FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

The KE part of the feat is described as sending pieces flying across the entire town, so I’ll assume fragments achieve relatively equal distribution from the closest possible point to the edge of town.

In an analysis of 35 urban areas of varying sizes, this study found an average radius of 2540 m


Launch angle for the feat should be fairly low, since all the force was directed horizontally, so I’ll assume 20 degrees.

The equation for the velocity it would travel is sqrt((x/t)^2+(y/t)^2

Here, x is distance traveled horizonrally and y is the distance that would be traveled vertically without gravity, which is (x*tan(20), or 0.36397023426x)

t is then time, calculated based on y and gravity.

t=sqrt(2*0.36397023426x/g)=sqrt(0.72794046853x/g) =sqrt(2y/g)

v therefore is: sqrt(xg/0.72794046853+ 0.18198511713xg)=sqrt(1.55572382686xg)

Energy is 1/2Mv^2, which becomes 1/2M*1.55572382686xg

Now, since I want to find the energy of all pieces distributed across the distance and add them together, we want to divide by the 2540m then integrate the resulting expression across d=0m to d=2540m

∫ 0.77786191343Mxg/2540m

0.77786191343Mx^2g/5080m (from 0m to 2540m)

0.77786191343 M(2540m)^2*9.8m/s^2/5080-M*0m^2/s^2

Now we need mass. Word of God confirmed this was about the size of a house:


According to this: https://www.inman.com/2011/10/27/10-states-with-biggest-houses/ The US has an average house size of 1761 sq. ft. According to this: https://whatthingsweigh.com/how-much-does-a-house-weigh/ A 2 floor house weighs roughly 124 kg/sq ft That gives us a mass of 218364 kg

Energy is: 0.77786191343*218364kg*(2540m)^2*9.8m/s^2/5080m = 2.11404071e+9 J

The blast both fragmented and sent it flying, so I’ll find fragmentation energy as well:

Density of concrete is around 2400kg/m^3

218364 kg /(2400kg/m^3)= 90985000 cc

Concrete fragmentation is 6J/cc

90985000 cc *6 J/cc= 545910000 J

Add fragmentation and KE to get the total energy: 2659950710 J, Building Level
