Art by Dante Liu
“ | As Above, So Below...an interesting phrase used by occultists. How false it is, and yet, there is one thing they have gotten right. Harmony. For it is the great law of nature. | „ |
Terra Wren is one of the minor characters in Before the Sable Dawn, the titular superweapon of the Roots of Yggdrasil, it is a towering spirit of the forest and nature. Personally crafted by Khadir and molded from the roots of the World Tree itself, it is one of the most powerful entities in the mystical world, second only to beings like Dumah and Tiamat.
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: At least 6-C
Name: Terra Wren
Origin: Before the Sable Dawn
Age: At least 20 years old (Is said to be at least two decades old)
Classification: Earthen Homunculus, Natural Superweapon
Gender: None
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity (Was said to be able to live past civilizations and be a nigh-ageless being), Immortality (Types II, III, IV, VIII, and IX), Regeneration (Up to Mid-Godly) (Terra's true form exists in tandem with Khadir's own mind and is even capable of recreating itself from nothing but its history alone), Enhanced Senses and Extrasensory Perception (Its senses allow it to hear even a pin drop from across cities. Capable of seeing spiritual and abstract entities), Non-Physical Interaction and Durability Negation (Capable of damaging one's history specifically), Body Control, Natural Weaponry (Can break apart its body and create its own weapons made out of materials from the earth), Elemental Manipulation (Water, Earth, Electricity, Air, Weather) (Its mere presence is capable of causing natural disasters in its wake such as tidal waves, thunderstorms, and tornadoes that are even capable of threatening Nahum), Perception Manipulation (Its appearance is never fluid and always changes due to fit and match the perception of others), Abstract Existence (Type II) (Is a physical manifestation of the history of the earth and ground), limited Conceptual Manipulation (Type II), Fate Manipulation, and Information Manipulation (Type II) (Through seeing the fundamental foundation of each individual's existence, it can subtly manipulate it in varying ways), limited Power Nullification (Its presence renders Reasoning near impossible)
Resistance to Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, and Memory Manipulation (Its soul, mind, and memories are stored within Khadir's own spirit, thus making conventional alterations impossible), Radiation Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation (Unaffected by the vacuum of space), Spatial Manipulation (Could stand in the presence of Nahum without any issues), Biological Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, and Organic Manipulation (Due to being conceptually tied to the earth itself, attempts to manipulate its biology or organic structure is repelled on a conceptual level. Does not have any blood to manipulate), Conceptual Manipulation (Type I), Light Manipulation, and Magic (Its presence makes Reasoning fail, making it nigh-impossible to harm it with such)
Attack Potency: At least Island Level+ (Considered to be one of the most powerful entities within the mystical world, second only to beings such as Dumah and Tiamat)
Speed: FTL (Comparable to beings like Nahum and Dumah)
Lifting Strength: At least Class M
Durability: At least Island Level+
Stamina: Nigh-Limitless. Terra draws upon the conceptual energies of the earth itself, making its energy and endurance nigh-limitless.
Range: Tens of Kilometers
Standard Equipment: None Notable
Intelligence: Gifted (As the very herald of the earth itself, Terra is said to be on-par with Khadir in terms of intelligence and would've been able to remember each civilization that rose and fell in the entire history of the world itself)
Weaknesses: Does not often engage in combat and often depends on its mere presence alone to drive away battles.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Herald of Gaia: As a weapon crafted by the very earth and the leader of the Roots of Yggdrasil, Terra is undeniably one of the most powerful superweapons created in the history of the mystical world. Its presence alone is enough to cause natural disassters in its wake, earthquakes are formed, tornadoes ravage opponents, and tidal waves sweep across cities. Such is powerful enough to even threaten beings like Nahum, who would normally not have been affected by the waters of such. In addition, Terra represents the will of the earth as its herald, making it conceptually tied to its history and rejecting the use of Reasoning entirely. Thus making it almost impossible to use Reasoning when around it.