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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Unlike Valhalla the title is deceptive, there were just a few buildings blown up on a city block I think

can't provide context on any of these on account of Church, so I'll just go in

long blast[]

Detroit first

Measured in at .336 hectares and 50 centimeters of depth

33600000×50 is 1680000000 cubic centimeters times 6 is...

10080000000 joules, 2.40917782026 Tons, Large Building level

squat bast[]

Detroid third

Measured in at .082 hectares, 300 centimeters of depth

8200000×300 is 2460000000 cubic centimeters, times 6 is...

14760000000 Joules, 3.52772466539197 Tons, Large Building level

building blast[]

Detroit second

About half of the building was destroyed from this, and it's 18 storeys tall, so that'd be 9*4.3 is 38.7 meters, since this was an actual building (right next to Brass Rail Pizza Bar on Google Earth) I looked into it and measured an area of around 1,295.81 square meters

1,295.81*38.7 is 50147.847 cubic meters, 50147847000 cubic centimeters, times .2 for hollowness is 10029569400

Reinforced concrete for proper buildings like this, times 10 is...

100295694000 Joules, 23.97124617590822 Tons, City Block level

alas, fragmentation values. This could also be an issue of overestimating the material/us underestimating the hollowness (as I've seen rather direct proof of on at least one account) but eh it's a large building is what it is



10080000000 joules, 2.40917782026 Tons, Large Building level


14760000000 Joules, 3.52772466539197 Tons, Large Building level


100295694000 Joules, 23.97124617590822 Tons, City Block level