FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


The Keyword Is Try is the elected name of a D&D campaign ran in D&D 5e. The Campaign started in November of 2022 and has been continuing ever since. It is DMed by Reximusmaximus and played by a small group of his friends.

The players are all prophesied to be the saviors of the world, stopping an ancient cult from summoning Vecna in order to swallow the material universe, with the cult members being promised infinite power in the new swallowed realm. The players slowly uncover the truth about the supposed prophesy, and slowly realize that they were a last ditch effort from a fraud wizard to save the world. The story is still unfinished.


Arcane Sigil

Arcane: Arcane is an energy that flows throughout all of the material plane. Some people have a close connection to this energy, and can harness it in the form of Magic. Many people and creatures are born with a connection to magic. Others gain a connection through study and practice. And others gain a connection by making an agreement with a powerful being to serve them. Those with a closer connection to the arcane energy can draw more of the energy, allowing them to use more powerful spells and abilities. Those from the lower and higher planes use "Lesser Arcane" and "Greater Arcane", which function simularly to standard arcane. Due to magic being channeled arcane, magic can interact with and harm spirits with no physical form. Although there are pieces of technology that do mimic the effects of magic, it doesn't utilize arcane, and simply only mimics the effects using advanced science.

Ki: Ki functions simularly to arcane, though instead of using the energy around them, they use the energy from inside of their souls. They can harness this energy to increase their physical stats, pain tolerance, skill, and abilities. Although not as versitile as standard magic, it is just as powerful and can make its users just as strong

Souls: Every being in the verse has a soul. Often times this soul possesses a physical body and is incapable of leaving. However, if the physical body is killed, the soul will become free. Souls of those who were bad in their life are dragged to the Lesser plane. Those who were good in their life are dragged to the Greater Plane. More stubborn souls can often stay in the material plane, where they can go onto become ghosts, spirits, or ghouls. Those whose souls are astral projected enter the asteral plane, a mirror multiverse that lays on top of the material plane that can only be interacted with by living souls.

Power of the Verse[]

Although the story is not complete, the verse still has plenty of powerful characters, items, and abilities that rival many other fantasy verses. Much of the verse, including the main party, falls around Building Level. This would be the tiering for decent spellcasters, highly trained warriors, and most larger animals, such as Griffins and Remorhaz. Characters can go as low as Human Level, as many humans in the verse are as strong as real humans, and some more powerful spell casters and Ki users can reach up to City Block Level. Most larger and more dangerous creatures, like dragons and krakens, can rival these powerful spellcasters and can even surpass them, with some dragons reaching into the Mountain Level range. Extremley powerful beings like Beholders and powerful magical items can reach up to Island level. And the most powerful items in the multiverse can threaten the multiverse, with godlike beings scaling even higher than this.

There are many civilizations, cults, and criminal organizations that control large chunks of the world and have access to extremley powerful technology and magic and rival the power of real life countries.

Most of the verse falls around Transonic due to frequent feats of dodging gunfire and arrows.


Calculation Blog






Main Party[]

  • White Liver
  • John Shmon

The Treasuer Seekers[]






Cult of Cthulu[]

  • Obheb

Cult of Kantov[]

  • Jimmy Fenol
  • Johnny Fenol
    • Jimmy & Johnny's "Waist Disposal"


  • Dave The Wonderful Wizard


  • Tyrannosaurus Rex


  • Hill Giant
  • Stone Giant
  • Frost Giant
  • Fire Giant
  • Cloud Giant
  • Storm Giant


  • Red Dragons
  • Blue Dragons
  • Green Dragons
  • Black Dragons
  • Copper Dragons
  • Golden Dragons


  • The Campaign was played in D&D 5e
  • This is the first campaign Reximusmaximus has DMed, and the first game of D&D each party member has ever played
  • This is only the characters that have had profiles made of them. Far more creatures and NPCs will be added later