“ | Don't worry, this shouldn't hurt at all. I went to clown school, I'm a professional. | „ |
~ Uncle Dizzno |
In 1978, Caleb Griggs, a veteran of the Vietnam War, was arrested for the murder of several of the homeless population. The victims had seemingly no correlation between each other, other than their vagrancy. Their bodies were found one after the other hanging from meat hooks suspended from street lights in a local park. All of the victims faces were mutilated, flayed usually to the point that dental identification and facial reconstruction techniques had to be used to positively identify the body. Eventually, forensic evidence led investigators to a shallow dugout in the woods. Inside, they found a disturbingly elaborate display of old circus paraphernalia and many strange, unconventional weapons including a power drill painted bright orange and green fitted with a twenty inch bit, a hand axe painted similar colors, many assorted knives, and improvised explosives. The investigators were able to successfully lift fingerprints from the weapons, which led them to Griggs, who had been arrested for aggravated assault upon his return from Vietnam. Griggs was promptly arrested, and convicted of twelve counts of first degree murder. When asked why he committed the murders, Griggs laughed and said he "Did it because the punchline was going to be hilarious." Before Griggs could be transported from the local police station to the state penitentiary, he disappeared from his cell along with all his affects from the evidence room. Unbeknownst to authorites, Griggs had been abducted by a heretofore unseen creature, hailing from another dimension. The creature took Griggs because it admired his ability to cause suffering in his fellow man. It consumed his physical body and mind, and began using the persona and appearance of Griggs to abduct victims into its' world and torture them to feed on their pain. After years of searching for him, the Griggs case was closed indefinitely. Caleb Griggs is currently listed in police archives as "missing, presumed dead."
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-B | At least 3-A
Name: Caleb Griggs
Origin: Hauntverse
Gender: Male | Genderless
Age: 34 | Unknown, at least as old as humanity
Classification: Serial Killer | Multidemensional predator, "Boogeyman"
Likes: Vintage circus memorabilia, Coffee
Dislikes: Children, Positive worldviews, The United States Government
Powers and Abilities: Weapon Mastery, Knowledge of Military Tactics | Superhuman physical characteristics, Reality Warping (can manipulate surroundings inside its' native dimension), Regeneration (Mid-Godly), Shapeshifting, Invisibility, Non-Corporeality, Teleportation, Telepathy, Immortality (Types 1 and 9)
Attack Potency: 10-B, High 8-C with explosives | At least Universe level, can create and destroy matter at will inside its' native dimension
Speed: Normal Human | Omnipresent (Exists everywhere and nowhere inside its' demension)
Lifting Strength: Above Average Human | Immesurable
Striking Strength: Wall Class (once bodily smashed through a wall to reach one of his victims) | Unknown
Durability: Low Wall Level (Tanked a sledgehammer hit to the chest from a peak human) | At least Universe Level, can ignore conventional durability due to matter manipulation in its' dimension
Stamina: Below Average Human (was shown to be capable of massive bursts of strength, i.e. crushing a human skull with his hands, but is incredibly tired after even moderate exertion) | Immesurable
Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with firearms | Multi-Universal, manifests breifly in other universes to abduct victims
Standard Equipment: Several automatic knives, a hand axe, pipe bombs and other hand held IEDs, Colt 1911 MEU | None
Intelligence: Above Average, managed to murder at least 30 people and evade detection until he intentionally led police to his lair | Probably Omniscient, Seems to know everything about its' victims' fears, and knows what they are going to do before they do, although this may be due to telepathy
Weaknesses: Willing to place himself and his plans in jeopardy to settle scores or even for the sake of humor, can be easily outrun in a chase or exausted | If a victim manages to escape it, they can never be abducted again, Feeds on victim's pain as a source of power, if the victim is not suffering either emotionally or physically they cannot be taken to it's dimension
Feats: Murdered at least 30 people over the span of a year without being caught, crushed a man's skull with his bare hands, tanked a sledgehammer hit to the chest from a peak athlete, smashed through a wall with ease, tricked police into mutilating a child with a breaching charge | Abducted and killed an unknown number of victims, created an entire funhouse out of nothing, killed a woman by looking at her, created a vortex which literally turned a man inside out
Notable Attacks/Techniques: None | Distortion and lengthening of limbs, transforming body parts into makeshift weapons like claws and bludgeons, creating dangerous traps and environments, conjuring weapons from inside its' costume, using telepathy to convince people to mutilate themselves/commit suicide, disguising as friends or loved ones of victims to psychologically torment them
Key: Human | Entity
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: