FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Sonic Colors digging

Sonic the Hedgehog using a Yellow Wisp to drill into the ground.[1]


This definition was taking from VS Battle Wiki.

Underground Mobility (Or Burrowing, or Digging) is the simple ability to dig below the ground. Much like Flight, it is often a form of travel that also allows for a tactical advantage during a battle. Underground Mobility is a relatively common ability in fiction which offers characters various other advantages. It should be noted that this ability should not be given to any character who has been shown capable of simply digging a hole, only those who are supernaturally adept at digging below and through the ground at high speed should be allowed this power.

Possible Uses[]

Underground Mobility has a large variety of uses that can be applied, including:

  • Ambush: Characters that burrow beneath the ground are able to easily ambush their opponents from below, this can benefit a character as while underground, there is little an opponent can do to hit the characters.
  • Underground Tunnels: Some characters are shown to create underground tunnels as they dig through the ground, these tunnels can serve a number of purposes, such as destabilizing the ground below an opponent to cause a collapse.
  • Camouflage: Some lesser characters with Underground Mobility simply burrow a small amount into the ground to camouflage or hide themselves from opponents.
  • Trapping: Some characters are able to bring others below the ground with them, trapping them in the ground and potentially suffocating opponents.


Characters may not be able to Dig through certain materials, such as stone or metal, which can limit how far they can dig. Characters may also only be capable of moving through the ground, and upon reaching above ground they find themselves unable to move.


  • Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe)

