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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
What is real and what is fiction? Fiction is anything that is invented by the human mind and does not exist in the real world. However, this also applies to virtual reality, which despite being similar to our world, is still fiction and everything that happens there stays there. However, what if the world we are in now is also a simple virtual illusion? With our minds deceiving us? In this case, our bodies in this world are avatars, and our real bodies are in the real world while we are in fiction, but how would we go about leaving the matrix and going to the real world?
~ Camille Simon.

The Throne of Heaven is a story created by Had3s1235, aka Helios103, which tells the story of a French man named Adrien Richard Delyon and his girlfriend Camille Simon Durand, where the two of them while investigating Adrien's past, discovered that he, in In reality, is an angel banished by God, prisoned in a human body.

Unlike the other work by Had3s1235, in the Throne of Heaven, Had3s used more creative freedom and changed the mythological context of their work a lot, instead of trying to fit them all into the Biblical context. This work also has a more mature plot, having more criticism and more inversion of values ​​in Biblical characters. The story is based on several other works by other authors, such as Hellblazer, American Gods, Supernatural, Devilman, Persona and Bastard!!.


The Throne of Heaven is one of the works created by Had3s1235, which follows the story of Adrien Richard Delyon, who suddenly woke up in an alley behind a bar, and when he got up he realized that he didn't remember anything that had happened before he woke up. He also realized that he had supernatural strength, and could easily knock another man down with a simple punch and break a wall with a kick. In search of the truth about his past, he ends up meeting a woman named Camille Simon Durand, a Gnoticist who ends up becoming Adrien's friend and later girlfriend. Together, the couple tries to unravel Adrien's past and eventually discover that he is more than a man, but an angel trapped in a human body, and that the world is on its countdown to its inevitable end.

Adrien is the angel Asbeel, who rebelled against his Creator, that is, the Judeo-Christian God, a thousands years ago and was imprisoned in a human body as punishment for his transgressions, and apparently whenever his host dies, he is sent to a new body, and this has probably happened countless times. The rebellion took place during the year approximately 4,000 BCE, when God ordered the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Asbeel along with his brothers and sisters, went against the attitude of their Lord, which resulted in their expulsion from Heaven, with them being cast down to Earth and imprisoned in physical vases.

Power of the Verse[]

The universe as we know it is divided into two spheres, as suggested by Plato. The sphere in which we live is the world of matter, where all of physics and its laws. Plato suggested that everything that exists in this world is just a shadow of what exists in the other realm, which is the spiritual realm, with the mind existing in this spirit world, what we would call the "real world", and our physical bodies being just prisons for our souls.
~ Camille Simon to Adrien Richard.

The human mind observes and interprets reality

The verse is based on the ancient religion called Gnosticism, which had the same philosophical views that Plato had of the universe, that the world is divided into two spheres, one being the material world, flawed, broken and imperfect, while the second sphere was the spiritual world, ineffable, invisible, unspeakable and perfect. Due to this, the verse has several powerful beings based on it, such as the Demiurge, who is the Biblical God, who is the ruler of the Multiverse and the creator of Heaven, Hell and Angels, existing simultaneously in all the worlds created by Him, remaining comfortably in the Low Multiverse level. Among these characters, there are also other gods scattered throughout Creation such as Zeus, Odin, Brahma, Zurvan, etc., who are just as powerful as the Christian God, with these entities constantly fighting each other to take control of the cosmos, which currently remains under the dominion of Yahweh.

Besides these, there are also other beings like the Angels, powerful beings of great power that were created by the Christian God to be his army. Among these beings is the Ruler of Light, Lucifer, the Morning Star, who rebelled against his creator long ago, being cast into Hell as punishment for trying to dethrone the Almighty. In Hell, Lucifer is trapped in ice, frozen from head to toe, unable to move or speak, with all of his manifestations on the physical plane being mere avatars of his true self. Even in Hell, there are also powerful beings like the Titans, who were imprisoned in Hell's ninth circle, Betrayal, as punishment for betraying Jupiter. Despite this, due to his current power, Lucifer is one of the most powerful entities in Creation, with even his avatars being equal or even superior to his creator, this being the main reason God keeps him imprisoned in Hell.

Regarding the lower levels of the verse, there are human beings, who in reality are much more powerful than they really appear, with their souls being true extra-dimensional entities capable of shaping reality itself, with all existing deities being fruits of their consciousness. However, after the God of Israel imprisoned human souls in fragile bodies of flesh and blood, locking them in a broken and fallen multiverse, humans became one of the weakest races in Creation, when ironically they were the origin of gods. Or as Jeremy Brown would say:

Then man made the gods in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.

Beyond the gods and beyond the entire Multiverse, there are the ineffable and perfect Aeons, who are the true creators of all existence, we believe they are an extradimensional race and bearers of high technology. The Aeons are the true creators of human beings, which is why they have so much power to the point of unconsciously creating entities of great power such as gods, angels, demons, etc. The world they live in is the metaphysical sphere, abstract and ideas, known as the World of Forms, which is considered the true world, with the multiverse where human beings inhabit being only a false, limited and imperfect world, despite also having good qualities.


Abrahamic Beings[]

  • Gadreel
  • Asbeel


Greek Beings[]

Paleolithic Beings[]

Nordic Beings[]

Egyptian Beings[]

Canaanite Beings[]

Japanese Beings[]









