)

Season 3[]

Bowser and Ganondorf cratered the ground[]

DB BowserVSGanon 01

Bowser's Height: 474px = 261.6cm

Crater's Width: 1056px = 582.805063cm (Radius: 291.402532cm)

Crater's Depth: 92px = 50.7746835cm

Putting these into a Semi-Ellipsoid's Volume calculator, we can get the total volume of... 9030098.356cm^3

Energy Destruction: = 1.93244105e9 Joules or 0.461864 Tons of TNT (Building level)

Bowser Withstands his Clown Car's Destruction[]

DB BowserVSGanon 02

Bowser's Height: 329 = 261.6cm

Bowser's Head: 173px = 137.558663cm

To the next shot.

DB BowserVSGanon 03

Bowser's Head: 132px = 137.558663cm

Upper Clown Car's Diameter: 352px = 366.8231cm (Radius: 183.41155cm)

Upper Clown Car's Height: 48px = 50.0213318cm

Bottom Clown Car's Diameter: 402px = 418.928654cm (Radius: 209.464327cm)

Plugging these into a volume calculator, we get the volume of 5286381cm^3 for the green section and 38496285cm^3 for the bottom section, but seeing how it's not a half-full sphere... we could try this.

Divided: 38496285cm^3 / 1.5 = 25664190cm^3

And combine them together...

Total Volume: 5286381cm^3 + 25664190cm^3 = 30950571cm^3

Now for the destruction of it, we could assume it's made out of steel, which the Pulverization of Steel ranges around 310-1000 J/cc, average being 655 J/cc

Low End: 30950571cm^3 * 568.5 J/cc = 1.75953996e10 joules or 4.20540 Tons of TNT (Large Building level)

Mid End: 30950571cm^3 * 655 J/cc = 20272624005 Joules or 4.845273 Tons of TNT (Large Building level)

High End: 30950571cm^3 * 1000 J/cc = 30950571000 joules or 7.3973640 Tons of TNT (Large Building level+)

Big Bowser's Size and Mass[]

DB BowserVSGanon 04

Ganon's Height: 169px = 228.6cm

Big Bowser's Head: 385px = 520.775147cm

To the next shot.

DB BowserVSGanon 05

Big Bowser's Head: 232px = 520.775147cm

Big Bowser's Total Height: 448px = 1005.63477cm or 10.0563477 meters (Type 0)

Doing the same method from this blog, leatherbacks are 2.7 meters in length and weighs around 500 kilograms, however, it is said that they can weigh up to 1,000kg. Bowser is about 3.72457322x bigger than that.

Big Bowser's Total Weight (500): 500kg * (3.72457322^3) = 25834.4698 kilograms or 25.8344698 metric tonnes (Class 50)

Big Bowser's Total Weight (1000): 1000kg * (3.72457322^3) = 51668.9396 kilograms or 51.6689396 metric tonnes (Class 100)

Hulk and Doomsday Caused a Big Shockwave[]

HulkVSDoomsday Pic 01

Planet diameter: sqrt(1-(tan(35)*(2410/768))^2/((tan(35)*(2410/768))^2+1))*12742km = 7111.12159 kilometers

Earth: 2410px = 7111.12159km

Shockwave's Diameter: 911px = 2688.06298km

Radius: 2688.06298km or 2688062.98m

  • W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Seeing how Hulk and Doomsday quite literally destroyed the city around them, it looks like we're gonna had to use 20psi for this.

Shockwave's Yield: 2688062.98^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 1.56100335e15 Tons of TNT or 1.5610033506531236 Petatons of TNT (Multi-Continent level)

Season 4[]

Android 18's flight speed[]

Android18VSCaptainMarvel Pic 04

Mountain's Height: 373px = 609.6m

Screen's Height: 1078p+x

  • Formula: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(object size in pixels/panel height in pixels))

Building's Degrees: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(373/1078)) = 0.475398624 rad or 27.238334741594 degrees

Putting the degrees into this, we get the distance of 1.2581e+3m

It takes around 42 frames for Android 18 to traveled down from the mountain to the field, in a 30fps video, this takes around 1.4s

Speed: 1.2581e+3m / 1.4s = 898.642857 m/s or Mach 2.62 (Supersonic+)

Captain Marvel destroys a large portion of a rock[]

Android18VSCaptainMarvel Pic 01

Tree's Height: 89px = 10m

Rock's Height: 723px = 81.2359554m

Rock's Width (Bottom): 937px = 105.280899m (Radius: 52.6404495m)

Rock's Width (Top): 458px = 51.4606744m (Radius: 25.7303372m)

By using this, we can get the volume of... 407275088417cm^3, since Captain Marvel only destroyed the half of it, we can divide this by 2

Divide: 407275088417 / 2 = 2.03637544e11cm^3 or 203637544000.00003052

The rocks were shown to be somewhat as big as the fighters in the first shot.. but in the second shot, they were small enough to be roughly the same sizes as her head... so Fragment and V. Frag is it, having the values of 8 J/cc and 69 J/cc

Energy Yield (Fragment): 203637544000.00003052cc * 8 J/cc = 1629100352000 joules or 389.3643 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)

Energy Yield (V. Fragment): 203637544000.00003052cc * 69 J/cc = 1.40509905e13 joules or 3.358267 Kilotons of TNT (Small Town level)

Android 18 withstood a beam that caused a crater[]

Android18VSCaptainMarvel Pic 02

Captain Marvel's Height: 48px = 180.34cm

Crater's Width: 625px = 2348.17708cm (Radius: 2348.17708 / 2 = 1174.08854cm)

Crater's Depth: 102px = 383.2225cm

By using this Semi-Ellipsoid Volume calculator, we get the volume of... 1106397820.08cm^3

Energy Yield: 1106397820.08cm^3 * 214 J/cc = 2.36769133e11 joules or 56.5891 Tons of TNT (City Block level)

A powered-up Android 18 caused an even BIGGER crater[]

Android18VSCaptainMarvel Pic 03

Android 18's Height: 33px = 1.67m

Crater's Width: 1032px = 52.2254545m or 5222.54545cm (Radius: 5222.54545 / 2 = 2611.27272cm)

Crater's Depth: 127px = 6.4269697m or 642.69697cm

By using this Semi-Ellipsoid Volume calculator, we get the volume of... 9178449641.197cm^3 or 9178449641.1970024cc

Energy Yield: 9178449641.197cm^3 * 214 J/cc = 1.96418822e12 Joules or 469.45225 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)

Thor Throws his Hammer at the Moon[]


It takes around 124 frames for Thor to knocked Diana into the air and for Diana to land on the Moon's surface, equalizing it to 4.13s

The distance between the Moon and the Earth is 384400km or 384400000m.

Speed: 384400000m * 4.13s = 93075060.53268765 m/s or 31% SoL (Relativistic)


Destroying the moon is around 1.24e29 Joules or 29.63671 Exatons (Moon level)

Season 5[]

Carnage lifts/throws some pillars[]

LucyVSCarnage Pic 01

Lucy's Height: 225px = 1.626m

Big Block's Height (Green): 375px = 2.71m

Big Block's Width (Yellow): 39px = 0.281m

Big Block's Length (Blue): 73px = 0.5275m

Small Block's Height: 60px = 0.4336m

Small Block's Width: 69px = 0.498m

Small Block's Length: 75px = 0.541m

Now for the Volume of the Pillar as a whole.

  • Big Stone's Volume: 271cm * 28.1cm * 52.75cm = 401696.525cm^3
  • Small Stone's Volume: 43.36cm * 49.8cm * 54.1cm = 116819.645cm^3

Total Volume: 401696.525cm^3 + 116819.645cm^3 = 518516.17cm^3

Concrete's value holds the total density of 2400 kg/m^3

Mass: 518516.17cm^3 * 2400 kg/m^3 = 1244.43881 kilograms or 1.24443881 Metric Tonnes (Class 5)

Now for the distance that Carnage throws the pillars.

LucyVSCarnage Pic 02

Train's Height: 231px = 4.01955m

Distance: 1128px = 19.6279325m

It takes around 19 frames for Carnage to throw the last pillar and for Lucy to destroyed the first pillar (Assuming they travel at the same speed), in a 30fps video, this gives us 0.6s

Speed: 32.71322083333334 m/s (Superhuman)

For the Acceleration of this, we can get the Acceleration of 109.04m/s^2 for Distance Traveled.

Now for the F=MA!

F=MA: 1244.43881kg * 109.04m/s^2 = 135693.608 Newtons, 13836.897208kg or 13.8368972 Metric Tonnes (Class 25)

Sigma tanks an explosion[]

DB UltronVSSigma 01

Sigma's Height: 110px = 2.26m

Explosion's Diameter: 734px = 15.0803636m

Radius: 15.0803636m / 2 = 7.5401818m

  • Explosion's Formula: W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Explosion Yield: 7.5401818^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.0344533112 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)

Ultron endured a punch that created a crater beneath him[]

DB UltronVSSigma 02

Ultron's Height: 171px = 183cm

Crater's Length: 492px = 526.526316cm (Radius: 263.263158cm)

Crater's Depth(?): 80px = 85.6140352cm

By using this semi-ellipsoid's volume calculator, we can get the total volume of.... 12427499.484cm^3

Rock has the V. Fragment value of 69 J/cc

Energy Destruction: 12427499.484cm^3 * 61.2 J/cc = 857497464 joules or 0.204946 Tons of TNT (Small Building level+)

Ultron blasted a hole[]

DB UltronVSSigma 03

Ultron's Height: 136px = 183cm

Hole's Width: 403px = 542.272061cm

Hole's Height: 301px = 405.02206cm

The average wall's thickness varies from 6 to 8 to even 10 inches according to this, we are gonna used the high-end which is 0.254 meters or 25.4 centimeters. Combining these all together gave us the total volume of 5578656.54cc

Buildings are generally made out of concrete, which has the pulverization of 40 J/cc

Energy Destruction: 5578656.54cc * 40 J/cc = 223146262 joules or 0.05333 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)

Season 7[]

Wally West Destroys the blue Planetoid[]

WallyVSSonic Pic 01

Sonic's Height: 57px = 1m

Portal's Height: 125px = 2.192m

Onto the next shot!

WallyVSSonic Pic 02

Portal's Height: 96px = 2.192m

Planetoid's Width: 599px = 13.6771666m

Volume: 1340m^3 or 1340000000cc

Assuming he Planetoid to be made out of Concrete, which has the fragment of 2-6 J/cc and v. frag of 17-20 J/cc, we are going to use the high end.

Destruction Energy (Fragment): 1340000000cc * 6 J/cc = 8040000000 joules or 1.92160 Tons of TNT (Building level+)

Destruction Energy (V. Fragment): 1340000000cc * 20 J/cc = 26800000000 joules or 6.4053 Tons of TNT (Large Building level)

Wally West Slammed Sonic Through Building[]

WallyVSSonic Pic 03

Floor's Height: 39px = 4.3m

Hole's Diameter: 177px = 19.5153846m (Radius: 9.7576923m)

Hole's Distance: 504px = 55.5692306m

Using a Cylinder's Volume calculator, we can get the volume of... 16621.82m^3 or 16621820000cc

Buildings are generally made out of concrete, which has the pulverization of 40 J/cc seeing how dust are seen.

Energy's Yield: 16621820000cc * 40 J/cc = 664872800000 joules or 158.9084 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)

Season 8[]

Yoda throws some rocks and Mickey destroys them (That bastard)[]


Mickey's Height: 878px = 68cm

Mickey's Head: 307px = 23.77cm


Mickey's Head: 252px = 23.77cm

Light's Width: 71px = 6.697cm or 0.06697m


Light's Width: 16px = 0.06697m

Rock's Width: 538px = 2.25186625m or 225.186625cm

By using this sphere volume calculator, we got a volume of... 5978970cm^3 and 5.98m^3 (The former is for Destruction energy, the latter is for Mass)

The density of stone is 2700 kg/m^3

Mass: 5.98m^3 * 2700 kg/m^3 = 16146kg or 16.146 metric tonnes (Class 25)

Yoda appears to be hurling 5 rocks towards Mickey, meaning:

Multiply by 4: 16146kg * 4 = 64584kg = 64584kg or 64.584 metric tonnes (Class 100)

In the shot of when Mickey destroys the rocks, we see two rocks being fragmented... and a whole lot of dust in the aftermath, seeing how there were atleast 5 rocks being hurled towards Mickey, we can assume that Mickey pulverizes some of them. Giving us the Pulverization of rock which is around 214 J/cc

Rock's Destruction (Pulver): 5978970cm^3 * 214 J/cc = 1279499580 joules or 0.3058 Tons of TNT (Building level)

Since Mickey destroys about several rocks at once, we can multiply it by or 2 (Since there were two other rocks) or 4 (Two more rocks were seen upon being first seen, hurling at Mickey)

Multiply by 2: 0.3058 * 2 = 0.6116 Tons of TNT (Building level)

Multiply by 4: 0.3058 * 4 = 1.2232 Tons of TNT (Building level+)

Yoda Splits Apart Mickey's Dive to the Heart[]

Let'ss get the mass of this... pillar thing.


Mickey's Height (Black Line): 49px = 68cm or 0.68m

Dive to the Heart's Width: 1108px = 15.376m

Onto the next shot!


Dive to the Heart's Width: 298px = 15.376m (Radius: 7.68800m)

Dive to the Heart's Depth: 321px = 16.562m

By using this cylinder volume calculator, we get the volume of... 3075.31m^3

Inside of the Dive to the Hearts appears to be made out of white-colored stone... so let's assume it's made out of concrete, which has the density of 2400 kg/m^3

Mass: 3075.31m^3 * 2400 kg/m^3 = 7380744kg

Onto the distance!


Dive to the Heart's Width: 373px = 15.376m

Distance Moved: 438px = 18.055m

The pillar gets split at 22991 and ends right around 23023, in a 24fps video, this would get around 32 frames or rather... 1.3s.

Speed: 18.055m / 1.3s = 13.8884615 m/s (Superhuman)

Time for the Kinetic Energy...

Kinetic Energy: 0.5*7380744*13.8884615^2 = 711833504 Joules or 0.17013 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)

Season 9[]

Merry-Go-Round Is To-Blow-Up-Round[]

HarleyVSJinx Pic 01

Jinx's Height: 54+31+59 = 144px = 1.63m

Merry-Go-Round's Bottom: 587px = 6.64451386m

Onto the next shot!

HarleyVSJinx Pic 02

Merry-Go-Round's Bottom: 171px = 6.64451386m

Merry-Go-Round's Full Height: 314px = 12.2010371m

For the amount of energy...

HarleyVSJinx Pic 03

Merry-Go-Round's Height: 477px = 12.2010371m

Explosion's Diameter: 837px = 21.409367m

Divide this by 2x to get the radius of it

Radius: 21.409367m / 2x = 10.7046835m

  • Explosion's Formula: W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Explosion Yield: 10.7046835^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 412500000 Joules or 0.0985841302 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)

However, just incase, we can use the Inverse-Square Law for this. Using this surface body's calculator, we can get 1.44m^2 of Jinx's body, then divided that by two and we get 0.72m^2

  • Surface Area of a sphere: 4πr^2 = 10.7046835m = 1439.98 / 2 = 719.99m^2

719.99 / 0.72 = 999.986111 times

Total Energy that Jinx took: 412500000 / 999.986111 = 412505.729 Joules or 412.505729 Kilojoules (Wall level)

Raiden caused an explosion[]

ExcaliburVSRaiden Pic 01

Raiden's Height: 43px = 1.78m

Explosion's Distance: 755px = 31.2534883m

Radius: 31.2534883 / 2 = 15.6267442

  • W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Explosion's Yield: 15.6267442^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.306683933 Tons of TNT or Building level

Excalibur withstood Raiden's mines[]

ExcaliburVSRaiden Pic 02

Floor's Height: 30px = 4.3m

Explosion's Width: 343px = 49.163m

Radius: 49.163 / 2 = 24.5815m

  • W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Explosion's Yield: 24.5815^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 1.1937425 Tons of TNT or Building level

Excalibur sliced Raiden in Half[]

ExcaliburVSRaiden Pic 03

Excalibur's Height: 47px = 1.83m

Explosion's Width: 1243px = 48.3976596m

Radius: 48.3976596 / 2 = 24.1988298m

  • W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Explosion's Yield: 24.1988298^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 1.13885547 Tons of TNT or Building level... once more

Season 10[]

Stitch travels from mountain to the beach[]


Rocket's Height: 91px = 122cm or 1.22m

Ship's Height: 371px = 4.973m

Onto the next shot!


Ship's Height: 372px = 4.973m

Ship's Width: 1346px = 17.993m

Onto the next shot!


Ship's Width: 28px = 17.993m

Stitch's Travel Distance: 316px = 203.0638m

It takes around 88 frames for Stitch to travel from the mountain and onto Rocket's Ship, by watching this in a 24fps video, this would take around 3 seconds.

Speed: 203.0638m / 3s = 67.6879333 m/s (Subsonic)

Cole MacGrath destroys a brick wall[]

Colex Feat 2

Cole's Height: 220+268 = 488px = 182cm (1.82m)

Wall's Height: 736px = 2.744m

Wall's Width: 1056px = 3.938m

Wall's Depth: 16px = 0.0596721312m

Volume: 2.744m * 3.938m * 0.059m = 0.637546448m^3 or 637546.448cc

The wall is appeared to be made out of bricks, which has the V. Fragment of 2.81-5.65 J/cc with the average 4.23 J/cc

Low-End: 637546.448cc * 2.81 J/cc = 1791505.52 joules or 1791.50552 Kilojoules (Wall level)

Mid-End: 637546.448cc * 4.23 J/cc = 2696821.48 joules or 2696.82148 Kilojoules (Wall level)

High-End: 637546.448cc * 5.65 J/cc = 3602137.43 joules or 3602.13743 Kilojoules (Wall level)

Alex Mercer caused an explosion[]

Colex Feat 1

Alex Mercer's Height: 162px = 178cm (1.78m)

Explosion's Height: 725px = 7.96604937m

Explosion's Width: 920px = 10.108642m

Divide these by 2x for the radius of the explosion.

Height's Radius: 3.98302469

Width's Radius: 5.054321

  • Formula for Ground Explosions: W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Low End Yield: 3.98302469^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.005078372 Tons of TNT or Small Building level, around baseline.

High End Yield: 5.054321^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.0103770516 Tons of TNT or Small Building level

Discord gets slammed through Bill's floor[]

DB BillvsDiscord 1

Pie Pan's Width: 95px = 12 inches or 0.3048 meters

Discord's Head: 96px = 0.308008421m

Discord's Height: 383px = 1.22882526m

Onto the next shot!

DB BillvsDiscord 2

Discord's Head: 83px = 1.22882526m

Hole's Diameter: 525px = 7.77268989m

Floor's Thickness(?): 46px = 0.681035686m

Assuming the hole to be cylinder-shaped, in which we can get the total volume of... 32314871.43cm^3

And assuming that the floor is made out of brick (From the outside, there are multiple brick-like walls around it), plus only dust was seen in the aftermath so meaning...

Destruction's Energy: 32314871.43cm^3 * 24.37 J/cc = 787513417 joules or 0.1882202 Tons of TNT (Small Building level+)