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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

What's up danger?


Maxwell Vane is one of the protagonists of the 6th edition of Everybody Wants to Rule the World, played by Faruel1998. As young agent of the Ordo Hermetico of the Ancient Dawn, an independent organization of the city of New Avalon, Maxwell trained to become a great Mage Marksman in order to hunt monsters, paranormal creatures and members of cults end sinister organizations, allied with Iris which supports him with her technological prowess, the two of them have been transported into a new world, suddenly entangled in its affairs among other summoned people.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-B, higher with Arcane Augmentation

Key: Base

Name: Maxwell Vane

Origin: Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Classification: Human, Mage Marksman, Agent of the Ordo Hermetico of the Ancient Dawn

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Maxwell is an expert in the use of guns such as revolvers and rifles), Magic, Energy Projection, Energy Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction, Resistance Negation and Power Modification (Via Eldritch Bullets, Maxwell can conjure an almost unlimited amount of bullets through his rifle or revolver. The bullets are made of magical and eldritch energy, capable of bypassing the immunity against conventional weapons and striking incorporeal beings. In addition to that, the bullets are conduits of magic, allowing Maxwell to charge them with the spells he can cast), Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation and Lightning Manipulation (Via Hermetic Magic, Maxwell can perform rituals to cast arcane spells through Hermetic Magic, manipulating the three base elements such as Ice, Fire and Lightning), Healing (Mid-Low) (Via Word of Healing, Maxwell can heal himself or another target, healing wounds that would normally leave large scars, such as severe burns or deep injuries. It can also repair objects on damage that would normally leave large dents and openings), Clairvoyance (Via Eldritch Aim, Maxwell's eyes can perceive his target through a magical mark even from great distances, allowing him to see beyond as far as the eye can see. As long as Maxwell keeps concentration on it, the mark allows him to know the distance from where the marked target is as long as it is within 6 kilometers of him and isn't covered by a barrier or structure (such as buildings, bunkers or vehicles) with walls 1 meters thick), Dimensional Storage (Via Trenchcoat of Holding, Maxwell wears a Trenchcoat in which are stored components for his spells and other objects. The trenchcoat has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions. The pockets of the trenchcoat can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet), Teleportation (Via Teleporting Breach, Maxwell can cast a spell to teleport himself from his current location to any other spot within 500 ft. range. He can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed what he can carry. He can also bring one willing creature of his size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity), Damage Boost (Via Arcane Augmentation, Maxwell can cast an arcane sigil on himself, granting a boost on Strength and Range on his spells by a 50%. The Arcane Augmentation expires after an immediate spell has been cast) Statistics Amplification (Via Quick Body, Through a rush of adrenaline, Maxwell's combat, reactive and movement speed are increased by 75% for 1 minute. The increment has a drawback on his body though, which needs him to respite. After the minute has ended, Maxwell cannot use Quick Body for an equal amount of time. Via Fast Casting, For 1 minute, any spell that Maxwell casts has a Casting speed increased by 50%. At the end of the minute, Maxwell's mind needs to respite for an equal amount of time, in which this spell cannot be used again), Damage Reduction (Via Iron Body, Through a rush of adrenaline, the iron on Maxwell's blood is intensified, exuding from his skin and coating him in a thick sheet of metal, reducing the physical damage made from slashing, piercing and bludgeoning attacks by 75% for 1 minute. The increment has a drawback on his body though, which needs him to respite. After the minute has ended, Maxwell cannot use Iron Body for an equal amount of time), Light Manipulation (Via Light, Maxwell can shed bright light in a radius of 20-ft and dim light for another 20-ft on objects or creatures he touches), Sound Manipulation/Air Manipulation/Heat Manipulation/Fire Manipulation/Creation/Transmutation/Water Manipulation/Plant Manipulation/Thread Manipulation/Fragrance Manipulation (Via Prestidigitation; none are combat applicable or likely moves), Illusion Manipulation (Via Mirror Image, Maxwell creates illusory duplicates of himself that mimics his actions), Flight (Via Fly, Maxwell can cast a spell that allows him or other creatures to fly for ten minutes), Absorption and Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation and Sound Manipulation (Via Absorb Elements, Maxwell can cast a spell which absorbs the energy from acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage, granting him resistance to the absorbed type and additional damage to one melee attack), Magic and Energy Projection (Via the Ring of Force Resistance, Maxwell while wearing the ring has resistance to magical damage)

Attack Potency: City Block Level, higher with Arcane Augmentation

Speed: Subsonic movement, combat and reactions, higher with Quick Body

Lifting Strength: Class 50

Striking Strength: City Block Level, higher with Arcane Augmentation

Durability: Small Building Level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Tens of Meters with Hermetic Magic and guns, Hundreds of Meters with Teleporting Breach, Kilometers with Eldritch Aim

Standard Equipment: His Trenchcoat of Holding, various spell components, a revolver, a Winchester rifle

Intelligence: Average (He's not particularly remarkable in tactical or combat skills, but his knowledge of magic and fighting supernatural monsters gave him a reasonable track record of experience)

Weaknesses: The Perk Glass Cannon while raising his Attack Potency by one Tier also lowered his Durability by two Tiers. Without his components he cannot cast spells, Quick Body, Iron Body and Fast Casting have a time of recovery.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches: