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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Tesura Nachillemorac is one of the main protagonists of an on-going roleplay known as Lost Inferno. She is a denizen of the Underworld or what many people would call a 'Demon,' born out of the current ruling leaders of the Underworld in her time. Caught in a war between the inhabitants of the Higher Realms, she would be thrown into the Middle Layer and forced to try and find a way back.


Tesura is interesting, even when compared to the rest of her brethren. Although demons are meant to be shifting physical manifestations as aspects of a concept, Tesura maintains a physical and constant form. This form is that of a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes along with fair skin. That being said, this form is quite muscular with her thighs and biceps being the main focus. Even under all of her clothing is a six-pack. Seeing as she's nearly six-feet tall, she is quite an intimidating figure and this is accompanied by her aloof atittude. It is quite ironic that her solid form continues to wear clothing as underneath it all are dozens upon dozens of scars from various battles, scuffles, and outright wars. An aspect that draws a lot of attention is actually her blue eyes. These eyes are almost soulless, and yet, they are piercing enough to stare into one's very soul. Sometimes, it is said that they reflect or trap the skies themselves.

Her form wears a black snow coat that despite being ripped up numerous times, always is back in prime condition. The small bits of fluff on the neck of the coat can be used as a makeshift scarf, though it has only been used when traversing through the wastelands of Gluttony. Pinned to the coat on the right arm are gold stripes meant to show how many battles she has won. But on the left are silver stripes, which indicate how many battles she has lost. The last object pinned to her coat is just below the breast pocket, being a gold pin that depicts two swords crossing. Underneath the coat is a simple white polo shirt accompanied with a black tie. Last is a black skirt with a pair of black shorts underneath, along with black stockings and boots. But much like her eyes, there is one last piece that brings the most attention, a pair of black fingerless gloves. Made out of a strange material seemingly acting like leather, at the ends of the finger columns are metal rings. Alongside this are metallic pads placed where the knuckles are. But placed on where the back of the hand should be is a glass ball containing a strange yet amorphous substance floating around within it. Present for both gloves, this glass is seemingly unbreakable as nothing was able to break it as of yet.


Coming from the Underworld, Tesura is someone who is detached from humanity and its concepts as a whole. Thanks to this, she gives off this feeling of isolation from the world and can be seen as someone quiet and aloof. Furthermore, thanks to the concept she is an aspect of, she can be seen as a cold and calculating individual. She sees everything as a form of war and combat, and thanks to this angle, is a rather intelligent entity. It is one of the main reasons why she became the general of the Demon Army. But despite all of this, she hungers for combat and a good fight as it is still in her nature. When in combat and facing challenge, she is seen to be quite excited and enjoying the flow of the fight. Although seeing it as a part of her, Tesura naturally buries this aspect of herself as she sees it as a bit annoying. As said earlier, she is quite intelligent and this is in thanks to her curious nature. This curious nature can often distract her as she constantly wants to learn new things and understand them. It is especially true when she landed in the Middle Layer, being confused by humanity before it quickly turning into curiosity. More than anything, it would seem that she simply doesn't understand emotions all that well.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: High 6-B, higher with Breaking Limits

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (Type 2), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8), Regeneration (Mid: Was able to regenerate from the entire left side of her body, including her head, being destroyed), Enhanced Senses and Extrasensory Perception (Demons are entities that have vastly enhanced senses to the point of them being able to "sniff and hear thoughts." Capable of seeing spiritual entities such as Wraiths and Ghosts along with sensing life-force and aura), Non-Physical Interaction (Capable of interacting with spiritual entities and information), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3: Demons do not require any sleep, food, or rest as they are quasi-spiritual entities), Acausality (Type 4: Demons naturally reject the Providence of Causality, which controls time, space, probability, cause, effect, and fate), Shapeshifting (Demons constantly shift and change their bodily structure through how their aspect is perceived), Martial Arts (Is skilled in a multitude of martial arts), limited Soul Manipulation (Can damage one's aura, which is a metaphysical radiation the soul gives off), Fear Manipulation (Her aura instills fear), Accelerated Development (Battle, Training; Physical Statistics and Intelligence: Her strength consistently rises when in the midst of combat and in meditation. Can develop techniques and master others with a glance), Pressure Points (Can target and strike a targets' pressure points or use them on herself), Statistics Amplification (Breaking Limits can increase her strength and speed), Pain Manipulation (Via striking pressure points, can either null pain or make it immense), Paralysis Inducement (Via pressure points), Darkness Manipulation (Generates a unique form of darkness that she can manipulate), Energy Manipulation, Deconstruction, limited Chaos Manipulation (Can project beams made out of 'chaotic energy' that can disintegrate targets upon contact), Shockwave Generation (Her punches and kicks are capable of creating shockwaves and sonic booms), Afterimage Creation (Could create afterimages when she moves fast enough)

Resistance to Corrosion Inducement, Corruption (Type 3), Soul Manipulation, Existence Erasure, and Death Manipulation (Can survive the environment of the Underworld, which corrodes and corrupts the soul to the point of death or erasure), Temperature Manipulation (Unharmed by the immense heat of Greed or the below zero temperatures of Gluttony), Air Manipulation (Could stand in Lust just fine, despite the air being dangerous to breathe or be in contact with), Perception Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation (Unaffected by Lust's illusions, which tricks the senses), Blood Manipulation (Her blood was unable to be drained by the River Styx), Bone Manipulation (Resisted her entire skeleton being pulled out of her), Fear Manipulation (Can be in the presence of the Fear Demon just fine), Life Manipulation (Her life-force was unable to be pulled away from her), Madness Manipulation (Types 1, 2, and 3: Stood in the presence of the Darkness Demon, whose mere presence collapses the sanity of others. Unaffected by the Red Orb, which grants madness both biologically and metaphysically), Matter Manipulation (Molecular: As a Demon's molecular structure is two-thirds spiritual, they are unable to be affected by molecular manipulation), Mind Manipulation (The Red Orb was unable to do anything to her, which can alter and warp the mind), Memory Manipulation (Her memories were unable to be altered), Possession (Was unable to be possessed by Ghosts or Wraiths), Pain Manipulation (Can withstand massive amounts of pain), Morality Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation (Unaffected by Wrath, which makes everyone in its layer violent and murderous), Sleep Manipulation (Heresy was unable to put her to sleep), Alternate Future Display (Unable to be affected by Fraud, which shows alternative futures), Paralysis Inducement (Was able to move around in Treachery, despite movement itself being paralyzed), Petrification (Unaffected by Treachery, which turns people into stone), Poison Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Disease Manipulation (Could converse with the Disease Demon just fine, whose breathe is so potent that it is an acid that can poison others to the point of death), limited Deconstruction and Chaos Manipulation (Can survive her family's chaotic energy for a short time), Darkness Manipulation (Her Rent Darkness is a darkness that can't be manipulated conventionally. Was able to survive and see within the Darkness Devil's strongest attacks which is the darkness of the Abyss), Curse Manipulation (Unaffected by a Wraith's curse), Magma Manipulation (Unharmed by Greed's magma), Telekinesis (Type 1: Resisted being telekinetically thrown around), Absorption (Could resist herself being absorbed), BFR (Was unable to be teleported away from combat), Transmutation (Resisted being transmuted), Unholy Manipulation (Unaffected by the energy of the Underworld)

Attack Potency: Large Country Level (Could compete with and defeat Ignis, who is far more powerful than the Fire Demons who are capable of reducing Japan to nothing but a scar on the ocean floor [5.084 Petatons]), higher with Breaking Limits (Breaking Limits multiplies the user's power and speed)

Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Was able to dodge a bolt of lightning that moved from the Earth's surface to the edge of its exosphere in a couple seconds [Mach 7,288]), higher with Breaking Limits

Lifting Strength: Class T (Was able to hold up a mountain that was tossed onto her with somewhat ease)

Striking Strength: Large Country Level, higher with Breaking Limits

Durability: Large Country Level

Stamina: Superhuman. Could continuously fight in prime and peak condition despite being near-death on multiple occasions, shrugged off her entire left side being blown off and continued to fight. Fought for millennia in a war against the angels and was still not tired in the slightest. Was capable of using Breaking Limits multiple times despite it draining immense amounts of energy each time it is used.

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with abilities

Standard Equipment:

  • Silent Hope: A pair of fingerless gloves that she wears and is the most prominent piece of clothing she wears. In reality, these gloves are what help contain and channel a unique substance she generates that is called Rent Darkness. Whatever these gloves are made of, they are incredibly durable to the point where nothing is capable of breaking it in what has been introduced so far.

Intelligence: Although she is rather intelligent, above average for Demons, she isn't that well-versed in human concepts when it comes to emotions. However, she excels in things regarding combat, especially martial arts. She is extremely skilled in it with keen battle instincts, and was even capable of copying techniques only after seeing them once. She also seems to be rather well-versed in human anatomy as she is capable of using acupuncture and pressure points.

Weaknesses: Doesn't have finesse control over her abilities, which often makes her fight in melee combat. Royal energy can become wild and rampant, tearing apart her body from the inside out. Breaking Limits drains immense amounts of stamina and energy each time it is used and has a time limit, which causes a rebound of pain and damage when it runs out. Rent Darkness can overload itself and damage her. Denizens of the Underworld are weak against energies of the Higher Realms to the point their immortality and regeneration are nullified.


  • Was able to fight against and match Demons in skill who fought since the beginning of Time.
  • Her aura was so potent that it was capable of stopping multiple people in their tracks.
  • Capable of producing and mastering new techniques in the midst of combat.
  • Could master a technique that was honed over the course of a dozen years with a single glance at it.
  • With pure speed alone, her kicks and punches are capable of creating shockwaves and sonic booms.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Demonic Physiology: Denizens of the Underworld all share the same physiology, being quasi-spiritual beings in nature. As such, their molecular structure is fundamentally different from humanity, being one-third physical and two-thirds spiritual. This allows them superhuman strength, speed, durability, and regenerative factor. But the most intriguing part is how they are tied to a certain aspect of a concept. Thanks to this, they will simply reform themselves somewhere in the Underworld if their body was to ever be destroyed. Still, an Underworld Denizen's form is in a constant state of flux due to humanity's perception of their aspect. Tesura stands out from the rest as somehow, she keeps a solid and stable form, a constant.

Rent Darkness: Rent Darkness is a strange form of darkness that is constantly generated by Tesura, unique and only allowed to be manipulated by her. She commonly uses this darkness as a weapon in order to form various constructs such as spears and shields. However, she does need to use it often unless she generates too much and the substance in question becomes rampant, making her unable to control it and damage herself in the process. Currently, without her gloves, she is unable to control Rent Darkness on its own.

Royalborn: As the child of the two ruling leaders of the Underworld, Tesura gained their unique ability. Namely, the chaotic energy that they both wield, with it taking form as black and red bolts of lightning. This strange form of energy is clad in chaos magic, tearing away at the landscape around it and disintegrating targets in an instant upon contact. However, this violent form of energy is unable to be controlled by the wielder in question currently. As such, this energy only damages herself in turn whenever she uses it. It can even go so far as to shortcircuit her regeneration.

  • Corkscrew Punch: By twisting her fist slightly, the air around the fist begins to turn in on itself, creating a piercing wind that can make the opponent spin as a result of it striking.
  • Consecutive Corkscrew: A variation of the corkscrew punch which is simply a barrage of corkscrew punches.
  • Spin Kick: This kick most often comes when the wielder is dodging an attack, allowing them to use the momentum of their body by digging their foot into the ground, creating an almost central point that allows the wielder to spin on. This creates a kick that puts the entire force of the body into one kick.
  • Afterimage Kick: As it sounds like, the afterimage kick creates a multitude of afterimages from the wielder's own speed infused into their own legs, confusing their opponent as the real kicks are hidden among the afterimages.
  • Front Kick: Much like the front kick used in taekwondo or karate, this is a simple kick upwards with a straightened leg.
  • Unstable Kick: The wielder puts all of their force into a kick onto the ground, destroying the surroundings around them to create an unstable environment.
    • Unstable Kick, Version 2: After improving upon the technique, Tesura was able to create a kick that combined with its afterimage to create two variations of a kick to the head, making the opponent unstable instead of the ground.
  • Meteor Punch: A punch that moves as fast as a meteor and certainly acts like one, moving so fast that it catches on fire and punches as hard as one.
  • Breakneck: By infusing one's speed into their entire body, they can create movement that breaks the sound barrier and sending out multiple air pressurized attacks.
  • Phoenix Dance: By moving incredibly fast, the wielder becomes a near tornado of fire and infusing it into their attacks, allowing them to practically become like a phoenix.
  • Acupressure: The basics and fundamental foundation of pressure points gained by Tesura during her time in the Underworld. These techniques allow for the manipulation of either her own body or the bodies of her targets. This can either result in nullifying pain or amplifying strength.
    • Suspense: By hitting multiple pressure points on an opponent's body, the wielder can paralyze the opponent's various body parts or the entire body.
    • Clotting: Utilizing the pressure points in a body, the wielder is able to create blood clots and make it swell to the point of exploding, causing immense damage.
    • Nullification: A technique used by striking one's pressure point either on or near the heart, nullifying all senses of pain.
    • Breaking Limits: The most notable technique in Tesura's arsenal, gained after her fight against the Demon of Strength. This technique is mainly used by pressing down on the pressure point on the center of her palm. With this, she gains an amplification in strength and speed through multipliers. The most common use is using it to increase her power twofold, but she can continuously raise it without no seeming end. However, the main issue is that the greater the multiplier, the more it drains her stamina. After her body can no longer keep up with Breaking Limits, it results in a "rebound" of sorts, causing an immense amount of pain and damage to come onto herself.
