“ | In the beggining, there was The Great Cat, who was born alone from chaos. She saw herself alone in the middle of the void, and was saddened, for there was no one to accompany her. ...?
„ |
~ The Creation of Creation |
The Great Cat is a mysterious entity worshipped by many relatively obscure religions and Catlanders across the planet of Catland, being usually depicted as The Godhead, who emerged from the primordial chaos that predated all that exists, and gave birth to 10 Children, who together, form the entirety of existence
Although slight differences exist between each depiction of her, she is often shown as a motherly figure, caring deeply for her children and being very pacific, almost never interfering with "cat affairs", and normally sending avatars of her children to resolve such things
Name: Unknown
Aliases: The Great Cat, "Gawd", "Most High Gawdess", "The Gawdhead", "The High One", "Mother Cat", "The Apeiron", "The Arche", "The Spark" and numerous other titles
Origin: Catland
Gender: Innaplicable. Though appears and is refered as Female
Age: Older than time
Classification: Primordial Cat Goddess
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: High 2-A
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 5), Regeneration (Mid-Godly, likely High-Godly), Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Reality Warping, Chaos Manipulation, Order Manipulation, Void Manipulation (Can erase someone across space and time, in every plane of existence, and the very duality of Existence and Nonexistence is an extension of her will), Creation, Destruction, Probability Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Non-Corporeal, Gravity Manipulation, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Nigh-Omniscience, Magic, Energy Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Power Nullification, Clairvoyance (Watches over all of creation across time and space), Transduality (Transcends Eosphorus and Erebus, who are the duality of all creation)
Attack Potency: High Multiverse level+ (Existed before Time and Space, in the chaos that predated creation. Gave birth to 10 Children from her immortal soul, with each one of them being an aspect of reality, that when unified, form the entirety of The Meta-World[1], and yet, they are considered mere aspects and extensions of her will; and she transcends her children to the point of being stated to be in a higher level of reality compared to them)
Speed: Omnipresent (All possible ideas - which includes Duality itself - are nothing but minor aspects and extensions of The Godheads will, and her "being" lies in a state of "Sovereignty", existing as an utterly incomprehensible "thing" beyond all definition and understanding, which transcends all of Existence and Nonexistence, and yet permeates through both of them)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable
Striking Strength: High Multiversal+
Durability: High Multiverse level+
Stamina: Infinite
Range: High Multiversal+
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient. Watches over all of creation across time and space, and one of her children, which are all part of herself, is the source of all knowledge and intelligence, although such concepts are likely meaningless to The Godhead
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ The Meta-World is a term used to refer to The Aether, an infinite and innefable realm, completely beyond the horizon of time and space, and the boundaries of matter and energy