So I watched Pootis Engage (and later Pootis Engage // EXTREME) and found it somewhat enjoyable. Saw there was a Profile with Unknown Tier and decided to make something for it. I recommend watching the Episodes in full by yourself, cause there's no way I'll be able to explain to you what's happening here.
Heavies are quite fast[]
Feat here, Volume Warning.
For this we'll need the Distance and Timeframe.
Let's go with distance first, cause it will involve Angsizing and assuming.
The Guard there is 13px while the Picture is 786px tall. Firstly, using the Equation: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(object size in pixels/panel height in pixels)), we get... 1.327 degrees.
Assuming the Guards are 175.3cm, the height of the Pyro (due to similar clothing), in this Calculator. We get: 7568cm or 75.68m
Now the Timeframe!
The Scene (where we got the Distance) starts at frame 3356 and the Heavies reach the destination (actually they get pretty close, but cinematic timing later happens) on roughly frame 3406, difference of 50 frames. Given the framerate of 24fps we get: 2.08s
75.68m / 2.08s = 36.38 m/s (Subsonic)
Heavy destroys a Mecha[]
Feat Here. BLU Heavy destroys a Mech so hard it explodes.
It's kinda hard to get an accurate size of the Mech, given the constantly moving camera. But I'll make an approximation by using the BLU Heavy while he's flying from the Mech to inside the base.
The Heavy here is 126.8px tall, who should be around 1.93m tall.
This gives us around 0.01522082 m/px to use for the rest of the calc. First, I'll calculate the energy to pulverize the Mech!
Cabin Height (Red): 143px = 2.17657m
Cabin Width/Length (Blue): 117.8px = 1.793m
Torso Length (Green): 86.1px = 1.31m
Torso Diameter (Aqua): 77px = 1.172m
Leg Length (Yellow): 162.5px = 2.473m
Leg Width (Purple): 57px = 0.8675m
Assuming the Cabin to be a Rectangular Box, we get a volume of 6997344cc. Given that it houses a driver inside, it should the hollowness of 80% (0.2x) giving a final volume of 1399468.8cc
Applying the same shape to the legs, we get a volume of 1861072cc. It will use the hollowness of 30% (0.7x) which is a standard for Mech calcs apparently. This gets us an approximate volume of 1302750.4cc for an individual leg.
Lastly I'll assume the Torso is an ellipsoid, giving a volume of 942161cc. This will also have hollowness of 30% (0.7x), giving us the final torso volume of 659512.7cc
Adding all the values up, accounting for the fact the Mech has two legs (2605500.8cc), we get the full volume of 4664482.3cc or 4.66 m^3
It's a steel mech getting pulverized, which has a value of 310-1000 J/cc
Low End (310 J/cc): 4664482.3cc * 310 J = 1445989513 Joules or 0.3456 Tons of TNT (8-C)
Mid End (655 J/cc): 4664482.3cc * 655 J = 3055235906.5 Joules or 0.73 Tons of TNT (8-C)
High End (1000 J/cc): 4664482.3cc * 1000 J = 4664482300 Joules or 1.115 Tons of TNT (8-C)
Nearly Building level+, but given that these feats of the Heavies are casual it's likely they upscale to it.
It's not pulverized, there are very visible remains of the mech here. So intead I'll use the fragmentation of Steel, which is 208 J/cc
Mech Destruction: 4664482.3cc * 208 J = 970212318.4 Joules or 0.232 Tons of TNT (8-C)
Now to something that will likely be lower, but will be useful to know anyway: the Kaboom!
Explosion Diameter: 1104.5px = 16.81m
Explosion Radius: 16.81m/2x = 8.405m
For this we'll use the Ground Formula for an explosion, which is:
- W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure. For this specific formula, there is no need to divide the result by 2.
Yield: R^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.0477 Tons of TNT (9-A)
Yeah dissapointing, moving on!
BLU Heavy causes an Earthquake[]
In Pootis Engage, BLU Heavy slams into a guy so hard it shakes an elevator quite far away. This would make an III on the Mercalli Intensity or 3 for "Magnitude at Distance".
Given there is a lack of clear shots, I'll calculate the head size of a Guard.
Guard Height (Red): 438.6px = 175.3cm
Guard Height (Blue): 59px = 23.58cm
Now we can try to find the Distance! I'll be Angsizing quite a bit here...
The Guards head is 3px here and the Panel is 786px. Using the Equation: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(object size in pixels/panel height in pixels)), we get... 0.3 degrees?
Then using this Angsize Calculator, putting in 0.3 degrees and 23.58cm we get... 4503cm or 45.03m.
For Earthquakes under 60km, this Formula needs to be used: (Magnitude at distance) + 0.0238*r = Richter Magnitude of Earthquake
3 + 0.0238*0.04503km = 3.001071714
Now for Energy. The Formula for artificial Earthquakes is 10^(1.5*(Richter Magnitude)+4.8) = Energy in Joules
10^(1.5*(3.001071714)+4.8) = 2002661602 Joules or 0.479 Tons of TNT (8-C)
Consistent, considering the other major AP feat in the first Episode.
BLU Heavy vaporizes several Guards[]
After that, the BLU Heavy later vaporizes 3 Guards and "Truck Freak", total of 4 People. Vaporization of a Human is 311391675 joules
311391675 J * 4 Men = 1245566700 Joules or 0.2977 (8-C)
This is why it's consistent.
RED Heavy tears open steel doors[]
Surprised no-one mentioned this feat, but here it is
First let's get the size of the elevator doors!
Heavy: 616px = 1.93m
Heavies Head: 75px = 0.235m
Heavy: 110px = 0.235m
Door Thickness: 77.5px = 0.165m
Door Width: 763.6px = 1.63m
Using half the width for each individual door and assuming the height to be around 2m (average for doors), we can get a volume of 0.26895m^3
Now for weight! Assuming this is made of steel, which has a density of 7750 to 8050 kg/m^3, we can get a mass of...
Low Mass: 0.26895m^3 * 7750kg = 2084.3625kg or 2.084 Metric Tons (Class 5)
High Mass: 0.26895m^3 * 8050kg = 2165kg or 2.165 Metric Tons (Class 5)
RED Heavy managed to do this effortlessly with each hand, which means his LS must be double the mass. That gets us...
Low End: 2084.3625kg * 2x = 4168.725kg or 4.168 Metric Tons (Class 5)
High End: 2165kg * 2x = 4330kg or 4.33 Metric Tons (Class 5)
Pretty decent and way better than scaling to canon Heavies because "Why not? lol"
Buff Soldier destroys a Wall[]
After giving his introduction, Buff Soldier teleports, attacks the heavies and fragments an entire wall.
Heavy: 96.3+78.2+88+90 = 361.5px = 1.93m
Locker: 432.4px = 2.3m
Locker: 157.3px = 2.3m
Wall Height: 213.3px = 3.12m
Height: 203.9px = 3.12m = 312cm
Width: 443.2px = 6.78m = 678cm
Depth: 22.2px = 0.34m = 34cm
With this, we get a Volume of 7192224cc (It's likely more, given the angle, but its the best I can do for now)
Fragmentation of Concrete is 6 J/cc
7192224cc * 6 J = 43153344 Joules or 0.01031 Tons of TNT (9-A)
Well that's... dissapointing...
Buff Soldier goes to the Moon[]
Okay so these feats were quite old and I've gotten better at making calcs, so can I make any improvements? Probably.
Buff Speed[]
Okay so that startup speed of Mach 2016 when Buff Soldier just turned on his rockets (launchers) is probably still fine, but it's probably going to be a short burst thing and not something he scales to normally. So let's figure out the length it took for him to complete the rest of the journey and land on the Moon!
The Distance from the Earth to the Moon is 376291.6km or 376291600 meters, meanwhile the initial burst landed the rivals 6291.8km or 6291800m away from Earth.
Remaining Distance: 376291.6km - 6291.8km = 369999.8km or 369999800m
And now the timeframe, we know from the initial calc that the Heavy and Soldier combo escaped the Earth at roughly frame 8404, but I had to check and saw that they landed on the moon on frame 10154. That is a difference of 1750 frames or, with a framerate of 24/25fps, a time of 70 seconds.
True Combat Speed: 369999800m / 70s = 5285711.4 m/s or 1.763% SoL (Sub-Relativistic)
Wait that is... higher... Should I double check the "the startup is fine" bit?
Buff LS[]
So let's jump straight to the Lifting Strength Buff, because if it's accelerating towards the Relativistic Range, the force it generates is gonna be WAY higher so...
There's gonna be two versions of acceleration, one being speed difference where it usuals the "Acceleration Timeframe" (0.2 seconds) of the old calc with the new speed and a distance traveled but with the old "Speed Timeframe" (9.17 seconds)
Speed Difference Accel: (5285711.4 - 1) / 0.2 = 5285710.4 m/s / 0.2s = 26428552 m/s^2
Distance Traveled Accel: 2 * (6291800m - 1 * 9.17) / (9.17)^2 = 2 * 6291790.83m / 84.0889s = 149646.168 m/s^2
Yeah... one of them is way higher than the other, one of them is also way lower than the old calculation LOL. Anyways force, let's go do it!
Low Force (Distance Traveled): 93.1kg * 149646.168 m/s^2 = 13932058.24 Newtons, 1420674kgf or 1420.67 Metric Tons (Class M)
High Force (Speed Difference): 93.1kg * 26428552 m/s^2 = 2460498191.2 Newtons, 250900989kgf or 250901 Metric Tons (Class M)
Wow, a 7.7x increase, so big!
Buff AP[]
First I wanna try finding the weight of the "Dust Cloud" that the explosion created, because explosions in space... don't really work how you'd expect and that's been noted on some calcs. I'm gonna assume the Dust Cloud is roughly the shape of a cylinder so...
Radius: 1534.5km / 2x = 767.3km
Volume: 1045.2km * pi * (767.3km)^2 = 1932960894.5 km^3 or 1932960894496816913.64 m^3
I'm gonna average out the two densities listing (1490 kg/m^3 and 1.003 kg/m^3) in the first calc, which should give a rough mass of the lower density areas and the higher density areas. I'll also use the two values seperately so we have multiple ends.
Average Density: (1490 + 1.003) / 2 = 1491.003 / 2 = 745.5015 kg/m^3
Dust Mass (Low): 1932960894.5 km^3 * 1.003 kg/m^3 = 1938759777180307364 kilograms
Dust Mass (Mid): 1932960894.5 km^3 * 745.5015 kg/m^3 = 1441025246288718754344 kilograms
Dust Mass (High): 1932960894.5 km^3 * 1490 kg/m^3 = 2880111732800257201324 kilograms
And now to find the speed at which the dustcloud expands on the surface of the moon, the Explosion begins at frame 10253 and reaches it's peak at frame 10308. That is 55 frames or 2.2 seconds
Average Distance Traveled: (767.3km + 1045.2km) / 2x = 1812.5km / 2x = 906.25km or 906250m
Explosion Speed: 906250m / 2.2s = 411931.8 m/s or Mach 1210
Okay, so to get the energy by "using the cloud formula", I just used an online KE calculator and then divided it by 6x which should give the same thing.
Kinetic Energy (Low): 1.64e+29 J / 6x = 2.733e+28 Joules or 6.533 Exatons (High 6-A)
Kinetic Energy (Mid): 1.222622e+32 J / 6x = 2.038e+31 Joules or 4.87 Zettatons (Low 5-B)
Kinetic Energy (High): 2.4436e+32 J / 6x = 4.073e+31 Joules or 9.734 Zettatons (Low 5-B)
Uhhh... that's quite the upgrade ain't it? Well we still have to divide this by the number of rockets, as it's quite possible that this is standard equipment of Area 51 and not something character specific anyways.
Low Yield: 2.733e+28 J / 14x = 1.952e+27 Joules or 466.5 Petatons (High 6-A)
Mid Yield: 2.038e+31 J / 14x = 1.456e+30 Joules or 347.92 Exatons (5-C+)
High Yield: 4.073e+31 J / 14x = 2.909e+30 Joules or 695.3 Exatons (Low 5-B)
Well damn
Buff Temperature[]
"Oh boy, here's Diamond Drone and his Inverse Square Law with Heat again" as said by no one ever- okay maybe someone.
So it's implied that the explosion vaporized the Engineer, who is far away from the epicenter (though nothing suggests he is close enough to see them on the ground), or reduced them to char. Those feats have a heat of 945.22°C to 760°C and an energy of 284855 kilojoules to 239851 kilojoules.
The explosion has a radius of 767250m and the average human has a crosssectional area of 0.68m^2
Explosion Area: 4 * pi * (767250m)^2 / 2x = 3698738795439.75 m^2
First the reducing the Engineer to char values!
Low Heat: 760°C / 0.68m^2 * 3698738795439.75m^2 = 4133884536079720°C or 751.6 billion times the surface temperature of the sun
Low Energy: 239851 kJ / 0.68m^2 * 3698738795439.75m^2 = 1.305e+21 joules or 311.81 Gigatons (High 6-C)
And now the vaporization!
High Heat: 945.22°C / 0.68m^2 * 3698738795439.75m^2 = 5141355712096412°C or 934.8 billion times the surface temperature of the sun
High Energy: 284855 kJ / 0.68m^2 * 3698738795439.75m^2 = 1.549e+21 Joules or 370.3 Gigatons (High 6-C)
Yeah these values are uhhh... insane to a degree. Scales to the main characters obviously.
Buff Soldier goes with BLU Heavy to the Moon REALLY quickly and causes a big boom (in which, he was at the epicenter).
Buff Speed[]
We need the Timeframe and the Distance.
At first, Buff Soldier starts very slow, but then jumps to full speed at Frame 8184. Buff Soldier then escapes the earth at Frame 8404, difference of 220 Frames.
Given the Framerate of 24fps, we get the timeframe of 9.17s
Planet Curvature Scaling is needed, which requires the use of the Equation...
sqrt(1-(tan(35)*(planet diameter in pixels/panel height in pixels))^2/((tan(35)*(planet diameter in pixels/panel height in pixels))^2+1))*planet diameter = Corrected planet diameter
So let's how big the earth is actually in the picture! Earth is 12742km/619px in diameter and the panel is 630px.
sqrt(1-(tan(35)*(619/630))^2/((tan(35)*(619/630))^2+1))*12742 = 8648.5km
Now we need to Angsize the Earth to get the distance. which starts with the equation: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(object size in pixels/panel height in pixels)) = the degrees of the object
2atan(tan(35deg)*(619/630)) = 69deg
Now putting the degrees in the site listed above, alongside the adjusted diameter, we get: 6291.8km or 6291800m
Now we can get the Speed!
6291800m / 9.17s = 686128.68 m/s or Mach 2016 (Massively Hypersonic+)
Buff AP[]
Now this is where it really jumps a tier.
Moon: 444px = 3476.2km (mean diameter of the moon)
Explosion (Green): 133.5px = 1045.2km
Explosion (Blu): 196px = 1534.5km
As this takes place on the moon, where there is no air, we cannot use the Airburst formula. This means we have to use the Ground Formula, which is...
W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.
Let's get the Radius first, then we can get the Yield of the Explosion.
Low Radius (Green): 1045.2km * 1000m / 2 = 522600m
High Radius (Blue): 1534.5km * 1000m / 2 = 767250m
Now the Yield!
Low Blast (Green): 522600^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 11,470,800,627,739 Tons of TNT or 11.4708 Teratons (6-B)
High Blast (Blue): 767250^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 36,299,129,194,126 Tons of TNT or 36.3 Teratons (6-B)
So that's it? No, cause it takes Buff Soldier MULTIPLE rockets to achieve this feat (He would still scale to it in Durability, but not AP)
In this picture there are 14 Rockets, which then explode. It's likely that there are more, given this shot, but let's assume there are only 14.
Low End (Green): 11.4708 Teratons / 14 Rockets = 0.82 Teratons or 820 Gigatons (High 6-C+)
High End (Blue): 36.3 Teratons / 14 Rockets = 2.59 Teratons (Low 6-B)
I prefer the High End (Blue) as it uses the width of the explosion, which can definitively be called the diameter and I'm unsure about the height/Low End being that.
Buff LS[]
Buff Soldier was capable of lifting BLU Heavy and even moving him around at this speed.
BLU Heavy is a Heavy (shocker, I know), who is 193cm tall and a bit overweight. Putting it into a BMI Calculator, I got 93.1kg (Result)
LS can be calculated using: F=M*A with F being the Force in Newtons, M being Mass in Kilograms and A being Speed in m/s
Calculation: 93.1*686128.68 = 63878580.11 N or 6513802kgf or 6513.8 Metric Tons of Force (Class M)
Well, that's a LOT of Force
Buffier LS[]
Was recommended to use actual acceleration. I knew about the calculator, but I wasn't sure if it was used given which calculation I based the FMA calculations off of.
Anyway, the spark that Soldier makes to reach his top speed of 686128.68 m/s lasts 5 frames, which for a 24fps animation is 0.2s
The Soldier was moving, albeit slowly prior to the spark, which i'll assume to be roughly 1 m/s. This gets us an acceleration of 3430638 m/s^2 (Result)
Now redoing F=M*A, but instead using actual acceleration, we get...
Buffier Calculation: 93.1kg * 3430638 m/s = 319392397.8 Newtons or 32568960kgf or 32569 Metric Tons (Class M)
Much better.Buff Soldier returns to Earth[]
By being blasted by his own rockets, he returns to Earth (after wrestling with a non-struggling Heavy and a transition sequence)
Now turning my attention to the return trip, let's split this calc into two parts, outer space and withing earth.
Outer Space Speed[]
So now that the distance from the Earth to the Moon is 376291.6km or 376291600 meters we have... oh wait right the second part after the transition is no longer included, so we have to remove that part of the distance and timeframe.
Timeframe is simple as I've clear what all the variables are, the space scene starts at frame 10309 and ends at frame 10585, giving us 276 frames or 11.04 seconds (276/25). As for distance, let's assume the second scene starts when the rivals are still in the Mesosphere, taking place at altitudes of 47 to 51 kilometers (Average: 49km)
Distance Traveled (Space): 376291.6km - 49km = 376242.6km or 376242600m
High Speed (Space): 376242600m / 11.04s = 34079945.6 m/s or 11.368% SoL (Relativistic)
Mid Speed (Space): 376242600m / 300s = 1254142 m/s or Mach 3685 (Massively Hypersonic+)
Low Speed (Space): 376242600m / 1800s = 209023.6 m/s or Mach 614 (Massively Hypersonic)
Massive upgrade for high end speed but everything else got slightly downgraded, still doubt it scales to combat speed.
Crashing through rock[]
So let's see how much rock and concrete the duo fell through and endured, first let's get speed!
Timeframe: (404 - 276) / 25 = 128 frames / 25fps = 5.12 seconds
Speed: 49000m / 5.12s = 9570.3 m/s or Mach 28 (High Hypersonic)
Now that I think about it, this would work really great for combat speed wouldn't it? Buff Soldier has shown actual control while at this speed and even fighting in slow motion so... well let's move to main point, how much rock is destroyed in a second. It's gonna be kinda based on this, but with the area of the Heavy.
So the area of the Heavy, using the two values we have for him (193cm and 93.1kg) and putting it into this calculator gets us 2.24 m^2, then we divide that to get the crossectional area of this monster to be 1.12 m^2
Volume: 1.12 m^2 * 9570.3 m = 10718.736 m^3 or 10718736000cc
Fragmentation and Violent Fragmentation of Rock is 8 J/cc and 69 J/cc respectively.
Low End: 10718736000cc * 8 J = 85749888000 Joules or 20.49 Tons of TNT (8-B)
High End: 10718736000cc * 69 J = 739592784000 Joules or 176.76 Tons of TNT (8-A)
Another notable thing is that Buff Soldier is shown seeing the world in slow motion, even at these speeds and even punching at full speed while viewing the world slowed down.
Gonna be doing a slow-mo calc for this, while debris are shown to be unmoving in the background, it's clear that they are not moving at the same speed as the main characters as they visible shown rotating even in a slowed down state. The speed of an average punch is 15 mph or 6.705 m/s, but the Soldier is shown punching his full length in roughly 2 frames (2/25 = 0.08s), assuming he is as tall as the Heavy with an arm length of 84.3cm we get a speed of 10.5375 m/s for his apparent speed.
I'm going to assume the world is slowed down to jogging speed, which is 3.71 m/s for an average human.
Low Speed: (9570.3 / 3.71) * 6.705 = 17296.2 m/s or Mach 50.82 (High Hypersonic+)
High Speed: (9570.3 / 3.71) * 10.5375 = 27182.5 m/s or Mach 79.88 (High Hypersonic+)
Now this is good for reactions/attack speed!
Using FramebyFrame, assuming him being blasted starts at Frame 10309 and he reaches the Earth on Frame 10907, skipping Frames from 10585 to 10779 (The Transition Sequence), we get a timeframe of 404 Frames or 16.83s (404f/24fps).
Distance of the Moon to the Earth varies from 370400km to 404000km (average: 387200km)
High Speed: 387200000m/16.83s = 23006535.9 m/s or 7.67% the Speed of Light (Sub-Relativistic+)
However this may be lower, as with the Transition and Red Heavy sitting patiently implies that it took longer than was shown (Thought given it was still blue in the sky, it might be not that much?).
Let's assume a Mid-End of 5 Minutes (300 seconds) and Low-End of 30 Minutes (1800s)
Middle Speed: 387200000m/300s = 1290666.6 m/s or Mach 3792 (Massively Hypersonic+)
Low Speed: 387200000m/1800s = 215111 m/s or Mach 632 (Massively Hypersonic)
Nothing suggests that this scales to his normal speed, given how much focus is put on Soldier's Hypersonic feat, though this may scale to Reactions.Colossal Desk Engineer is absolutely Colossal[]
In an older upload called Attack on Heavy, or more specifically the ending part (uploaded as Texas Golden Wind), a legion of giant Shortgineers (referred to Desk Engineers) appear with their presumable leader, the Colossal Desk Engineer, rising from down below later. They absolutely overpower the heavies at this point in time, so let's see how strong the biggest Shortgineer is via size!
First let's get the height of a regular Shortgineer from his video of origin, Lazy Mountain, which is in-fact linked at the end of the the previously mentioned video, implying to be part of the same canon.
Sniper: 340px = 1.854m
Shortgineer: 261px = 1.42m
Using a BMI Calculator and inputting the height of 1.42m and a BMI of 18.5, we get a weight of 37.3kg.
Makes sense for our tiny boi, now we talk about the big boi's.
This will make use of Large Size Calculations, which is mass*x^3 where x is how many times bigger it is from the reference object.
In the most clearest shot for the majority of the Desk Engineer Army, they appear to be the size of a door, which are roughly 2m tall. This makes them 1.4x bigger and they weigh in at 100kg. They are likely bigger, at most 3-4m, but it doesn't matter compared to the biggest guy in the room.
I resorted to using Garry's Mod to find the minimal size of this, cause everything is too angled for precise calculations.
Doorway: 70px = ~2m
Building + Cliffside: 749px = ~21.4m
It's very likely that Colossal Desk Engineer is even bigger, given that he is more comparable to the building on the side of the railway (even casting a shadow on it). It's roughly twice as tall the calculated Building, that is 2 doors and a half (~5m), making the final and tallest height being ~26.4m.
This makes CDE roughly 15x to 18.6x bigger than the Shortgineer. Meaning he weighs around 125.8 to 240 Metric Tons (Class K)
This also gives the CDE a Potential Energy from around 26400679 to 62134934 Joules or 0.00631 to 0.01485 Tons of TNT
Small Building... not that impressive, still scale to the Heavies tho (Engies > Heavies i mean, not the other way around).
The Texas Wind[]
The Colossal Desk Engineer appears to be dancing in tandem with the smaller Engineers, who should be somewhat athletic in speed. They can also stomp in nearly one frame, even when the footage slows down.
I'm just gonna upscale Athletic Human Speed (7.7 m/s) by how many times the Desk Engineer is bigger and try to get KE out of it.
Minimum: ~21.4m tall, Speed of 115.5 m/s, Kinetic Energy of 839101725 Joules or 0.2 Tons of TNT (9-A+)
Maximum: ~26.4m tall, Speed of 143.22 m/s, Kinetic Energy of 2461436208 Joules or 0.588 Tons of TNT (8-C)
Small Building+ to Building, which is also higher than the Heavies Earthquake feat. Consistency?
RED gets Burrowed[]
Feat here, possibly the first ever Strength feat in this series and best one (to start with)
So BLU Heavy manages to burrow him deep enough that his legs aren't visible and cause debris to go flying to head height. So let's calc that! The head size of a 193cm tall person is 24.2cm according to this site
Heavy Head: 95.3px = 24.2cm
Unburrowed Height: 121.8+115.3+127 = 364.1px = 92.457cm
Debris Width: 327px = 83cm
Debris Thickness: 176px = 44.69cm
Debris Height: 167px = 42.4cm
Shockwave Radius: 1078px = 273.74cm or 2.74m (Extended Melee Range)
First is the simple, boring method that's probably correct, for this we'll need the actual depth of the hole RED Heavy is in.
Hole Depth: 193cm - 92.457cm = 100.543cm
For this, I'll use the spherical cap formula: (1/6) * pi * h * (3a^2 + h^2) with h being the depth we've just calculated and a being the shockwave radius.
Volume: (1/6) * pi * 100.543cm * (3*(273.74cm)^2 + (100.543cm)^2) = 12366629cc
Given the pieces are pretty big, I'll just assume rock fragmentation which is 8 J/cc
Destruction: 12366629cc * 8 J = 98933032 Joules or 0.0236 Tons of TNT (9-A)
Yeah, seems about right.