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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Feats from videos uploaded by Kugawattan, SarisKhan, Shirosaki97 (or Stylx) and SharmanZAtank or any major contributer post-Demopan creation (December 17, 2010)

Piss Cakehole carves someone[]

Piss Cakehole can carve someone down to their muscles, including Heavies, in incredibly short amounts of time.

First the area of a Heavy (with a Height of 193cm and Weight of 93.1kg) is around 2.23m^2 to 2.24m^2 (Results), where I'll use the high end.

Cakehole's preferred weapon is the Half-Zatoichi, a katana that is 0.7cm thick or 0.007m. With this we can get the length the blade moved to carve all the skin off, like a really thin rectangle!

Length Cut: 2.24m^2 / 0.007m = 320m

As for the timeframe, its nearly impossible to tell as we only see it from the point of a viewer (most of the time). However, given the death's quick nature and the only character to be able to perceive the process was a superhuman freak, I'm going to assume the timeframe of 0.1s (which is incredibly peak human)

Speed: 320m / 0.1s = 3200 m/s or Mach 9.4 (Hypersonic)

A Hypersonic feat! Nice!

Assuming a peak human timeframe just because one freak and not an average human was able to observe it is wack. Given he is blitzing trained mercenaries it should be 0.2 seconds to 0.13 seconds (Average to Athletic)

Low End: 320m / 0.2s = 1600 m/s or Mach 4.7 (Supersonic+)

High End: 320m / 0.13s = 2461.5 m/s or Mach 7.2 (Hypersonic)

Still a massive upgrade from Subsonic!

Medizard constructs a block of Ice[]

In Medizards debut video "The Wizard of Ice". Medizard crushes a F2P Heavy (because 2012) with a large block of ice.

I will find the energy needed to create that amount of ice from air.

First we need the height of Heavy in his adjusted pose.

DD FreakFortress MedizardIce 01a

Heavy: 616px = 193cm

Adjusted Heavy: 470px = 147.26cm

Now we find the diameter of the Ice Block.

DD FreakFortress MedizardIce 01b

Heavy: 374.8px = 147.26cm

Ice Diameter: 1165px = 458cm = 4.58m

Now the height of the Ice Block.

DD FreakFortress MedizardIce 01c

Ice Diameter: 530px = 4.58m

Ice Height: 603px = 5.21m

It's likely taller but this is still an impressive amount of Ice.

A Cylinder with a Diameter of 4.58m (Radius is 2.29m) and Height of 5.21m would have a Volume of 85.8m^3

Density of Ice is 917.5 kg/m^3, which gives us 78721.5kg (Class 100)

The energy to convert 1kg of Ice into 20°C air is 3427000 Joules.

78721.5kg * 3427000 J/kg = 269778580500 Joules or 64.5 Tons of TNT (8-B+)

Piss Cakehole breaks Medizard Ice[]

In "Carving the Ice". Medizard crushes Piss Cakehole with a ball of Ice he was standing on, but Cakehole breaks free rather quickly.

DD FreakFortress MedizardIce 02

Medizard: 48px = 182.9cm

Ice Ball: 132px = 502.975cm

Gonna assume it's a perfect Sphere, where (with a Radius of 251.4875cm) it would have a Volume of 66625092cc or 66.625092m^3

First, let's calc the Destruction. Ice has a fragmentation value of 0.5271 J/cc, which gets us...

66625092cc * 0.5271 J/cc = 35118085.9932 Joules or 0.0084 Tons of TNT (9-A)

Second, let's calc the weight (cause Cakehole could push it around slightly).

917.5 kg/m^3 * 66.625092m^3 = 61128.52191kg (Class 100)

Desert Medizard AP[]

Just to show that Medizard's Creation Potency is consistent, even in dryer and hotter environments. This is the same as the first Medizard Calc from above.

61128.52191kg * 3427000 J/kg = 209487444585.57 Joules or 50.1 Tons of TNT (8-B)

So yeah, Medizard varies from City Block to City Block+, pretty consistent.

Cyborneer redirects Bullets[]

In "Friendly Sparring: Major Scout Guy vs Cyborneer". Cyborneer redirects bullets from a Shotgun with his Wrench, after it was shot.

First let's figure out the length of Cyborneer's Wrench.

DD FreakFortress CyborneerShotgunDeflect 01

Engineer: 521px = 167.6cm

Wrench: 215.6px = 69.35cm

Now let's figure out the distance the Bullet moved, so we can figure out the timeframe.

DD FreakFortress CyborneerShotgunDeflect 02a

Wrench: 361px = 69.35cm

Low Distance (Blue): 241.9cm = 46.47cm = 0.4647m

High Distance (Green): 348px = 66.85cm = 0.6685m NOTE: Green exists because (next frame) the bullet jumps into that position, seen by the angle of the reflected shot

A Standard Shotgun Slug has a muzzle velocity of 500 m/s (but lose velocity rapidly due to having a terrible shape), which gets us a timeframe of...

Low Timeframe (Blue): 0.4647m / 500 m/s = 0.0009294s

High Timeframe (Green): 0.6685m / 500 m/s = 0.001337s

Now the distance the Wrench moved to deflect the bullet.

DD FreakFortress CyborneerShotgunDeflect 02b

Wrench: 361px = 69.35cm (Is combined with the previous frame, where the bullet distance is calced)

Distance Moved: 15.8px = 3.03cm = 0.0303m

Dividing this with the timeframe gives us...

Low End (Green): 0.0303m / 0.001337s = 22.66 m/s (Superhuman)

High End (Blue): 0.0303m / 0.0009294s = 32.6 m/s (Superhuman)

Major Scout Guy is fast[]

Again, in "Friendly Sparring: Major Scout Guy vs Cyborneer". Major Scout Guy shows off his speed by running across a roof in less than a second.

Using FramebyFrame: Scout starts moving at Frame 956 and stops at Frame 960, difference of 4 Frames. With a framerate of 60fps, this gives us 0.06s

DD FreakFortress MSGRoofRun 01

Scout: 73.5px = 177.8cm

Distance Moved: 450.6px = 1090cm = 10.9m

Major Scout Guy moved 10.9m in 4/60 (or 1/15) of a second.

10.9m / 0.06s = 181.6 m/s (Subsonic+)

Pyre Genesis[]

NOTE: Re-examining the feat, I don't think this calculation as it is currently presented. This seems more of a Regeneration feat for Pyre/Vagipyro than a durability feat for the character.

In Pyre: Genesis, which is the origin story for Pyre, there is a flashback to this feat and it's shown that a small piece of Vagipyro survived and was able to regenerate into a new demonic monster.

Well given the explosion was downgraded (or buffed?) by the existence of the video this feat came from, It's only fair I recalculate it using the new values.

I'm also gonna actually calculate the size of the blob that survived the attack and by that I mean assume it's a perfect circle with the diameter of Pyro's forearm.

According to this reddit post, Pyro is 175.3cm tall and, by using this anatomy site and setting the height to the previous found and the age to "adult", we can find the length of Pyro's forearm (hand included!) to be 40.2cm (r = 20.1cm)

Pyre Area: pi * 20.1^2 = 1269cm^2 or 0.1269m^2

And now for the impact energies! I'll also include the old yield, for comparison only.

Old Explosion Impact: 1249620455 Megatons / 9838m^2 * 0.1269m^2 = 16118 Megatons or 16.118 Gigatons (6-C)

Low Explosion Impact: 344822282902754 Tons / 9838m^2 * 0.1269m^2 = 4447849939 Tons of TNT or 4.45 Gigatons (6-C)

High Explosion Impact: 4409280528173545 Tons / 9838m^2 * 0.1269m^2 = 56875147288 Tons of TNT or 56.8 Gigatons (6-C+)

And that is a significant drop in power the TF2 Freakshow...verse... can't recover from! Actually they probably can with enough time and development, but this verse has basically been dead for several years so I'll doubt it'll happen any time soon.

DD FreakFortress PyreGenesisFeat 01

Here, the Vagipyro is 147px in width or 4.5m, while the panel width is 1280px. Using this equation, we can figure out the distance that Vagipyro has from Gunslinger that self-destructed.

Degree Calculation: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(147/1280)) = 9.195 degrees

Using this site, we can find the distance to be 27.98m. Putting this in as a radius for a sphere, we get a surface area of 9838m^2 (Result).

Explosion Intensity: 1.25 Petatons / 9838m^2 = 0.000127 Petatons per Square Meter or 127 Gigatons per Square Meter.

I'm going to assume and use the standard Human Crossectional Area, despite it likely being lower. The Crossectional Area of a Real Human is 0.68m^2

Explosion Survived: 127 Gigatons * 0.68m^2 = 86.36 Gigatons (6-C+)

Well that's insane.

Painis gets launched to mars[]

In Painis in Space, Painis gets launched to mars by Seeman with a Rocket (How did he get one?) and gets to fight aliens. The Rocket also explodes just on touch from the mars surface, while Painis Cupcake survives.

Mars appears to be very close to the Planet of the TF2 Freaks (Earth), so lets assume it's distance is on the short end. The closest mars can be to earth is 54.6 million kilometers, 54600000km or 54600000000m

Using FrameByFrame, we can see that the rocket starts at frame 1767 and reaches the surface at frame 2047, a difference of 280 Frames. Given that the video is 60fps, that means we have a timeframe of 4.67s

With this, we get a speed of 11691648822 m/s or 39c (FTL+)

So we can't use it for KE calculations, even with the shortest distance possible. Thankfully, we can still calc the destruction of the rocket, assuming it's made entirely of metal and is pulverised.

I used the Space Shuttle Orbiter the last time I calced a rocket feat, so I'll do it again. The empty rocket weights 78000kg, while steel has density of 7750 to 8050 kg/m^3.

Let's use the high density to get a low volume, dividing the weight with the density gets us 9.689m^3 or 9689000cc. Steel has pulverisation energy of 310-1000 J/cc

Low End (310): 3003590000 Joules or 0.718 Tons of TNT (8-C)

Mid End (655): 6346295000 Joules or 1.517 Tons of TNT (8-C+)

High End (1000): 9689000000 Joules or 2.316 Tons of TNT (High 8-C)

Well that's very... impressive? At least it has a speed feat.

Flyper rescues Cupcake[]

Oh yeah! In the same video Painis Cupcake summons Flyper for a ride back home, while Seeman also set up a party for his return, stating to his friend that the cannibal "will be back soon".

Anyways, going back into FrameByFrame! For Flyper's arrival onto mars we can assume it began when Painis Cupcake held up Jarate (yes really) to summon him at frame 7433 and we see Flyper arrive at the surface on frame 7672. This gives a difference of 239 frames or, given the framerate of 60fps, a timeframe of 3.98 seconds.

Flyper Arrival: 54600000000m / 3.98s = 13718592964.8 m/s or 45.76c (FTL+)

Pretty impressive, but what's likely more impressive is the return trip where Painis Cupcake seems to have jumped off Flyper next to the spot Seeman and other freaks have set up a party. I don't think this says anything about Painis Cupcake's precision, but more about Seeman's ability to "predict distant future events via raw intellect" (or at least reference it)

ANYWAYS, the return trip begins after the cannibal boards the flying sniper and begins to fly roughly at frame 8045 and Painis Cupcake himself lands at frame 8185. This gives difference of 140 frames or a timeframe of 2.3 seconds... wait why is the timeframe decreasi-?

Cupcake's Return: 54600000000m / 2.3s = 23739130434.7 m/s or 79.19c (FTL+)

Oh god it got even faster. FTL FreakShow is real.

Scout exe changes the lights[]

So Scout.exe managed to change the sky of 2Fort into a dark, generic creepy sky. I have two approximal ideas on how to calc it, don't know if either is correct.

First is Luminosity, which was used in calcs on vsb already as early as 2017 and even a Death Battle episode... i think?

Anyways, this is basically the energy an object releases via birghtness and I'll use this calculator to make it simple. All we really need is the distance and the Apparent Magnitude.

For the distance, I'll assume it's the distance for the horizon due to Scout being able to effect the whole of 2Fort which is an open field. With Scout being 1.778m, we get a distance to the horizon of 4.76km

As for the Apparent Magnitude, picking from this list. I'll assume it's -12.90 V, the same as the full moon viewed from Earth, for the minimum energy and -26.832 V, the Sun viewed from the Earth, for the maximum energy.

Also, given that the results will be in watts or GW (energy per second), I'll be multiplying it for how long the EXE stayed on screen. Using FrameByFrame, I've determined that the the creepypasta first appears on frame 521 and leaves on frame 628, difference of 107 frames. Given the framerate is 25fps, we get a timeframe of 4.28s

Low End: 0.0010363 GW * 4.28s = 4.435 Megajoules or 0.00106 Tons of TNT (9-B)

High End: 387.5 GW * 4.28s = 1658500 Megajoules or 396 Tons of TNT (8-A)

Now for the second method! This method assumes that the creepy Scout absorbs the light that hits the area that he's currently in, preventing the viewer from seeing the blue sky. I got the inspiration from the Magnitude List for energy with the section about the sunlight hitting the earth.

Anyway, that is calculated using the Solar Constant, which is 1.361 to 1.362 kW/m^2 (which is energy per second over an area). I'll use the higher end of that, cause it doesn't matter with how little it is in difference.

We can get a rough area of 71.181 km^2 or 71180950 m^2 using the 4.76km we previously used for the above calc and reusing the 4.28s we got from the above we get...

Total Watts: 1.362 kW/m^2 * 71180950 m^2 = 96948453.9 Kilowatts

Total Energy: 96948453.9 Kilowatts * 4.28s = 414939382.692 Kilojoules or 99.2 Tons of TNT (8-B+)

Of course, this isn't applicable to physicals but it can be used for his Light Manipulation/Reality Warping tiering.

Engineer gets launched into space[]

Feat here from AboAbdulable. Essentially the BLU team's Intelligence almost gets stolen and they immediately decide to blame Engineer. The punishment for not defending the objective? Exile into space on a random piece of meteor and misadventures to behold!

First let's find the distance from Earth to where the Engineer landed.

DD TF2FreakShow FriendlyScout 01a

Here the planet (Earth) is 521px or 12742km in diameter, meanwhile the Panel is 1080px in height.

Planet Angle: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(521/1080)) = 37.32 degrees

Putting the appropriate values into this calculator for distance, we get 18865.66km or 18865660 meters!

Now to figure out the travel time! It should start roughly at frame 6082, when the screen starts lighting from the explosion, and ends roughly at frame 6860, when Engineer's foot stops where it lands. This gives a difference of 778 frames or, given the framerate of 60fps, a timeframe of 12.96 seconds!

Engineer Speed: 18865660m / 12.96s = 1455683.64 m/s or Mach 4277.64 (Massively Hypersonic+)

And with this, we can now get the kinetic energy of the Engineer being launched this far! I'll assume the mercenary weighs 62kg for simplification.

Kinetic Energy: 6.569e+13 Joules or 15.7 Kilotons (7-C)

Yup! Another casual Tier 7 feat from a standard mercenary! So weird... though considering the other feat comes from a Heavy on a flying saucer this could be believed/used as a low end for "Mercenary Scaling", though most classics would be scaling way above this already.

Actually, this Engineer is treated as a sort of "main character" so he may be scaling higher than most mercenaries, so let's divide the kinetic energy by the number sticky bombs visible in the pile (which is around eleven but there's probably lot more underneath the Engineer that we cannot see)

Divided Yield: 6.569e+13 J / 11x = 5.972e+12 Joules or 1.43 Kilotons (Low 7-C)

Awesome, barely into Tier 7!

Engineer leaps interplanetary distances[]

Feat here. The Engineer, upon realizing he's in space without oxygen, starts to die before finding a space station on the other side of some other planet and decides to just... leap to it?

It's gonna be rough, given the planet's shape, but I think I can manage it.

DD TF2FreakShow FriendlyScout 01b

Here the planet is roughly 365px in diameter while the Panel is 1080px in height.

Planet Angle: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(365/1080)) = 26.627 degrees

I'll assume the snow-looking planet to have the same diameter of Earth (12742km) and inputting the appropriate values into the distance calculator, we get 26922.89km

But of course that's not all! The Engineer went from one side of the planet to the other side where the station was located, so we need to double that value!

True Distance: 26922.89km * 2x = 53845.78km or 53845780 meters

Oh, and the timeframe! The mercenary starts his leap on frame 8680 and reaches the platform on frame 9031. A difference of 351 frames or, given the framerate of 60fps, a timeframe of 5.85 seconds!

Leap Speed: 53845780m / 5.85s = 9204406.8 m/s or 3.07% SoL (Sub-Relativistic)

Given how the Engineer landed... pretty dangerously, I'm going to calculate the Kinetic Energy of such impact. Given the speed of the merc is above 1% SoL, we have to use Relativistic KE

Kinetic Energy (Lowest End): 2.628e+15 Joules or 628.16 Kilotons (High 7-C+)

Also I just remembered that it's possible to get Lifting Strength from leaps so... time to get the Acceleration!

For the low end I'll assume the Engineer is accelerating as he is travelling the distance and for the high end I'll need a new timeframe...

For the high end Timeframe, I'll assume the Engineer finishes accelerating to his top speed as the scene switches at frame 8721. Giving us a difference of 41 frames or 0.683 seconds.

Low Acceleration (Distance Traveled): 2 * (53845780 - 0 * 5.85s) / 5.85s^2 = 3146806 m/s^2

High Acceleration (Speed Difference): 9204406.8 m/s / 0.683s = 13476437 m/s^2

And now for the Force we need F=MA! Where F is the Force in Newtons, M is Mass in Kilograms and A is... Acceleration.

Low Force: 62kg * 3146806 m/s^2 = 195101972 Newtons, 19894864.4 kgf or 19894.86 Metric Tons (Class M)

High Force: 62kg * 13476437 m/s^2 = 835539094 Newtons, 85201276 kgf or 85201.3 Metric Tons (Class M)

Oh and another I wanted to try, based off another calculation, is calculating the Work generated from leaping such a distance as an alternative to plain KE.

Low Work: 195101972 N * 53845780m = 10505417861878160 Joules or 2.51 Megatons of TNT (Low 7-B)

High Work: 835539094 N * 53845780m = 44990254236923320 Joules or 10.75 Megatons of TNT (7-B)

Welp okay, that's probably the best Mercenary feat yet. Don't think we can top this anytime soon!

Friendly Scout and Teleportation Slugs[]

Ah right, in the video there are these shotgun slugs that teleport the target when attached to them. While it is quite random, it was shown they can teleport te users from the Space Platform to Earth (and potentially back) with just one use. Friendly Scout could also get to the Space Platform, presumably with his innate power to teleport, though this doesn't seem to apply to his other abilities.

Well for this we have to use Pythagora's using the first distance travelled by the Engineer being launched and then the Engineer's leap to the Platform!

Pythagorean equation: a^2 + b^2 = c^2

Squared Distance: (18865.66km)^2 + (53845.78km)^2 = (3255281151.044km)^2

Unsquared/True Distance: 57055.07 kilometers (Planetary)

Yup, that's about what I expected. Seems the Friendly Scout would be tricky to catch (if he was smart)

Nightmarish Amount of Lava[]

Feat here. The Bugler gets transported to Hell by some devil Pyro and ends up encountering Nightmare Medic who proceeds to dunk on him. With so much Lava.

First let's figure out the size of the Pillar that Nightmare Medic pulled from the flowing river of flames.

DD TF2FreakShow NightmareMedic 01

Engineer: 162px = 167.6cm

Screen Height: 960px = 993.185cm or 9.932m

Diameter: 995px = 1029.395cm or 10.3m

Very big, right? That's not even, like, a fraction of it because it moves INCREDIBLY fast! It reaches the top of the screen in just ONE frame in a 30fps video which gets us...

Flame Speed: 9.932m / (1/30)s = 297.96 m/s or Mach 0.87 (Subsonic+)

Flame Acceleration (Speed Difference): (297.96 m/s - 0 m/s) / (1/30)s = 8938.8 m/s^2

Flame Acceleration (Distance Traveled): 2 * (9.932m - 0 * (1/30)s) / (1/30)s^2 = 17877.6 m/s^2

And if we get the timeframe of how long the engulfing flame lasts. We see that it starts on frame 6952 and ends abruptly on frame 6990. This means the attack lasted 38 frames or, given the framerate of 30fps, a timeframe of 1.26 seconds!

Flame True Length: 297.96 m/s * (38/30)s = 37741.6cm or 377.416m

And with that we can get the volume of the Flame to be 31410.46 Cubic Meters and, given Lava's density of 2700 kg/m^3 (It IS molten rock afterall), have a mass of 84808242 kilograms or 84808.242 Metric Tons (Class M)

Impressive huh? We didn't even get to the final bit of the calc so get ready...!

Flame Kinetic Energy: 3.765e+12 Joules or 899.7 Tons of TNT (8-A+)

Low Force (Speed Difference): 84808242kg * 8938.8 m/s^2 = 758083913589.6 Newtons, 77303045748.51 kgf or 7.73e+7 Metric Tons (Class G)

High Force (Distance Traveled): 84808242kg * 17877.6 m/s^2 = 1516167827179.2 Newtons, 154606091497 kgf or 1.546e+8 Metric Tons (Class G)

Well the Potency of the Attack wasn't that great, considering what the non-freak mercenaries can survive and do, but the Weight he lifts is quite impressive.