“ | You just won't give up, will you? Hahaha... Oh, <insert name here>, I like your style, I really do. I'm impressed | „ |
~ The Entity to <insert name here> |
“ | I enjoy seeing you suffer and I enjoy seeing <insert name here> suffer too. And if you think you can stop me, you have no idea. I could delete your entire fucking system and you wouldn't even realise. I'm not fucking around, <insert name here>. Just you wait and see | „ |
~ The Entity to Catto and <insert name here> |
“ | From the time he wakes up, to the time he goes to sleep. I will be there. Tormenting him. Whether it's pearls, or biscuits, or even gems. The torture is always the same. But now... I've grown bored of him, SO NOW I'LL TORTURE YOU INSTEAD! | „ |
~ The Entity to Catto |
“ | I've taken over many Phase worlds, Catto. I rule, and I torture. I destroy dreams. I create despair. And I LOVE doing it. But this is the first Phase world that has resisted my power and rule in such a manner. I'm at my wits end, Catto. I cannot claim this world... so I'll destroy everything in it instead. Bye-bye, <insert name here>! It was fun messing with a Real-worlder! | „ |
~ The Entity right before attempting to destroy Catto's world |
“ | Heh. That gives me plenty of time to finish you two off and destroy this world forever. | „ |
~ The Entity before his boss battle, also his last words before his exile |

The Entity is the main antagonist of the old games of the indie horror game series "Catto Boi".
He is a digital being whose only goal is to torment anybody that he pleases. Before the events of the games he had taken over countless universes before and destroyed them after getting bored of them, first tried to take over Catto Boi's world, murdering the inhabitants of the game over and over for his own twisted amusement, this is until the protagonist of the game, Catto, decides to defy the Entity's will to try to protect the player and his world, causing the Entity to try more and more desperately to kill the player and Catto, eventually shifting his goals from torturing Catto's world to outright destroying it and also killing the player, after Catto proves to be too hard to stop and another Entity called Minori appears to interfere in his plans.
At the end of the saga, he attempts to erase Catto's world one last time but is fortunately stopped after Minori manages to combine the Legendary Fragments, while Catto fends off the Entity, into a cat-shaped artifact that she then used to permanently exile the Entity away from Catto's dimension, thus saving the world and making everything in it go back to normal.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Low 2-C
Name: The Entity, Eternal, The Immortal, Eyes, Legendary Beast
Origin: Catto Boi
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Corrupted AI, Entity, Sadistic digital universe conqueror
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Small Size (Type 1. He's barely taller than Catto Boi, who's 1.5 feet tall), Fourth Wall Awareness, Immortality (Type 1, likely 2, and 3; Should most likely scale from Catto. Comparable to Catto, who could keep operating after being horribly mutilated by him. Managed to recover after the player erased his character file, which erased him from existence altogether), Reality Warping, Creation, Data Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Regeneration (Mid-Godly. Recovered from getting deleted), Possession (Has possessed Big Boi's body to torment Catto Boi in multiple ocassions), Dimensional Travel, Shapeshifting (He takes on many different forms across the series), Flight, Teleportation, Clairvoyance (He can see everything that happens inside the Phase Worlds he's on), Telekinesis (Struck down Violet without even touching her), Organic Manipulation (He can shoot internal organs as projectiles, ranging from hearts, to large blobs of blood to even entire skulls), Perception Manipulation (Can assault the player with creepy images at will, and can even use this during combat to block their view), Sound Manipulation (Can scream infinitely loud), possibly Immersion (Claimed to have trascended the game and reached the real world at the end of the second game, however this was possibly a lie from him)
Attack Potency: Universe Level+ (Has taken complete control over countless Phase Worlds, being capable of warping them to his liking and even being capable of destroying them completely. Can fight, overpower and sometimes even kill other fellow Entities, such as Catto Boi, Minori or Violet, who are also capable of warping the reality of Phase Worlds), can negate conventional durability with his control of reality (Can delete characters out of existence, corrupt other characters' data, etc)
Speed: Immeasurable (Can travel across Phase Worlds. Could still move around after erasing Catto's Phase World from existence, reducing it to a void with no time or space. Could keep up with Catto Boi in a fight)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Universal+ (Can grieviously harm Catto Boi with his strikes. One-shotted Violet)
Durability: Universe Level+ (Can tank the destruction of an entire Phase World. Tanked multiple hits from Catto Boi)
Stamina: High
Range: Universal
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Gifted (He's an experienced universal conqueror that has taken over countless phase worlds in the past with little to no resistance from its inhabitants, being capable of masterfully warping them to his will into nightmarish hellish places to torment the players and the in-game characters. Managed to trick Minori into entering the deepest part of his base to trap her inside an inescapable limbo. Could bypass his own limitation of being unable to alter newly-created data to track down Violet's hiding spot. Even despite having no prior combat experience, he still fought Catto Boi pretty well)
Weaknesses: He's extremely wrathful
- Although the events of games like Trouble In Love Land aren't canon to the game's main storyline, certain details from them like character's personalities and bits of worldbuilding still apply to canon, so they are still being counted.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: