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The Gambler


The Gambler, classified as a human entity, is a six feet tall athletic male who is believed to be around his 40s.

He wears clothing resembling what a formal butler would typically be seen wearing alongside a white fox mask which hides his true identity.

While in no way the strongest known entity, The Gambler has instead shown himself as highly persuasive, being capable of persuading others throught the use of manipulation and gaslighting.

Notably, his most prominent attribute is his unhealthy need to gamble with his own life and those of others.

Carrying numerous dangerous items concealed on his person, The Gambler will persuade those he is currently interacting with to play one of his game, if one were to refuse, The Gambler has shown to grow uncharacteristically angry, to the point of beating them to death through the use of his walking cane.

If one were to accept, they will enter one of The Gambler's numerous games, one that if they lose, will also result in their life being ended.

All in all, The Gambler, despite being merely human, shouldn't be taken lightly, as his compulsive need to play with his life has made him someone who does not fear death, nor does he fear taking a life for his twisted games.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (The Gambler is a man who only lives for the thrill of a gamble. He has shown enjoying watching his victim panic as they realized that their life would soon be ended)

Name: The Gambler

Origin: Monstrosity

Gender: Male

Age: early 40s

Classification: Human

Weight: 80 kilograms

Height: 1.82 meters

Eye Color: Unknown

Hair Color: Salt and pepper

Status: Alive

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-A, 9-C with weapons

Powers and Abilities: Genius Intelligence, Non-Physical Interaction and Extrasensory Perception (Any living being within Monstrosity is capable of seeing and interacting with ghost), Subjective Reality and Power Bestowal (The collective beliefs of humanity have the power to reshape reality as they see fit, whether that be by unintentionally creating monsters such as Cursed Gaming through their perceptions of Internet celebrities being corrupted by the crime of doxxing or even bestowing powers to others as seen with the likes of Mademoiselle Papillon who gained her ability throught the myths and symbolism surrounding butterflies), Social Influencing (Charisma: The Gambler is a highly persuasive man, being capable of persuading people into playing dangerous games such as russian roulette through the mere use of his words, was capable of making a teenager risk the life of his younger brother through manipulation and gaslighting, was often described as charming and having an alluring aura to him which made people more willing to trust him), Weapon Mastery (The Gambler has shown great accuracy with a knife while performing the knife dance, was never once seen stabbing himself despite his incredible increase in speed, has also shown incredible accuracy in using them for knife throwing, never once hitting a teenager's younger brother despite even blinding himself, has shown highly skilled using his walking cane in combat), Supernatural Luck (Despite having played numerous games of russian roulettes, even with his revolver loaded with 5 bullets, The Gambler was never seen shooting himslef, never poisoned himself despite playing numerous games of poisonous mix, showing that the Gambler has incredible amount of luck), Poison Manipulation (With poisonous drinks)

Attack Potency: Athlete level (The Gambler is described as a 6 feet tall athletic man who is able to easily overpower and greatly harm cheaters with his fists alone.), Street level with weapons (The Gambler has beaten cheaters to death with his cane in the past. knives and guns are naturally at this level)

Durability: Athlete level

Striking Strength: Athlete Class

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (The Gambler is a highly athletic man being capable of fairly easily overpowering others)

Travel Speed: Athletic Human (The Gambler is described as swift and is capable of performing the knife dance so fast people have a hard time keeping track of the knife)

Combat Speed: Athletic Human

Reaction Speed: Athletic Human

Stamina: Athletic (The Gambler is described as having an athletic shape)

Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee with walking Cane, Several Meters by throwing knives, Hundreds of Meters with his Colt Detective Special

Intelligence: Genius (The Gambler is a highly manipulative man, being capable of persuading a teenger to risk the life of his younger brother through manipulation and gaslighting. He has high skill in numerous knife related games such as the knife dance or knife throwing, being capable of doing both blindfolded. He is also believed to be an ex poker champion who had grown bored of being undefeated and is capable of telling when someone is cheating in one of his games)

Standard Equipment[]

Walking Cane: A regular walking cane which the Gambler is seen walking around with. It is sturdy enough to beat cheaters to death with and it's fritz handle has often been used to trip others.

Knives: A numerous amount of knives that the Gambler has on hand, they are used for the knife dance and knife throwing.

Colt Detective Special: A Colt Detective Special that the Gambler has concealed in his inside jacket pocket. It used for russian roulette.

Poisonous Drinks: A collection of drinks with some filled with poison, they are used during the poisonous mix game.


Standard Tactics: The Gambler will persuade his opponent into playing a dangerous game in which they have a high chance to harm themsleves or die. If one were to cheat in or leave the game before it has ended, the Gambler will kill his target using his walking cane by beating them to death or skillfully stabbing them with one of his numerous knives

Weaknesses: If someone was to beat him in a game, The Gambler will be pleased and leave the target alone. The Gambler will enter an uncharacteristic fit of rage should one refuse his game.

Notable Games:[]

  • Knife Dance: The knife dance is a game wherein, placing the palm of one's hand down on a table with fingers apart, using a knife (such as a pocket or pen knife), or other sharp object, one attempts to stab back and forth between one's fingers, trying not to hit one's fingers. The Gambler has shown high skill while blindfolded while going at speeds where people have a hard time following
  • Knife Throw: A game only played when the Gambler's target is accompanied by another person. The game is simply throwing knives around the person's body to hit targets which grants them a number of points.
  • Russian Roulette: Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game of chance in which a player places a single round in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against the head or body (of the opponent or themselves), and pulls the trigger.
  • Poisnous Mix: A game in which the Gambler mixes around drinks that are and aren't poisnous and each player must now drink a glass till one of the player ends up dying of poisoning.

Battle Records[]

Notable Victories:

John Kramer (Saw) John Kramer's profile (Both were 10-A, Both were aware of the other's reputation and they started 5 meters apart. Speed was equalized)

MrBeast (Avocado Animations) MrBeast's Profile (Both were 10-A and Speed wad Equalized. The Gambler had his walking cane and MrBeast had his drill. Both knew of the other's reputation)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
