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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Player has Horse Statues made of Steel and can go the Skybox and become big. Player can also move very fast in the Skybox and vaporize humanoids in there using AR2 or other things.

Player Size in Skybox[]

The Player can go or spawn things in the Skybox. A place where the "small" buildings are shown in the normal playfield as larger objects, including everything that enters it!

First let's get the height of a Building, so we can compare the Player's height to it.

DD GarrysMod SkyBoxPlayer 01a

Normal Player: 60px = 1.7m

Building Width: 1206px = 34.17m

DD GarrysMod SkyBoxPlayer 01b

Building Width: 383px = 34.17

Building Height: 693px = 61.83m

Now we can get the Height of the Player!

DD GarrysMod SkyBoxPlayer 01c

Building: 630px = 61.83m

SkyBox Player: 268px = 26.3m

The Skybox man is 26.3m tall! Which is about 15.47x times taller than normal.

Actually the SkyBox size multiplier should be 16x, as that is how it increases the size mechanically and it was also used to get the canon size of the Citadel of 2.6km, as per recommendation of Marc Laidlaw and a HL2 Artist.

Anyway, this means the Player Character is actually 27.2m tall in-game in the SkyBox.

Potential Energy of the Player[]

An Average Person is about 62kg. Large Size is calculated with: Weight*("x-times larger"^3)

62kg*(16x^3) = 253952kg (Class K)

Potential Energy of Large Beings is calculated with 50% of their Height. Which gives a "center of mass" of 13.15m

With these, we get the Values of: 33869690 Joules or 0.0081 Tons of TNT (Small Building)

Speed of the Player[]

The Player moves at a speed of 400 HU/s. A Hammer Unit is equal to 1.905cm, which gives us a speed of 7.62 m/s (Average Human)

When upscaling this, we don't need to cube it. It isn't a volume, it's a distance over a timeframe

7.62 m/s * 15.47x = 117.8814 m/s (Subsonic)

Using Hammer Units by themselves was proven to be unusable without a in-verse conversion, I'll use the Half-Life Conversion rate, which is 2.36 cm/u

Normal Speed: 2.36cm * 400u = 933 cm/s or 9.33 m/s (Athletic Human)

SkyBox Speed: 2.36cm * 400u * 16x = 151 m/s (Subsonic)

Player moves Oil Barrels[]

The Player's Physics Gun is capable of moving objects a short length forward or backwards with a scroll of the mousewheel.

While this can be done with any Object, I chose the Oil Barrel for the Calc (cause I already have its Height and Diameter).

I couldn't find the Weight of the Barrel itself, so i'll assume its full of Oil like Gasoline, which has a Density of 6.30 lb/US gal (which should convert to about 754.98 kg/m^3)

Standard Volume of a Barrel is 200 litre or 0.2 m^3, which gives us a Weight of 150.996kg (Athletic Human)

DD GarrysMod PhysGunBarrel 01a

In this Recorded Video of the shortest Scroll. The Barrel starts moving at Frame 938 and stops at Frame 945, difference of 7 Frames. With the Framerate of 60fps, we get a Timeframe of 0.116s

DD GarrysMod PhysGunBarrel 01b

Barrel Height: 59px = 106.53cm

Default Smallest Scroll Possible (Blue Line): 13px = 23.473cm

With the Distance and Timeframe we get the Speed of: 2.023534 m/s (Below Average Human)

With the Speed and the Weight (150.996kg) we can now get the Kinetic Energy of... 309.141 Joules (Street)

Yeah that's not impressive right? Thankfully there is a thing that'll make it impressive: Skybox.

Skybox Barrel[]

First, let's get the Weight of the larger Barrel, using the same formula as above!

150.996kg*(16x^3) = 618479.6kg (Class K)

Second, let's get the speed like we did with the Player.

2.023534 m/s * 16x = 32.376 m/s (Superhuman)

Now we can get the Kinetic Energy of the Barrel! This gets us...

324146821 Joules or 0.0775 Tons of TNT (Small Building)

The Anigmatic Horse Statue[]

This horse statue (which im pretty sure appears in the "Follow Freeman!" Chapter of half-life 2) may seem to made of Stone. However, for some reason, it's made of metal (given the sound it makes when hit).

Firstly, lets figure out a Weight of a standard-sized Horse with density of Steel.

A Horse typically weights ~465kg (ranges from 380kg to 550kg). Horses, like any other living animal, are mostly water, which has a Density of 1000 kg/m^3. This gets us 0.465 m^3.

Steel is at least 7750 kg/m^3, which with the Volume gets us: 3603.75kg or 3.6 Metric Tons (Class 5)

Now to get the Weight of the "Statue-sized" Horse!

DD GarrysMod PhysGunHorseStatue 01

Player: 157px = 170cm

Horse True Height (Blue): 257.4px = 278.7cm (Horses Height is measured at the withers)

Horse Total Height (Green): 460px = 498cm

This Horse Statue is 278.7cm "tall", typical Horses are about 152.5cm (ranges from 142cm to 163cm) which is about 1.8275x smaller.

3.6 Metric Tons*(1.8275^3) = 21.97 Metric Tons (Class 25)

Kinetic Energy of Horse[]

Player Physics Gun scroll speed is by default 2.023534 m/s, The Horse Statue is 21.97 Metric Tons.

With this, we get the KE of: 44980.2 Joules or 44.9802 Kilojoules (Wall)

Skybox Horse[]

Now the Kinetic Energy of the SkyBox-sized Horse.

21.97 Metric Tons*(16x^3) = 89989.12 Metric Tons (Class M)

Using this with the previously calced scroll speed of 31.3 m/s we get...

47163539683 Joules or 11.27 Tons of TNT (Large Building+)

Vaporizing a Skybox Human[]

The Player is capable of using a AR2, a pulse rifle with an Alt-Fire that can disintegrate multiple humans in a row. The same can be applied to SkyBox Players and NPCS.

SkyBox Players weigh 253952kg or 253952000g. Density of Humans (or Water) is 1 g/cc. The Volume of the Player is 253952000cc.

Vaporization of Humans is 4638.75 J/cc

Energy: 253952000cc * 4638.75 J = 1178019840000 Joules or 281.6 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block)