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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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The Ark Collection, also known as ARK, GRIMARK, The Legend of Grimark, Tale of a Cruel World, or Ark: Roleplay, is a dark fantasy collaborative writing and roleplay setting created and hosted by Phoenks. First conceived of in early 2020, the series officially began on April 30th, 2020. Unlike most conventional stories, the Ark Collection is not about one particular character or plotline. Instead, as the name would infer, it is a collective of stories that surround a vast array of protagonists, most notably those known as Reincarnates—beings who have traversed from other worlds, possessing so much will that they ignored the end of their existence and transcended the boundaries of life and death, forcefully rebirthing themselves into the world of Ark, where they are destined to bring forth an everlasting change. The Ark itself is a fascinating place—a planet of pure dark fantasy where there's always monsters, villains, and countless other powers of evil waiting around every corner. No matter where you go, there is no escape from the violence and cruelty that exists, omnipresent throughout this reality. It leaves our protagonists with many paths to go down; an endless labyrinth of possibilities.

Deeper than that, at its very core, the Ark Collection as a verse is a narrative device used by its participants as an escape from reality. A place where we can demonstrate and realize our ideas and desires freely, without limitations, testing the scope of our creativity and furthering our capability for writing. Above all, we use it to create stories that we enjoy. And because of that, its existence has affected all of our lives greatly, bringing us together in ways that are hard to put into words. From the outside looking in, Ark is, without question, a strange and obtuse verse—one with many characters and concepts that many would find offensive, vulgar, and unacceptable. However, to those of us who have participated in its creation over the years, Ark is a beautiful place that allows us to express ourselves in ways we usually could not. I hope that for this reason, you can at least respect it for what it means to us.

Genres included are: Dark Fantasy, Grimdark, Action, Adventure, Science Fantasy, Metafiction, Romance, Ecchi, Psychological, Xianxia

That being said, the Ark Collection is a grim, disturbing, and edgy series that contains many adult themes. I repeat, there is an abundance of sexual, violent, and graphic content. You have been warned!


Movement speed:

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In the Ark Collection, the soul is a fundamental part of what it means to exist; an integral part of the being, representing the "Form of Self"[1]—a unique and personal concept that governs and defines every aspect of who you are. The soul is embedded with the fundamental information that emanates and shapes every facet and property of your existence, including your behaviors, traits, roles, personality, dreams—everything is a resultant of the soul. It is the foundation of all perception and purpose—your truth. Your truth is the realest substance of your identity, transcending the mere imitation of you represented by its physical shadow.[2]

Your soul resides in the Spiritual Aspect (Otherwise known as a the "World Soul" / "Anima Mundi") of the Universe, being a metaphysical, ethereal, and abstract form representing your truest sense of self, unlimited by physicality. It is a spiritual "shape," connected to the Physical Aspect through the Spirit Roots—metaphysical channels that run throughout the entirety of your being, interconnecting the soul, mind, and body alike. These Spirit Roots act like circuits, transferring energy and intelligence between these aspects and harmonizing them into one, unified whole.

This connection to the World Soul allows your soul to interact with mana, which pervades all reality. The soul naturally attracts and absorbs mana constantly to sustain itself. Mana is crucial for the soul’s existence and influences every trait and characteristic of your being. Without mana, the soul would weaken and eventually vanish, leading to the end of your existence. Therefore, using magical abilities excessively can be particularly dangerous.

The soul also generates its own life energy, known as prana, which is delivered to the body through the Spirit Roots in order to sustain the life of the physical form. Without the presence of lifeforce/prana, the body will die. Eventually, all mortal souls lose the capacity to produce a great enough quantity of prana. The amount of time this takes is known as your lifespan. Once the body dies, the soul will be left alone to be reabsorbed by the world and recycled into the natural order of life and death.

Every soul possesses an inherent connection to the System of the Ark Collection and is embedded with Source data that determines the specific systematic and systemic aspects and characteristics of an individual. This includes the various game-like mechanics such as statistics, skills, and traits. Properties of your character, like your species and personal techniques, are encoded in this Source data, which adapts based on the System's responses to your actions. For example, the strength statistic is increased in response to fighting and training.


At the core of the soul is the mind, a cognitive device utilized to perceive the world, formulate ideas, store recollection, and drive change. It is the source of consciousness, being the ability of a living being to be aware and observant of its surroundings, differentiating qualities of existence from others. Perception is the capacity of the mind to absorb and interpret information, coming to conclusions about phenomena based on its internal and innate processes. Once information has been obtained by the mind, it becomes a part of the recollection—the memories of the soul.

The mind is the driving force behind your actions, responsible for the strongest property of existence—willpower. Willpower is the force of change, being the literal essence of causality, progress, and interaction—responsible for every thought, impulse, and action. It is the reason anyone is capable of doing anything at all, fueling the desire to continue through time and become more than what you are. Through willpower, even the truth of the world can be changed, allowing for the alteration of fundamental information contained in the soul, and potentially even the Source and System itself. It has no definable limitations.

As the soul is connected to the Spiritual Aspect, the mind is connected to and capable of accessing the Imaginary—drawing from a boundless expanse of forms to conceptualize new thoughts and ideas, mirroring the abstract possibilities as visualizations within itself. By harnessing the essence of imagination, the mind is given new values and information it can utilize to change the world through will and spirit. While anyone is capable of imagination, it is ultimately comprehension that determines the merit of visualization. Those with a greater ability to understand the ideas they conceptualize are much better at using them than others.


The body is the projection of the soul in physical form—a "shadow" emanating from your truth. The nature of your "truth," at the beginning of the soul's birth, is first determined by your heritage and the System itself, which guides the creation of your physical avatar—setting limits for your appearance and characteristics. It is within these boundaries that the soul then deliberately chooses its own form, down to every cell and atom. In this way, you can be assured that the way you appear is exactly the way your soul is—an emanation of your inner identity.

However, it is a common occurrence that the mind comes to disagree with what your truth is; a collision of your subjective beliefs, desires, and your objective existence. The only way to overpower the objective is through willpower, which has the capacity to overwrite and change the soul's information, literally altering what is true about yourself. Through willpower, it is possible to change who and what you are, aligning yourself with what you believe.

The body acts as a physical avatar sustained by the soul and operated by the mind, allowing you to interact with the world. Outside information is absorbed through the body's sensory devices and transferred through the Spirit Roots linked to the mind, facilitating perception. As mentioned before, change is driven by willpower, which is what animates and empowers the body. The capabilities of the avatar are directly dependent on and determined by the soul, which contains Source code that changes in response to the System's reactions to different phenomena. For example, when you partake in a developing stimuli, such as physical training, the soul absorbs such information and the System responds to it by increasing your EXP levels—potentially leading to the level-up of certain statistics.

The body is a living thing that requires prana (existential life-energy) to remain in working condition. Prana is generated passively by the soul and delivered to the body by Spirit Roots, sustaining its existence. Once the soul is incapable of producing a sufficient amount of prana, the body will slowly wither away, resulting in the typical senescence. Certain species possess longevity as a result of their souls producing an exceptional amount of prana, while others are stripped of their mortality entirely, disconnected from the normal cycle of life and death.


Essence is the intrinsic and existential "nature" of all qualities that assembles everything that is, including all physical, spiritual, mental, and otherwise abstract objects. It is the simplest, most quintessential, and fundamental building block of existence—composing even forms, concepts, and ideas themselves. It could be described as the "what-ness" of something—the unique, indivisible, indestructible, monad-like form of a being that cannot be broken down to anything simpler. It defines what it means to be.

Think of it as being the final and ultimate answer you arrive at when reducing something down through the question of "What?" For example, if you were to ask "What is water?" the answer would be "Oxidane" or "H2O." If you then asked "What is Oxidane/H2O?" you would explain the molecules and atoms that make it up. Eventually, going down that same path, you would end up explaining the entire reasoning behind the physics of the universe, so on and so forth. Essence goes even deeper—projecting infinitely downwards until you reach the base level of existence, where things can only be described by what they simply "are," at their core. An example of this would be the form of a triangle, or "triangle-ness," which is the perfect characteristic of a triangle, representing the very ideal of the shape. Essence dictates the inherent reason, function, purpose, and perception of something—down to every attribute. To manipulate the Essence is to change the very nature and quality of reality.

Essence encompasses the mind, body, and soul, transcending their individuality and fusing them into a singular, harmonious unit known as the Ousia—the "true being" of a person. It could be considered your "Universal Whole." Altering this essential entity effectively alters every part of you simultaneously. The Essence and Ousia are properties of Imagination, which exist in a higher-layer of the Universe beyond both physicality and spirituality.

However, Essence is not absolute. There are endless extensions of the concept that exist within the Ark Collection's narrative. Every essence has a preceding form—"the essence of essence," which acts as the "what-ness" of the "what." It continues on forever, with there being an "essence of essence of essence," "essence of essence of essence of essence," so on and so forth—eventually arriving at the Dao (Supreme Ultimate Reality), severing as the final, absolutely indivisible destination. An essence of "one" that envelopes all others.

Narrative Meta-Information[]

Narrative Meta-Information (Often shortened to "Narrative Information") is the framework of narration in the Ark Collection, taking the form of text. It could be considered the "words" on the pages that make up the Narrative—a meta-fictional construct that encompasses the entire story of the world, which is self-aware of its novel existence, being referred to as a "book." Narrative Meta-Information constructs nearly everything written through text, including all character actions, descriptions, dialogue, and author narration—with the only exceptions being those that transcend the Narrative in its entirety. Manipulation of the Narrative Meta-Information means the alteration of the story itself, literally changing the words that compose it.

Individual entities, objects, and characters have their own "files" of said information, which they are contained within. Character files are known as "Constants of Character," which contain all of the Meta-Information that defines what and who they are in regards to their character. For example, certain people, like Reincarnates, are given the label of "Protagonist," which allows them to passively influence and bend the fabric of the narrative itself. By affecting the Constant of Character, one could change what the System has to say about them, potentially adding or removing specific mechanics and Source Labels that currently limit or explain them. An example of this would be when MEGA's attacks on this level, which can remove Skills from others—the equivalent of the World Administrator deleting that ability from the world's coding.


The Source is the ultimate origin of reasoning in the Ark Collection. A property of the meta-fictional "System" that operates the entire world, it goes beyond "what-it-is-ness," being the "why-it-is-ness" that precedes and answers every existence in the story itself—including all of its Narratives; the Laws, Realms, and Essences contained within them; and every higher concept and form. If you were to ask "why something is what it is" the answer would be the Source.

Every object and entity has a Source. It contains data, known as the Source Code, which underlies every word of text in the story, making up the framework of meaning that acts the foundation to all Narrative Information. Without it, all texts and scripture would cease to exist, losing their inherent essence and reverting to nothingness. There is no more fundamental, deeper, or higher form of the Source, as it is simply the will of Stacy, the System itself, and the Administrator of the World, who is self-reasoning and self-sustaining—the writer, reader, and the book itself.

It is ultimately the Source that determines all rules that the Ark abides by, such as all the systematic, game-like properties and Laws that dictate it. Everything is contained within the Source. By changing or altering the Source, you are rewriting the Ark Collection on the level of an author, as though programming a game. It can be used to change everything about everything.


Mana is a spiritual, intangible, sacred lifeforce that runs through all beings within Ark, produced by not only the world but all those dependent on it. It is a logic-breaking substance of imagination. Originally thought to be only an intangible form of life energy, mana has progressively been evolved and weaponized by those who possessed it, forged into a tool to be utilized by anyone, an instrument known by most as magic.

Spirit Roots[]

Spirit Roots, sometimes known as mana channels, mana circuits, webs, or links, are the wires, which mana flows through within the bodies of all who live, acting as a pseudo-nervous system connected directly to both the mind and soul. They hold, produce, and project the spiritual energy of all things, and when used correctly, it is possible to convert this ethereal energy into the phenomenon known as magic. There are many kinds of mana that exist throughout different people. Some mana is chaotic, pure, or even deadly given who they exist in, as it is purely based on the host's soul and mind. Spirit Roots are not physical, but may be apparent on one's physical form.


Magic is the phenomenon produced when one exerts their Spirit Roots to the point of converting their latent spiritual energy into a power than can warp reality, often based upon whatever the user was imagining as they project it. It can be used to perform multiple different kinds of physics-breaking techniques, such as elemental manipulation, spatial manipulation, soul manipulation, and essentially anything else, as there are no limits to imagination. It is unknown who first created magic, but multiple theories exist, all of which involve a party miraculously uncovering the secrets of mana, and using these unconverted mysteries to their advantage, eventually finding ways to break the boundaries of the world, creating phenomena out of thin air. Since then, many people have also uncovered these secrets, and now, nearly everyone can utilize magic, given effort, time, and talent.


Referring to the denizens of the Ark Collection, "Arkane" is a term used to describe anyone who is born in the verse with sapience, whether that be a human or a demonic turtle.


Transmigrates originating from another universe who have died and resurrected in the Ark universe. It is explained in the introductions of Jin and Kim that Reincarnates are the result of a strong soul that has rejected death and broken free of the cycle of creation and destruction, ascending beyond the concepts themselves in hopes of reaching an eternal plane where they could remain forever alive and perfect. The souls that excel in doing so eventually come across an incomprehensible plane of God, where they are recognized for their spiritual journeys by the world administrator, Stacy. In acknowledgement of their sheer potential and spirit, Stacy offers the souls that have strayed so far from comprehension a new form in the lower plane of Ark, allowing them another chance at the life they sought to continue.


Nirvana, alternatively known as Enlightenment, is a state of being attained by those who have successfully liberated themselves from the restraints of the World. The means of attaining it differs from individual to individual, as both Tyrants, draconic entities who are Enlightened, and the Great Youkai, the rulers of the Summit who have attained Enlightenment and are called Sage, have different theories on how to attain it. However, the end result is always the same. In detail, it is described as a liberation of Self from Physical and Spiritual Limitations, attaining a state even greater than that of Zero Null, which is described as liberation of consciousness from Physical Action. Those who attained it are described by others as having become "deathless and infinite", though that is not wholly true, as Enlightened, whether they be the Demon Gods of Hell, the Sages of the Summit, or the Tyrants of Ark are still capable of being killed under the right circumstances.

In addition, those who are Enlightened attain a power known as Atman (真我の力しんがのちから Shinga no Chikara Lit. Power of True Self). It is the manifestation of their inner-most desires and their true personality extending outward to affect and warp their reality and rearrange it to their tastes. The concept of their own self, persona, and culminated experiences are all contained within their Atman, which becomes the crux of their entire existence. In simpler terms, those who attain Enlightenment become their own personal Truth made manifest in reality, causing them to become pure and true embodiments of who they actually are.


Skills are quite self-explanatory. They are the attacks, spells, and magics people use as tools for their own reasons. It's a broad term, containing not just mana- or prana-based attacks, but also all forms of physical, mental, and spiritual techniques. Nearly everyone in Ark has skills, from the humans to the gods. They can be learned through training, hard work, and prosperity, or absorbed or stolen via the usage of other skills, or even directly inscribed into one's soul via other special skills. They often become stronger through constant use and may evolve depending on certain factors. There are also infinite possibilities for what skills could be; whether it's a secret sword technique, sacred magic, or spells that break the laws of the world, all are classified under this term. However, a skill will never be more than just a skill, a tool, attack, or ability that requires one to have conscious thought (Hence the name active skill), and hence they are limited in that regard.


Passives, otherwise known as Passive Skills, are, simply put, skills that are always active, whether or not the user performs them consciously. While they have many of the same uses, effects, and requirements as (active) Skills, they are on every second of every day. For instance, while a fireball attack would be considered an "active" skill, a person who naturally radiates fire would be someone with a passive skill. These abilities can be quite overwhelming for some of the lower-tiers in Ark given that many stronger people have multiple passive skills which may instantly kill those weaker than them. As for their exact precision and speed, all passives can take effect within a nonexistent value of time.


Traits are unique characteristics inscribed into someone's soul that separate them from the other people in Ark. They often come with their own benefits, detriments, strengths, and weaknesses, and can even contain special abilities reminiscent of those in "active" and passive skills - such as traits that give people a boost in strength, mana, or even those that grant active or passive skills. The traits someone inherits are directly based on their own soul, their upbringing, and their antecedents, including things like the species they end up as, their personality, and their environment. People gain traits over time but usually, stop when they reach full maturity.

GRIMARK Characters[]

MEGA's Story[]

The main GRIMARK storyline, following the life of MEGA—a reincarnated shark that hopes to progress the world to its apex.

The Cosmic Triumvirate is the main trio of MEGA's storyline, including himself, his lover Paraco, and their friend Ophis. Each of them represents one of the fundamental forces responsible for holding creation together.

The Cosmic Triumvirate
Electromagnetism Nuclear Interaction Gravity
MEGA link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
Overlord Grandmaster of Domination, Almighty God of Boundless Will Absolute Immortal Goddess of Perfect and Eternal Restoration The One Above All, Empress of Chaos and Devourer of the Stars
MEGA Paraco Ophis

Due to their immense power and influence, the triumvirate has garnered a host of followers, subordinates, and worshipers who accompany them on their ventures.

Followers of the Triumvirate
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"Authority of the Flow" "Great Spirit of Darkness" "The Executioner Moth"
Aether Astral Runa Myrme Ossas

Pillars of Gold
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} Azariah
"The Golden Empress" "The Space Valkyrie" "Chaosmos Pandemonium"
Cashonah Aries Azariah

Apostles of God
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
Gunner Prototype Agent

The Cosmic Triumvirate was briefly banished to the Limbo realm due to a problem in their meta-narrative that prevented them from progressing in the story. The System used this opportunity to educate them on their real positions in the world, providing a series of challenges for them to reawaken their will and proceed in their purposes.

Limbo Monstrosities
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"The Evolution God" "Controller of Stories" "The Blood Queen"
Aparajita Zenareigna Agana

The Battle Intelligence Agency (BIA) was a secondary-antagonistic force that aimed to turn MEGA, Paraco, and Ophis into batteries as fuel for their future experiments in the Demon Nation of Qlipso.

The Esoterics
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"Man of Progress" "The Harem King" "Winner of the
World's Heart"
Koitern Harak W

link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"Root of All Nothingness" "Demon of Distortion" "Ruler of the Dark World"
Veselka Rue Cecilia Alkmene

Minor Antagonists
Bellion, the Ancient Dragon
"The Azure Dragon"

Nora's Story[]

Main Cast
Nora Brynhildr Almace Alcatraz link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"Brynhildr's Ward" "Cat of the Doctrine of
"The Wine Addict" "The Queen of All
Piranha Plants"
Nora Brynhildr Almace Alcatraz Iris Aculeus Pira Venus
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"Uncrowned Undefeated
"Quality Mage"
Emmel Vier Rudra Charles


Reina's Story[]

Reina's Harem
Reina Solaris Sloane Rhiannon link={{{articlename}}}
"Queen of the Stars" "The Ultimate Glazer" "The Limbo Dragon" "The Worst Character"
Reina Solaris Sloane Rhiannon Uni

Original Ark Characters[]

Guild Parties[]

Acolytes of Bloodlust
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"God of Apocalypse
The Ending Star"
"Endless Witch
The Singularity"
"The Immortal Servant" "Embodiment of Skill"
Phoenix Runihura Valentina Runihura Xena Runihura Umami
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"Imperial Advisor" "Embodiment of Sleep" "The Demon Cow" "Embodiment of Lust"
Astarte Ishtar Aisha Ishtar Daiki Petrish Yumi Sanchez
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"The Shadow Dragon" "Torch of the
Ending Star"
"The Breaking Giant" "Princess of Duality"
Sonya Braga Emerald Rodrigeuz Devi Victoria Luna

Vagabond Aegis
Koji Komatsu Azalea Aculeus Sakura Izayoi Hanami Izayoi
"Dismal Vagabond" "Submerged Alchemist" "Sword Saint" "Shrine Maiden"
Koji Komatsu Azalea Aculeus Sakura Izayoi Hanami Izayoi

Memento Mori
Embla Feuerdrache Shirayuki Honokami Red Magdaros Caelum Izayoi Pandora Izayoi
Lord of Origin Sage of Nonpolarity Scarlet Genesis Stellar Luminance Lunar Avarice
Embla Feuerdrache Shirayuki Honokami Red Magdaros Caelum Izayoi Pandora Izayoi

Cynthia Radell Adori Jahad Will Hitsugaya
"Imperial Demon Lord
of Consciousness"
"Needle Goddess" "Ice Serpent"
Cynthia Radell Adori Jahad Will Hitsugaya

Fuck Off
Lyn Lapid Phreno Uchiha Jaymes Haven Sachi Haven
Lyn Lapid Phreno Uchiha Jaymes Haven Sachi Haven
Xeno Sigilis Ryno Davinci Kavya Level Irino Sora
Xeno Sigilis Ryno Davinci Kavya Level Irino Sora

Imperial Summit[]

Great Sages
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
"Great Sage of Heaven" "Great Sage of Truth"
Sun Wukong Ichika Nanahara

Yomotsu Hirasaka
Mizore Honokami Jun Honokami
"The Yang Princess" "Flash Guardian"
Mizore Ferre Jun Honokami

Black Fox Tea Party
Lilia Asphodel-Ferre Bel Asphodel link={{{articlename}}} Chiyo Kurokami
"The Yin Princess" "Ward of Luna" "Frigid Handmaiden" "Princess of Kurokami"
Lilia Ferre Bel Asphodel Kyoka Honokami Chiyo Kurokami

Laws of the World[]

The Consentes Dii
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
-Law of Apex-
-Law of Value-
-Law of Subjugation-
-Law of Origin-
Zwei Harvard Cash Vargas Michelle Ferre
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
-Law of Lunacy-
-Law of War-
-Law of Consumption-
-Law of Eventuality-
Lailah Joseph Ferre Cortez Enviernia
link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}} link={{{articlename}}}
-Law of Cosmos-
-Law of Stasis-
-Law of Conscious-
-Law of End-
Anastasia Thetis Bryson Rosa Ferre

The World Administrator
"The System"

The Ark Collection by Phoenks
The World Arkane PhysiologyReincarnate PhysiologySpecies EncyclopediaCosmology Explanation
The Cosmic Triumvirate MEGA • Paraco • Ophis
Plutumeta, the Golden Empire Cashonah • Aries • Azariah
Vagabond's Aegis Koji Komatsu • Sakaya Komatsu • Azalea AculeusSakura Izayoi • Hanami Izayoi
Nora's Storyline Almace AlcatrazNora Brynhildr
Others Bellion, the Ancient Dragon
  1. The "Form of You," is an Ark concept taking from the philosophy and theory of forms. It is the "perfect, abstract, and universal" idea of who you are as an individual in the Ark Collection.
  2. This is in direct reference to Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The body/vessel one takes in the physical plane is the "shadow" (representation) of what the Soul really is.