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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


This is for feats that are part of the classic era (pre-Demopan maybe a bit from 2011), but don't apply strictly to the canonicity of one specific character or "universe of a disconnected multiverse" (a.k.a. not Creator Canon, but part of the Extended Canon of the early freaks)

CBS messes up the party[]

In this video by Drullmatte, a gas tank (+ a few nuclear bombs) catches fire and explodes, sending Christian Brutal Sniper flying, yet it doesn't vaporize him like the normal human at the peak of the explosion.

So the explosion is shown to reduce people to skeletons in the last scene (though it is a scene from a movie I think) and we can get pretty impressive results with Inverse Square Law!

First the area of the blast when it hits the person it's vaporizing, which is simply a sphere with a radius of 10.83km and thus 1473895786m^2 or 1474km^2 in area. One notable thing I missed in my original calc is the fact the explosion takes place on the ground, so let's divide that by two to get 73694789m^2

The area of the average human is 0.68m^2 and the energy needed to reduce a person to a skeleton is 251818.849287 kilojoules and the temperature is 1400°F or 760°C

Full Yield: 251818.849287 kJ / 0.68m^2 * 73694789m^2 = 27290789653571 Kilojoules or 6.52 Megatons (7-B)

Bomb Yield: 27290789653571 kJ / 7x = 3898684236224 Kilojoules or 931.8 Kilotons (High 7-C+)

Bomb Temperature: 1400°F / 0.68m^2 * 73694789m^2 = 151724565588°F or 84291425308.9°C

Oh that's less impressive, but the temperature is 15.3 million times hotter than the surface of the sun. Well let's see how much CBS tanks himself.

Lower Radius Area: 23716m^2 / 2x = 11858m^2

Yield Impact: 27290789653571 kJ / 11858m^2 * 0.68m^2 = 1564997214 Kilojoules or 374 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block)

Temperature Impact: 151724565588°F / 11858m^2 * 0.68m^2 = 8700683°F or 4833695°C

Should be I concerned if a freak gets hit with temperatures 878 times hotter than the sun and doesn't get vaporized?

This takes place on a Half-Life 2 map that's part of the Highway 17 chapter, where it takes place on the dried up coast. One of the cut maps, which later turned into Lost Coast, is heavily inspired by a harbor in italy, Manarola.

This explosion has shown that it devestates the cities and surroundings extremely, like any gas tank with a few nuclear bombs hiding behind it should do! However, it's unclear if it destroyed anything beyond the water, so let's assume that's the peak.

DD FreakFortress CBSDrullmatteExplosion 01a

After messing around the ruler, I ended up on a distance of 10.83km, cause I felt that it fits the criteria descriped above.

Nuclear Explosion Yields are calculated with: Y = ((x/0.28)^3)/1000 with Y in megatons of TNT and x the radius in km.

((10.83km/0.28)^3)/1000 = 57.86 Megatons (7-B+)

Of course, Christian Brutal Sniper wasn't at the epicenter of this explosion, so let's calculate the distance between a door and another door to get a rought estimate of it.

DD FreakFortress CBSDrullmatteExplosion 01b

Time for Angular Sizing!

Farthest Door: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(10/739)) = 1.0857deg

Closest Door: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(17/739)) = 1.845deg

Using this calculator, assuming that the doors are ~2m, we get the numbers 105.543m and 62.1m. Subtracting the lower number from the larger one, we get a distance of roughly 43.443m

A Sphere with that radius would have a Surface Area of 23716m^2

Yield Intensity: 57860000 Tons of TNT / 23716m^2 = 2439.7 Tons of TNT per Square Meter

Christian Brutal Sniper is a human (in shape), which has a crosssectional area of 0.68m^2

Yield Tanked: 2439.7 Tons of TNT * 0.68m^2 = 1658.996 Tons of TNT or 1.66 Kilotons (Low 7-C)

Pretty decent!

Also, here's the yield for the bombs individually, which is gotten by dividing the yield by 7 (not counting the oil tanker cuz I doubt it contributed THAT much to the explosion)

Bomb Yield: 57.86 Megatons / 7x = 8.27 Megatons (7-B)

Nice and simple, am I right?

Seeman goes kaboom[]

In Kugawattan's Seeman vs. Christian Brutal Sniper, Seeman goes kaboom when the Sniper get's too close.

DD FreakFortress CBSSeemanExplosionKugawattan 01

Sniper: 95px = 1.854m

Explosion: 366px = 7.14m

As it's a ground explosion, I will use the Ground Formula, which is: W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.

Yield: 7.14^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.0292 Tons of TNT (9-A)

Consistent, somewhat.

Painis Cupcake lifts a rock[]

In Painis Cupcake's Revenge, Cupcake manages to lift a rock while übercharged. This was happening while he was fighting Weaselcake.

DD FreakFortress PCupcakeRockLiftKugawattan 01

Door: 302px = ~2m

Rock Length: 520.2px = 3.44m

Rock Height: 233px = 1.54m

Using an ellipsoid volume calculator, I got a volume of 4.27m^3

Density of Rock is 2700 kg/m^3

Lifting Strength: 4.27m^3 * 2700kg = 11529kg or 11.53 Metric Tons (Class 25)

Weaselcake throws a rock[]

Another thing I wanted to see is the force Weaselcake needed to throw the rock from a distance that Painis Cupcake couldn't spot it before it made an impact. For that, we need ACCELERATION, specifically the Distance Traveled formula.

First, the timeframe as it is simplest, it takes the rock 8 frames to land right on Cupcake's goofy face. With the video's framerate being 30fps, this gives us a time of 0.27 seconds.

As for the distance? At minimum we could assume it to be the length of the rock (3.44m), but I feel even Painis Cupcake would notice that first, especially with the rock being blue from the telekinesis. So instead let's double the distance for the low high end (6.88m) to make it more believable, depending on the angle of attack, and for the other ends... well there is a platform above the cannibal where it could've been hidden behind so...

DD TF2FreakShow PCupcakeRockliftKugawattan 02

Door: 191px = 2m

Low Distance (Blue): 446px = 4.67m

Mid Distance (Green): 573px = 6m

I really thought my "double the length" thing would've been the low end, huh? And with that, let's get all the accelerations!

Low Acceleration: 2 * 4.67m / 0.27s^2 = 128.12 m/s^2

Mid Acceleration: 2 * 6m / 0.27s^2 = 164.6 m/s^2

High Acceleration: 2 * 6.88m / 0.27s^2 = 188.75 m/s^2

And the rock weighs 11529kg, so with that we get...!

Low Force: 11529 * 128.12 = 1477095.48 Newtons, 150621kgf or 150.6 Metric Tons (Class K)

Mid Force: 11529 * 164.6 = 1897673.4 Newtons, 193508kgf or 193.5 Metric Tons (Class K)

High Force: 11529 * 188.75 = 2176098.75 Newtons, 221900kgf or 221.9 Metric Tons (Class K)

Impressive, about 2x stronger than ripping out a spine.

Demopan launches a Heavy[]

In LEtheCreator's TF2 Freak Fight episode titled "Intelligent Heavy VS Demopan", the trader actually manages to launch the Heavy across the street making him slam into a metal sheet covering a window?

First the timeframe, the Heavy is first launched from frame 2444 and collides with the metal sheet on frame 2471, which gives a difference of 27 frames. Given that the framerate of the video is 30fps, this gives a timeframe of 0.9 seconds.

As for the distance... I would've used a shot from the video itself but... the only decent shot that could be used to calculate really sucks, so I'm just gonna go into Gmod and get a better one myself with both classes roughly being in the positions they were during the feat.

DD FreakFortress DemopanIntelliHeavy 01

Heavy: 92px = 193cm

Distance Travelled: 1009px = 2116.7cm or 21.167m

With this we can get the speed and the kinetic energy of the launch. The Heavy should weigh roughly 93.1kg

Speed of Hoovy: 21.167m / 0.9s = 23.52 m/s

Kinetic Energy: 25751 Joules or 25.751 Kilojoules (9-B)

Pretty decent but what about the charge that happens a moment later? Let's just assume he travels the same distance as the Heavy for simplicity sake. Demopans weigh should be the same as a DemoMAN weighing 84kg

Looking for the timeframe again, we first hear the Demopan charge as soon as the Heavy turns his eye on frame 2554 and we see the Demopan roughly reach the Heavy's position on frame 2606, a difference of 52 frames or 1.73 seconds... not that impressive but it should give Intelligent Heavy some decent movement speed given that Demopan is literally on top of him before the scene changes.

Demopan Speed: 21.167m / 1.73s = 12.24 m/s (Peak Human)

Demopan Kinetic: 6292.34 Joules or 6.3 Kilojoules (9-C+)

The IntelliHeavy Strikes Back[]

Oh and after Intelligent Heavy actually gets serious and fights back, he manages to launch Demopan across the field very quickly and later reaches Demopan's position mid-scene transition even quicker.

Let's start with the timeframe! For the Demopan being launched, it starts on frame 5670 (leaving contact with Heavy's fist) and ends on frame 5715 (contact with the floor), a difference of 45 frames or 1.5 seconds!

As for the Heavy appearing on top of him? Assuming he moves during Demopan's eyes opening (given we see no sign of movement from the Heavy at all), which starts on frame 5754 and ends on frame 5776, it gives us a timeframe of 22 frames or 0.73 seconds.

Now for the distance, this is still very impossible with just the video alone so I got a top-down view of the map for my Calc.

DD FreakFortress DemopanIntelliHeavy 02a

Demopan: 385px = 184.1cm

Bridge Gap: 365px = 174.54cm

DD FreakFortress DemopanIntelliHeavy 02b

Bridge Gap: 16px = 174.54cm or 1.7454m

Demopan Launch Distance (Blue): 390.5px = 4259.87cm or 42.5987m

Demopan Additional Distance (Orange): 78.6px = 857.43cm or 8.5743m

Shotgun Range (Green): 205.4px = 2240.66cm or 22.4066m

With this, we can now get the speed and kinetic energy of Demopan and the speed of Intelligent Heavy. As stated above, Demopan should weigh about 84kg

Demopan Speed: 42.5987m / 1.5s = 28.4 m/s

Demopan Kinetic: 33875.5 Joules or 33.875 Kilojoules (9-B)

Heavy Speed: (42.5987m + 8.5743m) / 0.73s = 70.1 m/s (Subsonic)

Unsuprisingly, that is faster than eyesight and... very strong for one of the weakest freaks.

Demopan blocks Shotgun[]

Demopan showcases some quick action as well, despite not being the most adept fighter, when he manages to move quickly enough to block Shotgun fire from Intelligent Heavy.

As always for Shotgun calcs, I've used 500 m/s for the velocity (despite the fact that it rapidly deaccelerates after firing) and with that we get a timeframe of...

Timeframe: 22.4066m / 500 m/s = 0.0448132 seconds

As for distance moved to block these shots, Demopan moved his forearm roughly 1/4th of its circumference. Forearms are on average 28.7cm for males and range from 17.25cm to 35.75cm

Low Distance (17.25cm): 108.385cm / 4 = 27.09625cm

Mid Distance (28.7cm): 180.3274cm / 4 = 45.08185cm

High Distance (35.75cm): 224.624cm / 4 = 56.156cm

And with this, we can get the very impressive speeds of...

Low Speed: 27.09625cm / 0.0448132s = 604.6 cm/s or 6.046 m/s (Average Human)

Mid Speed: 45.08185cm / 0.0448132s = 1005.9 cm/s or 10.06 m/s (Peak Human)

High Speed: 56.156cm / 0.0448132s = 1253.1 cm/s or 12.53 m/s (Superhuman)

Okay, not actually that impressive... like it's barely any higher than baseline and Cyborneer does it way better (to be fair it has been several years and gmod animators have severely improved in skill since then)!

Painis Cupcake blows up Sawmill[]

Feat here. After a long battle with their... twin brother that just exists now??? Well they clash and create a massive explosion that expands over the entirety of Sawmill. So ya know... real impressive stuff's!

DD TF2Freakshow PCupcake 02a

Building Wall: 100px = ~2m (Right next to an entrance and doorways are roughly this size)

Explosion Diameter: 1209px = 24.18m

Given this feat was performed in the air (kinda surprising Painis Cupcake can do that), I'm going to use the Airburst formula. Given it's non-nuclear, we also have to divide the result by two.

Explosion Radius: 24.18m / 2 = 12.09m or 0.01209km

Airburst Yield: ((0.01209km/0.28)^3) * 1000 * 0.5 = 0.04 Tons of TNT (9-A)

And given the fact it was performed by two characters clashing, we should probably divide it by two... again!

Individual Yield: 0.04 Tons / 2 = 0.02 Tons of TNT (9-A)

That's uhhh... surprisingly consistent for a giant explosion. Surely that's not all- oh right the giant explosion at the end that covers the ENTIRE MAP.

You could argue that these were caused by seperate clashes and thus only scales per individual "boom", but one of those booms actually expands the boom on the other side so guess what? It scales!

DD TF2Freakshow PCupcake 02b

Building Wall: 48px = ~2m

Mid Diameter (Blue): 1150px = 47.916m

High Diameter (Green): 1440px = 60m

Well... same procedure as last time!

Mid Radius: 47.916m / 2 = 23.958m or 0.023958km

High Radius: 60m / 2 = 30m or 0.03km

Mid Yield: ((0.023958km/0.28)^3) * 1000 * 0.5 / 2 = 0.156 Tons of TNT (9-A+)

High Yield: ((0.03km/0.28)^3) * 1000 * 0.5 / 2 = 0.307 Tons of TNT (8-C)

Huh... barely into Tier 8, although I'm pretty sure the Mid End is the most accurate here anyway so... yeah.

Demopan wields a weapon of planetary destruction[]

So in this video by Blood_Wraith called "Multiply A Weapon's Stats By 10", Demopan was given a 10x pan which claims (and demonstrated VERY loudly) the following:

On hit, causes an immense noise that goes higher than the theoretical limit for atmospheric sounds, thus either breaking physics entirely and completely destroying the universe or blowing out the enemy's speakers or eardrums

Okay that's cool and all, but how do we define "the theoretical limit for atmospheric sounds" and then divde it by ten? There's always the speed of light, which is the theoretical limit for anything speed related so that works for the high end. but what about a lower end? Well in iron (what frying pans are typically made of) the sound travels through it at 5120 m/s and for diamond it travels at 12000 m/s. Divding these by ten we get the following speeds:

Low End (Iron): 5120 m/s / 10x = 512 m/s or Mach 1.5 (Supersonic)

Mid End (Diamond): 12000 m/s / 10x = 1200 m/s or Mach 3.5 (Supersonic+)

High End (Speed of Light): 299792458 m/s / 10x = 29979245.8 m/s or 10% SoL (Relativistic)

Yeah, unsurprisingly there is a MASSIVE gap in one of these things. Well given how destructive this pan is with just a 10x multiplier, for the "non-world ending" version I'm gonna assume it moves the entire atmosphere of the earth weighing at 5.15e+18 kilograms.

I'm gonna calculate the energy using cloud-dispersing Kinetic Energy, which the formula for is "kinetic energy = 1/12 * cloud mass * (Speed of cloud movement)^2", but for the relativistic speed's I'm gonna get the energy in this calculator and then divide it by 6x to somehow convert the typical "1/2" to "1/12".

Low End (Iron): 1/12 * 5.15e+18kg * (512 m/s)^2 = 1.125e+23 Joules or 26.88 Teratons (6-B)

Mid End (Diamond): 1/12 * 5.15e+18kg * (1200 m/s)^2 = 6.180e+23 Joules or 147.7 Teratons (High 6-B)

High End (Speed of Light): 2.331797715174151341e+33 Joules / 6x = 3.886e+32 Joules or 92.885 Zettatons (5-B)

Even with the 10x multiplier removed they still get to destroy the planet, huh? Well, if the underworld still exists even after the universe is destroyed, then the freaks are probably okay... somewhat.

Hit yourself ten times ignoramus[]

On a lighter note from that terrifying calc, here's scout hitting himself with a bat full of nails without being able to react to it. This should be applicable for normal speed, given the medic is shown to dodge it and it only amps the weapon stats, not the characters themselves

So Scout is about 177.8cm in height, putting that into this anatomy site with a male adult we get the length of his arm (or upper limb) to be 77.7cm. Putting it into this calculator as the radius, we get a circumference of 488.2035cm, dividing this in half given the swing only went side-to-side we get 244.10175cm. Now to multiply it by...

Total Distance: 244.10175cm * 10x = 2441.0175cm or 24.410175m

As for the timeframe? Scout is a pretty athletic guy so it should be around 0.2 to 0.13 seconds.

Low Speed: 24.410175m / 0.2s = 122.05 m/s (Subsonic)

High Speed: 24.410175m / 0.13s = 187.77 m/s (Subsonic+)

Alright, but in comparison to Heavy and Medic time-traveling with just a 10x multiplier that really isn't that impressive.

Jarate covers the whole Island[]

Direct contribution from Blood_Wraith themselves, they inputted that a 10x Jarate could just stop a volcano from erupting... and also cover the entire island in liquid.

So volcanic islands vary from 1 to 104 square kilometers (average: 52.5km^2) and the two examples listed are Stromboli with an area of 12.6km^2 and Mo'orea with an area of 134km^2. The Dinosaur that gets covered in the... liquid, seems to be an Argentinosaurus with a length/height of 30 to 35m, I'm gonna use the lower end to make it simpler. Now with a circle calculator to get the radius from the area and a cylinder calculator to get the volume of water, we can get the following sizes!

Low Volume (Stromboli): pi * (2002.674m)^2 * 30m = 377999866.58m^3

Mid Volume (Average Island): pi * (4087.94m)^2 * 30m = 1574998531.52m^3

High Volume (Mo'orea): pi * (6530.97m)^2 * 30m = 4020004183.87m^3

And water has a density of 1000 kg/m^3 so... yeah that's a lot of mass ain't it?

Low Mass: 377999866.58m^3 * 1000kg = 377999866580kg or 3.78e+8 Metric Tons (Class G)

Mid Mass: 1574998531.52m^3 * 1000kg = 1574998531520kg or 1.575e+9 Metric Tons (Class T)

High Mass: 4020004183.87m^3 * 1000kg = 4020004183870kg or 4.02e+9 Metric Tons (Class T)

AND it also only takes several seconds for it to cover the whole island, so lets say it's about 10 seconds or something.

Low Speed: 2002.674m / 10s = 200.27 m/s (Subsonic+)

Mid Speed: 4087.94m / 10s = 408.794 m/s (Supersonic)

High Speed: 6530.97m / 10s = 653.097 m/s (Supersonic)

And now I gotta wonder what's the kinetic energy of this, right? I'm also gonna divide the result from ONLY this cause it's implied the 10x multiplier is needed for the desired result.

Low Energy: 7580423102490457 J / 10x = 7.580e+14 Joules or 181.176 Kilotons (High 7-C)

Mid Energy: 131600998167642716 J / 10x = 1.316e+16 Joules or 3.14 Megatons (Low 7-B)

High Energy: 857337632017031608 J / 10x = 8.573e+16 Joules or 20.49 Megatons (7-B)

Yeah no, sorry I think this blog ends here with this feat.