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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Majin: Do you have any family members?
Unused: Nope.
Majin: Do you have any PHDs?
Unused: Nope.
Majin: Do you remember any of the schools you went to?
Unused: Nope.
Majin: Do you remember what your favorite color was?
Unused: Nope.
Majin: Do you remember what your childhood game was?
Unused: Nope.
Majin: Do you remember who your childhood friend was?
Unused: Nope.
Majin: Do you have any friends?
Unused: Nope.
Majin: Um, what the hell are you doing here then?
Unused: I would like to apply for a job.
Majin: GET OU—
~ The entire pilot for The Unused and Majin Show.


Majin: Welcome to The Unused and Majin Show. Unused, what are we talking about?
Unused: Today's subject: slavery.
Majin: That is incorrect, that is very edgy, and that's someone else's joke. We don't steal jokes here, Unused. What the hell is wrong with you?
Unused: Well, I'm gonna be completely honest with you mate, I thought it was gonna be funny.
Majin: That is another stolen joke, but I'll let it pass since it's a joke that was made on this channel a long, long time ago that no one's going to remember.
~ The opening lines to the first season of The Unused and Majin Show.

Unused: I have no idea how to start this one, Majin, what are we talking about?
Majin: Everything. We're going to be talking about everything.
~ Unused and Majin starting an episode.

Majin: Uh, yeah, thanks. Thanks for that, honestly. I'll figure out a deal with Unused later.
Majin: Oh,
Barbecue Bacon Burger.
(awkward silence)
Lord X:
Majin: AA—
~ Lord X and Majin at the gas station, shortly after the former bailed the latter out of federal prison.

~ Unused being taken away by Lord X for fishing again. These are his last words during Season 1.

I called you a dumbass, bite me.
~ Majin angrily taunting Rewrite. These are his last words during Season 1.


Unused: Majin, do you ever wonder why we're alive?
Majin: That is an extremely loaded question, Unused, I don't think I can answer that.
~ A extremely brief excerpt from Unused and Majin's discussion about the meaning of life.

Unused: Let's be honest here, I mean— the writing isn't that good on this show, to be honest.
Majin: What do you mean "the writing isn't that good"? There is no writing. There is no script, Unused. We just sit down and start talking.
Unused: Well, why don't we make a script? I feel that would make the episodes a little better, wouldn't it?
Majin: Unused, writing a script for this show would be like asking the creators of
Family Guy to suddenly have a narrative and a main villain they gotta take down by the end of the series. We've been acting stupid for so long that suddenly trying to take things more seriously wouldn't work. Some people don't like this show because it lacks a script, but some people really like it for that same reason. That's why it's best to keep the show as a sort of improv bit instead of trying to add a script to it; it wouldn't work with a script. It's not trying to be anything grand, it's just for fun. No real effort is being put in… besides the art. Of course. What I'm trying to say is reading off of a script wouldn't be the same as making stuff up on the spot.
Unused: Majin, literally everything you just said was written out so you can read it.
Majin: I cannot believe you just sold me out like that.
Unused: Yeah, it sucks to suck.
~ Majin's rather ironic rant about the state of the show at the moment.

Unused: I made a song for you.
Majin: You
Unused: I wrote a song for you. It goes something like this:
(instrumental starts)
Majin: Unused, you didn't make this, this is just "Obituary" again! Unused, this is just "Ob—" What does this have to do with the trolley problem, Unused!?

You f***ing f***er
you f***ing reek of sh*t

Majin: Alright dude, I'm leaving. I'm leaving, get o— I'm just— I'm just getting out of here, man. I'm just— I'm no—
~ Unused finally ragequitting at the trolley problem after Majin kept rejecting his ideas.

Unused: Oh my god, it was playing "Silly Billy", dude!
Majin: DUDE—
Majin: OH, NOOOOO!
*unintelligible screaming*
~ Unused and Majin crashing the car during an argument over whether the radio should be on or off.


Unused and Majin are two guys with a striking resemblance to Sonic the Hedgehog (much to the former's chagrin) who hang out with each other a lot, and the titular hosts of The Unused and Majin Show (in-universe). They are the titular main protagonists of The Unused and Majin (out-of-universe), a satirical podcast series created by Nominal Dingus on YouTube.

Their show usually consists of the two of them speaking about the first thing that comes to mind and improvising a conversation from there. These "improv sessions" usually last for about 2 - 3 minutes, with the episode usually ending with Majin telling Unused to "GET OUT!". Under most circumstances, Unused takes the role of the easygoing wise guy, being the one to ask questions and acting rather loopy most of the time, while Majin takes the role as the more aggressive straight man, being the one to respond to Unused's antics with reactions varying from slight annoyance to extreme rage and generally the person who raises their voice the fastest. Across their podcasting escapades, they have had several special guests on the show, promoted Nominal's other projects, gone to federal prison, and came face to face with beings of unimaginable power. Y'know, typical podcasting things.

While Unused is an original character made by Nominal Dingus himself, Majin originates from a Sound Test screen in Sonic the Hedgehog CD, featuring a crowd of Sonics wearing what appear to be creepy masks with Japanese text on screen translating to "Infinite fun — Sega Enterprises". While the screen has been commonly regarded as nightmarish due to the soundtrack accompanying it in the American release, the original Japanese release has a much more lively soundtrack accompanying it, and the developers of the game have gone on record to say the creepiness of the US release's version of this easter egg was entirely unintentional. This contributed to the much more jovial depictions of the masked Sonic (Majin) in recent times, and by extension, the more comedic portrayal of Majin here.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, up to 4-C with Transmutation

Name: Johnny Johann (A.K.A. Unused the Hedgehog, Unused) and Majin

Origin: The Unused and Majin Show

Gender: Male (Unused and Majin)

Age: Unknown (Unused), at least 31 (Majin - If his argument with Xanthus is any indication, Majin is at least as old as the Sound Test screen he originated from, and in the series, he's old enough to drive.)

Classification: Anthropomorphic hedgehog, host of the Unused and Majin Show, citizen of the United States (Unused and Majin), character in Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Majin)

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Street level+ (Unused once delivered a slap carrying such force that it caused Majin to start screaming. Majin would have instigated an extreme melee assault on Rewrite if his patience was tested enough while Unused was in prison[Statistic Value 1].), up to Star level with Transmutation (Majin, purely for the sake of it, transformed a skyscraper into the Sun only for a few seconds, causing 100% fatalities within the city of the attack.)

Speed: Average Human travel speed, combat speed, and reactions (None of them have shown any notable feats in this regard.)

Lifting Strength: Average Human (None of them have shown any notable feats in this regard.)

Striking Strength: Street level+

Durability: Street level+ (Both Unused and Majin survived a destructive car crash that resulted in a massive explosion with not even a scratch on them[Statistic Value 2]. They also survived an extremely dangerous ride to federal prison on a truck driven by a very inexperienced driver, which ended with the truck careening off a bridge and Majin falling off the truck from a great height and into water, though Majin was seemingly knocked out by that last part[Statistic Value 3].)

Stamina: Peak Human for Unused (Unused stared directly into a camera, holding a single position, for 13 days straight presumably without sleep, and did not seem tired in the slightest after the ordeal.), Average for Majin (Majin, on the other hand, has not shown any significant feats of endurance.)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Unknown with Transmutation

Standard Equipment: None notable

  • Optional Equipment: Blue Ring (Majin)

Intelligence: Average for Unused (Both Unused and Majin had a deep philosophical conversation about the meaning of life, and apparently have experience hijacking trains. Unused thought of several different ways to solve the trolley problem without anybody dying, though none of them were allowed to be used.), at most Above Average for Majin (Majin was able to deduce Gen's real name and compose a detailed description of some his abilities after seeing him in action for a mere minutes and being given his nickname. Despite this, Majin was unable to properly grasp the concept of a bail.)

Weaknesses: Neither Unused nor Majin are fighters to any extent, with Majin seemingly immediately resorting to using his powers if faced with physical confrontation. After a month of Unused being stuck in federal prison, Majin was stuck in an almost depressive state where he endlessly slammed his head against a desk and became unable to find the motivation to do anything but wait for the prison to give a date.


Notable Matches[]





Discussion threads involving Unused and Majin