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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Will McDaniel - The Lock Down Buddy w8Qj6Kezmg0 - 942x530 - 0m34s -removebg-preview


The Lockdown Buddy is one of the latest products made by the company who made the Break-Up Buddy and the Plant Pal.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Lock Down Buddy

Origin: Will Mcdaniel

Gender: Genderless

Age: Varies (Is a species)

Classification: Biologically created buddy

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Hammerspace (Able to spit out things like food, toilet paper and face masks), Biological Manipulation (Able to create clones of real people), Creation (Creates different materials), Natural Weaponry (Sharp teeth), Flight (Seen here)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Comparable to Will Mcdaniel)

Speed: Subsonic (Kept up with Will)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Likely comparable if not stronger than Will)

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Food cans, hand sanitizer, face mask

Intelligence: Average (Able to dance and understand human language)

Weaknesses: They seem to rather try to help people rather than fight, as they are not aggressive at all


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
