“ | You think this is funny!? Is this a joke to you!? You're a murderer, that was a life you moron! Just because we're part plant you think our life isn't as valuable!? | „ |
~ The plant, to Will |
The Plant is one of the many assets of the company F.A.P.S, advertizing the Plant Pal. Differently from other assets, he actually appears in the video, and could be counted as a villain.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B
Name: The plant
Origin: Will Mcdaniel
Gender: Genderless
Age: Unknown
Classification: Sentient plant
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Small Size (Type 0 or 1)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Brutally beat Will to death)
Speed: Subsonic (Although it may appear as immobile, it was able to move to attack Will)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Overpowered Will Mcdaniel)
Striking Strength: Wall level
Durability: Wall level
Stamina: Average
Range: Below Standard Melee Range by sheer size
Standard Equipment: Plant Pal kit
Intelligence: Average, possibly Above Average (Was shown to understand how the Plant Pal works, and works to F.A.P.S. Could be one if not the sole creator of the Plant Pal)
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: