“ | Your blood is getting everywhere. This won't be fun to clean up. You see, some people call me a monster. But that's not even close to the half of it | „ |
Ben Fox is a highly prolific serial killer that goes by the name of "The Madison Headhunter", due to the only remains of his victims being their decapitated heads. He has a job as a Forensic Pathologist at a morgue, determining the cause of death for people. He uses his immense medical knowledge to reduce how much blood is made by a victim and the perfect way to kill them. He started killing after killing his own abusive parents. Afterwards, he felt as if killing was a sort of therapy for him to deal with the trauma his abusive parents gave him, and freqently does it to keep himself "sane."
After getting caught by his brother, his brother made a deal with him. If Ben used his knowledge as a serial killer to help catch other serial killers, he wouldn't report him & would keep him out of jail. And in exchange, James would let him kill some of the killers that he catches. Ben agreed to the terms, and would go onto assist James in hunting down killers, and would eventually turn James into a serial killer himself.
Powers And Stats[]
Tier: 9-C
Name: Ben Fox, Dr. Fox, The Madison Headhunter
Origin: Blood Pact
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Classification: Human, Forensic Pathologist, Serial Killer
Powers And Abilities:
- Peak Human Physical Characteristics
- Genius Intelligence
- Photographic Memory
- Enhanced Awareness & Information Analysis (Can notice even the slightest change in his environment, such as a slight shift in temperature, very slight changes in wind, and tiny changes in smell. He can use these factors to let him know if someone is hiding inside of a room simply by sniffing it and feeling the temperature, as well as use it to know if something in a room was moved even the smallest bit. Due to this superhuman awareness, he can instantly tell the locations of security cameras, if someone is moving around in the room and where, and even if something as small as a fly is flying around. He can also use this awareness to spot and clean up tiny drops of blood and get rid of any small pieces of evidence)
- Weapon Mastery (Is highly skilled with scalpals, knives, axes, and swords. Was a fencer in high school and college and knows how to skillfully throw knives)
- Skilled Martial Artist (Took various martial arts in college, such as Goju-Ryu and Taekwondo. Could take down skilled hitmen and FBI agents. Easily stomped a man that was a skilled boxer and MMA fighter)
- Pressure Points (Knows various pressure points on the human body due to his in-depth knowledge of human anatomy. Taught James how to preform a hold that can cause immense pain onto peoples backs and shoulders)
- Stealth Mastery (Can easily sneak up on his victims. Snuck into a prison, killed a man inside of it, and snuck out without getting spotted. Have snuck around entire platoons of cops and police dogs sniffing for him. Stated to be better at hiding and sneaking around than his brother)
- Acrobatics (Skilled at parkour and maneuvering through urban areas)
- Social Influencing (Deception; Could hide his lack of emotions and his killer urges for years, blending in with society for decades without anyone ever suspecting him of being a killer. Managed to decieve cops that had evidence of him being the Madison Headhunter that he was innocent, coming up with convincing lies and alibis on the spot. Tricked various FBI agents into not suspecting him and managing to even frame others for his killings. Coercion; Could blackmail Fransis into leaving the Madison Headhunter case and to leave his brother alone)
- Preparation (Many of his kills require extensive preperations)
- Sleep Manipulation (Via Chloroform & Knockout Gas)
- Poison Manipulation (Via Morphine Shots, Lethal Injections, Toxic Gasses, & RM8 Syringes)
- Acid Manipulation (Has access to various acids)
- Paralysis Inducement (Via the RM8 drug, he can paralyze people while keeping them alive. He can administer this drug through force feeding them a pill or through an injection)
- Light Manipulation (Made a flashing lightbulb that flashes in a pattern that can make people have seizures)
- Resistance to Airborne Gasses (Via Gasmask)
Attack Potency: Street level (Often kills his victims via decapitating them. Cut a man in half with a single slash. Can overpower hitmen and police officers that can injure his brother. Cracked a mans skull with a single punch. Floored a criminal larger than himself with a kick. Easily defeated a man that was a boxer and MMA fighter. Threatened to kill "The Watcher" by beating him to death with his bare hands, with The Watcher being strong enough to casually shatter windows and kick open doors. Could rip out his fathers tounge with his bare hands as a teenager. Bit a man hard enough to break his collar bone)
Speed: Peak Human (Scalable to his brother, who can fight with multiple people at once and skilled hitmen. Could dodge attacks from a skilled MMA fighter, with most MMA fighters being able to punch at 25 - 30 mph. Runs frequently and can easily catch up with people that had gotten a large head start on him)
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Could wrestle with a hitman that can easily snap necks. Scalable to his brother who can overpower killers that can snap necks. Can easily lift several dead bodies at once)
Striking Strength: Street level
Durability: Street level (Can withstand attacks from hitmen & FBI agents. Took a decent sized fall without any injury. Got his head slammed against laminated glass hard enough to crack it and was mostly uneffected. Can survive punches from criminals far bigger than him)
Stamina: Peak Human (Uneffected by multiple full powered punches from men bigger than him, still being able to move around and fight at highly efficent levels. Can hold his breath for 15 minutes. Claims that he can properly operate for an entire week off of only 30 minutes of sleep. Works out daily and can run several miles at high speeds without difficulty)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Syringes & Melee Weapons, Tens of Meters with Gasses
Standard Equipment:
- Knife: A large butchers knife Ben can use to gut people
- Axe: Ben's main weapon, he is very skilled with his axe and often uses it in combat
- Scalpals: Has access to scalpals that he often uses to disect & kill people
- Chloroform: Often keeps a hidden bottle of chloroform & a rag on him to knock out serial killers of interest
- RM8 Pill & Syringe: Pills and syringes of RM8 that can paralyze people while still keeping them awake. Although the syringe is fast acting, it does have a risk of killing a person if all of it is injected at once. The pill is slower acting, typically taking several minutes, but will paralyze people without killing them
Optional Equipment:
- Katana
- Machete
- Knockout Gas: Has access to anestetics. By slightly manipulating the chemical composition, he can use it as a sleeping gas that can be inhaled without the need of a mask that can knock people out quickly
- Toxic Gasses: With time to prepare, Ben can make poisonous gasses he can use to instantly poison people
- Acid: Has access to a variety of acids that can dissolve humans
- Morphine Shots: Syringes filled with toxic levels of morphine that he can inject into people to kill them
- Lethal Injections: Stolen vials of poisonous syringes used to inject death row inmates that can kill people very quickly
- Seizure Bulb: A lightbulb that, when activated, can cause people that look directly at it to have a seizure
- Gas Mask: A stolen gas mask that can protect from various airborne gasses, such as knockout gas, poisonous gas, and tear gas
Intelligence: Genius (Is considered the smartest character in the entire series, only rivaled by Agent Hunter. Graduated top of his class in medical school and instantly got a career as a high-level Forensic Pathologist, which often takes over 13 years for people to do. He can use this immense knowledge of medicine to make surgical cuts on his victims that are perfectly made to reduce blood splatter and kill them in the most painful way possible. He manufactured the RM8 pills & syringes, altered the chemical composition of various anestetics to make bioweapons out of them, and was able to make various high-powered poisonous gasses. Has vast knowledge in psychology, being able to perfectly predict how others will think. He can exploit his expertice in psychology to easily manipulate people and blend in as a normal member of society, as well as come up with convincing lies on the spot and lie his way out of alligations for him being a murderer. He was also able to use his knowledge in psychology to diagnose his brother and find a way to help him get over their childhood trauma, something which even some of the most skilled therapists were completely unable to do for James. Got away with his killings for over a decade, with his case being considered one of the hardest possible cases to crack, with even the FBI & CIA being completely unable to solve it. Leaves vitually no evidence in his murders and considers his craft as being perfect. Broke into and out of a prison to kill a man without getting caught. Came up with a plan to blackmail Fransis into giving up the Madison Headhunter case without exposing himself as The Madison Headhunter. After James got his assistance in tracking down other criminals, James was considered the single greatest detective in the state. Ben was also able to solve cases that were considered impossible to solve for several decades and solved several cold cases that even the best detectives had trouble solving, though he did have James' assistance. James has also stated that if Ben had decided to become a homicide detective instead, he probably would've been the best one in the country. With a single glance of a photo of a decapitated head, Ben was able to instantly come up with a plan to catch a copycat killer of himself, which ended up working. Ben has also shown himself to have deep understanding of various other subjects, such as chemistry, physics, art, literature, philosophy, and mechanics. Has a photographic memory, letting him memorize a 19 digit code with a glance and refer back to it over 2 months later. Is a very skilled martial artist, being able to take down those far stronger than him with skill alone. Is stated multiple times to be smarter than his brother and that he still considers James "the dumber one" between the 2 of them)
Standard Tactics: Ben will often end up finding a way to sedate his victim, whether it be through the RM8 pill/syringe or another way to knock them out. Once they're knocked out, he'll preform his kill ritual on them. Although he prefers to preform the kill ritual to help him deal with his former trauma, he is willing to kill in other ways if he deems it nessecary, such as poisoning or using his instruments to kill them right then and there.
- Kill Ritual: Ben found that in order to deal with his childhood trauma, he kills his victims in specific ways. He ties them to either a tree or a table, then he chops of their head with either an axe, katana, or machete. He then cuts out the tounge & hearts of his victims, eats the heart and stores the tounge in a collection, before cremating the body and putting the ashes into the persons mouth before sending it down a random river.
Weaknesses: If he fails to kill someone in his very specific Kill Ritual way for an extended period of time, he will become immensely depressed and irratic. Hates violence against animals, though he is willing to do it if needed
Notable Victores:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: