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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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Twitch Render
That creepy mute is around here!
~ Sniper, referring to Twitch


Twitch is a Freak created by honorcrocketts. He is a demonic-like Serial Killer who focuses and hunts his victim's sense of fear before tearing them apart limb from limb.

He is the secondary antagonist of The Karma Soldier series, joining the Demonic Alliance alongside Christan Brutal Sniper and GentleSpy to spread domination and terror throughout the TF2 FreakShow's universe.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 9-C, likely 9-B, possibly 9-A

Name: Twitch, "Twitchy" (By Christan Brutal Sniper), "Creepy Mute"

Origin: Honorcrocketts' videos/TF2 FreakShow

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Made his debut on January 30, 2012)

Classification: Pyro Freak, Demonic-like Serial Killer

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: At least Street level, likely Wall level (Dismembered and mutilated several mercenaries with ease. Should be comparable to mercenaries like the soldier, who's preferred method of travel is rocket jumping), possibly Small Building level (Mutilated and presumably killed Captain Demoman, who recovered from a strong blow from Seeman)

Speed: Superhuman (Can attacked others before they can even react. Can throw weapons from a great distance)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Capable of tearing apart other mercenaries and freak's limbs with ease)

Striking Strength: At least Street level, likely Wall level, possibly Small Building level

Durability: Small Building level, likely City Block level, possibly Small Town level (Casually took Christian Brutal Sniper's Persian Persuader blade impaling him through the chest and takes it off with no reaction, leaving Christian Brutal Sniper to be agape, whose weaponry can harmed the likes of Painis Cupcake. A Sniper's bullet wasn't able to pierce through his head, when later into the series, a GRN Sniper's bullet alone managed to harmed Christian Brutal Sniper)

Stamina: Superhuman (Stated by honorcrocketts to be impervious to pain, being unable to flinched or be stunned when attacked, not losing focus on his target's fear)

Range: Standard Melee Range physically; Extended Melee Range with claws; Ten of Meters with thrown weaponry

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Average, likely Above Average

Standard Tactics: Twitch, upon picking his selected victim, will stalked his victims and avoid being in their view for a while, using several objects and doing various actions to creeped them out further and shutting down any technological-related devices near them. Eventually, Twitch will appeared behind his victim and signaling his presence to them through his breathing under his mask, before attempting to dismember and mutilated them with his claws shortly after.

Weaknesses: His victim being not afraid, showing bravery and fearless will make Twitch not notice them, only focusing on his victim's fear and such.

Notable Matchups[]



