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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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The Fan (Monstrosity)


The Fan, classified as a human entity is five foot and six inches highschool student.

He wears the school uniform of a nationally acclaimed private highschool alongside a wolf mask which hides his true identity.

The Fan, as his name implies is greatly fond of the entity known as The Gambler, and wishes to be just like him, he however lacks the charm or luck of the latter making it harder for him to operate in the same manner.

However, one should not underestimate him, due to sheer will of becoming just like The Gambler, The Fan is known for surviving and even healing (Altought the timeframe is unknown) from wounds that would naturally kill ordinary people.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (The Fan wishes nothing more than to be like The Gambler, a man who lives merely for the thrill of a gamble and taking the lives of others through his twisted games.)

Name: The Fan

Origin: Monstrosity

Gender: Male

Age: in his teens

Classification: Human

Weight: 62 kilograms

Height: 1,73 meters

Eye Color: Unknown

Hair Color: chocolate brown

Status: Alive

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-B, 9-C with weapons

Powers and Abilities: Subjective Reality and Power Bestowal (The collective beliefs of humanity have the power to reshape reality as they see fit, whether that be by unintentionally creating monsters such as Cursed Gaming through their perceptions of Internet celebrities being corrupted by the crime of doxxing or even bestowing powers to others as seen with the likes of Mademoiselle Papillon who gained her ability throught the myths and symbolism surrounding butterflies), Non-Physical Interaction and Extrasensory Perception (Any living being within Monstrosity is capable of seeing and interacting with ghost), Social Influencing (Charisma: While The Fan lacks The Gambler's persuasive skill, he has shown himself able to convince some weak willed people to play his games), Weapon Usage (The Fan is capable of using knives and a Glock pistol, altought he isn't all too skilled at handling them), Supernatural Willpower and Immortality (Resilient Immortality: Due to his will of becoming just like The Gambler, The Fan has the supernatural ability of shrugging things that would normally kill humans, such as bullets to the head, poisoning or even being stabbed in the stomach.), Regeneration (Mid over time; The Fan is capable of healing from bullets to the brain in an unknown timeframe), Poison Manipulation (With poisonous drinks), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (The Fan is capable of drinking lethal poisons and only suffer mild stomach aches)

Attack Potency: Human level (The Fan is physically nothing more than a regular teenager), Street level with weapons (The Fan carries knives and a Glock pistol on him which are at this level.)

Durability: Human level, Immortality and Supernatural Willpower makes him hard to put down

Striking Strength: Human Class

Lifting Strength: Average Human

Travel Speed: Athletic Human (Even when wounded, The Fan is capable of outrunning police officers)

Combat Speed: Athletic Human

Reaction Speed: Athletic Human

Stamina: Superhuman (The Fan is able to shrug off blows that should typically leathl to humans and still have enough energy to run away from police officers)

Range: Standard Melee, Several Meters by throwing knives, Tens of Meters with his Colt Detective Special

Intelligence: Above Average (The Fan is part of a nationally acclaimed private highschool which do not accept students unless their grades are up to their standards, he however does not particularly standout within it)

Standard Equipment[]

Knives: A numerous amount of kitchen knives that The Fan has on hand, they are used for the knife dance and knife throwing.

Glock pistol: A Glock pistol that belongs to The Fan's father. It used for russian roulette.

Poisonous Drinks: A collection of drinks with some filled with poison, they are used during the poisonous mix game.


Standard Tactics: The Fan will try and persuade his opponent to play one of his game, if this fails, he will instead attempt to stab his opponent.

Weaknesses: The Fan lacks the persuasive skill of The Gambler which as often leads to his would be victim either running away or give them a chance to take him by surprise while he believes he successfully charmed them and he isn't quite skilled in his own game and thus often harms himself in the process of playing them.

Notable Games:[]

  • Knife Dance: The knife dance is a game wherein, placing the palm of one's hand down on a table with fingers apart, using a knife (such as a pocket or pen knife), or other sharp object, one attempts to stab back and forth between one's fingers, trying not to hit one's fingers.
  • Knife Throw: A game only played when The Fan's target is accompanied by another person. The game is simply throwing knives around the person's body to hit targets which grants them a number of points.
  • Russian Roulette: Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game of chance in which a player places a single round in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against the head or body (of the opponent or themselves), and pulls the trigger.
  • Poisnous Mix: A game in which The Fan mixes around drinks that are and aren't poisnous and each player must now drink a glass till one of the player ends up dying of poisoning.

Battle Records[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
