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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
This is not my fault. I was just TRALLING. Yes TRALLING. All of that is just, just TRALLING.
~ Trallface


Trallface is a peculiar Trollge in the Trollge Files universe. He takes on a far smaller and less menacing appearance compared to others, and lives in a highly psychedelic area. He faces off with Boyfriend at some point, using smaller copies of other Trollges to fight.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-B, at least 9-C through Derpy's Clone, at least 9-A through Reality Warping

Name: Trallface

Origin: The Trollge Files (The Blueballs Incident)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Trollge

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Immortality (Type 1 and 7. Trollges are undead beings mostly composed of their own skeleton only), Multiple Selves (Type 1 and 3. Trollges are infected by TP Cells, which gives them voices in their head telling them to do certain actions and sometimes controlling them directly), Corruption (Type 1 and 2. Simply talking with a Trollge might quickly infect their victims with TP Cells, turning them into either Trollges or other kind of monstrosities. Those beings will either be left vulnerable to the Trollge's other abilities or be completely turned into beings with a mind ressembling their previous selves very little and generally following the will of the Trollge), Creation (Can manifest an axe out of thin air. TP Cells once brought back someone from the dead by recreating them from scratch, but it's unknown if individual Trollges can do so), Resurrection, Necromancy (The TP Cells of Trollge can bring back dead beings as TP Cells-infected monsters), Body Control (Trollges can control their facial expression beyond what should be natural of them, as well as manifest their eyes at will), Transformation (Certain Trollge can transform between their regular self and Trollge self at will), Resistance to Sleep Manipulation (Trollges lack the ability to sleep)

Duplication (Can create clones of himself bearing the likeness of other Trollges. Those duplicates have some of the abilities of the Trollge they're copying, and many of them can be summoned at once. Duplicated Girlfriend), Reality Warping (Warps the surroundings of his fight with Boyfriend), Gravity Manipulation (Can make both himself and other objects float in the air, mimicking the absence of gravity), Spatial Manipulation (Squished both himself and Boyfriend at the end of their fight, without harming each other)

Technology Manipulation (Can manipulate TV screens to show images capable of affecting people's minds), Electricity Manipulation (Can keep technology running even without any power source), Mind Manipulation (Those who watch the TV broadcasts of Trallface will start to hear voices and have their mind twisted until they are left a smiling, brain-dead corpse. Trallface can use this ability without the need of a screen nearby, but it is much more potent with one, allowing him to nearly over Boyfriend's power nullification effects), Empathic Manipulation (Can force others to smile), Illusion Manipulation (Can create strong illusions and can even subconsciously manifest illusions when angry),

Physics Manipulation (Stairway can apply Troll Physics to the real world. Humorously faulty logic is applied literally, allowing impossible things to happen), Reality Warping, Toon Force, Water Manipulation (Can turn water into an oil-like substance capable of making those who enter in contact with it to fly), Oil Manipulation (Can create and cover people with oil at a distance, causing them to float in all kinds of water, including rain), Flight (Can fly in the rain by covering himself in oil), Magnetism Manipulation (Can control how magnetism works in order to use magnets in various ways, such as using them for automated, energy-free movement), possibly Death Manipulation (Can instantly kill enemies who are unable to defend themselves against its various powers)

Slime Manipulation (Can control a sort of slime oozing from his body, using it to weaken enemies), Statistics Reduction (Can temporarily make enemies more vulnerable to Trallface's effects, including making their power nullification effects less potent), Power Nullification (Can drastically weaken an enemy's power nullification for a while, even while Trallface himself is affected by it), limited Resistance to Power Nullification (Can power through Boyfriend's power nullification in order to physically attack him)

Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Can inflict chronic madness in his victims, eventually leading to death), Fear Manipulation (Can fill with fear those he look at), Power Nullification (Can reduce the effectiveness of an opponent's resistances to his abilities to its minimum, if they manage to completely nullify his attempts at affecting them)

Attack Potency: Human level, at least Street level through Derpy's Clone (Can pull harder on Boyfriend's healthbar than even Derpy's final form can), at least Small Building level through Reality Warping (Warps the reality of the arena his fight takes place in passively)

Speed: Normal Human with Supersonic reaction and combat speed (Should be comparable to Boyfriend and can keep up with him in a rap battle to the death)

Lifting Strength: Regular Human

Striking Strength: Human Class

Durability: Human level

Stamina: Unknown (Trollges are skeleton-like beings with seemingly no need for sustenance and without the ability to sleep, although itt is unknownn if they are able to get tired)

Range: Standard melee range, several meters with most abilities, tens of meters through reality warping

Standard Equipment: None

  • Can Create/Summon: Axe

Intelligence: Unknown (Appears to be able to talk, but nothing is known beyond that)

Standard Tactics: Trallface will usually cycle through his various clones in battle, using all of their abilities over the course of a battle

Weaknesses: Trollges are weak to Anti-Troll Proteins, which can nullify their powers and eventually kill them


-Created a warped area around himself in his fight against Boyfriend

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • TP Cells: Trollges are composed out of TP Cells, a special kind of cells that can resurrect dead beings and grant them strange, dangerous powers. Those cells given the infected individuals "voices" in their heads, coercing them to troll others and act out the famous incidents Trollges are known for. This infection can be spread to other beings through contact with Trollges. The exact methods of transmission is unknown, but unprotected individuals have been shown quickly getting corrupted at the mere presence of one. If the infected person is a Troll, they will eventually become another Trollge. Otherwise, the cells will mutate them into other, more unstable forms with similar, yet distinct properties. The Cells can also resurrect dead beings, if they encounter a dead body. However, even the will of a large enough group of people can force TP Cells to create a new manifestation of a deceased individual as a Trollge.
  • Clones: Trallface can create smaller copies of other Trollges, which assist him in his fights. These include Smiler, Stairway, Derpy and James Jacob. These copies have some of the abilities of the original. Trallface usually only summons one of them at a time, but he can also all of them at once if a fight goes on for long enough.
  • Technology Control: Trallface can control the output of every screen within a few meters of him. He usually uses this to act as a vessel for his mind manipulation powers, causing everyone who see the screen to smile uncontrollably until their minds die. This mind manipulation effect is extremely potent, being able to overpower Boyfriend's resistances at times. Even without any access to technology, he can still damage opponents psychologically and create strong illusions.
  • Troll Physics: Troll physics are a version of the laws of physics that follow a broken "logic". They are composed out of blatant misinterpretation of logic and natural laws in an humorous ways. Trallface can weaponize this logic, forcing it to apply to reality in order to create various effects. His main use of it is through an oil-like substance he can produce and apply to others. This special oil causes anything covered in it to fly uncontrollably when touching water of any kind, including water. This is usually fatal once the target falls back down. He can use it on himself, allowing him to fly freely under rain. He has also shown the ability to use magnets in unnatural ways, greatly increasing their potency.
  • Slime: Trallface produces a sort of slime that can affect those covered in it. Enemies covered in it will have the effect of their power nullification severely reduced for a time. As well, he can infuse an opponent with it, temporarily making them more vulnerable to all of Trallface's effects.
  • Paranoia: Trallface has the ability to inflict fear and madness into those around him. Simply by looking at someone, he can inflict them with long-lasting fear, going into madness and eventually leading to death. Trallface can modify the potency of his ability, sometimes merely forcing the opponent to run away, sometimes inflicting direct and intense insanity upon him sensing any sign of aggression. Those falling victim to his abilities might also suffer severe hallucinations.



Notable Victories:

Scooby-Doo (Avocado Animations) Scooby-Doo's Profile (Speed was equalized. Both were in-character and starts 18 meters apart, and Fight taken place inside of a office building)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
